Consegne e notizie sugli A380


Socio AIAC 2025
Utente Registrato
19 Giugno 2007
Dubai, UAE
Importante rivoluzione a bordo degli A380 di Emirates

Complete inflight connectivity solution to be installed on Emirates’ flagship Airbus A380 aircraft

Geneva, Switzerland, 20 July 2010 – Emirates and OnAir today announced an agreement to install full Mobile OnAir and Internet OnAir in-flight passenger communications services on their Airbus A380 aircraft fleet. All 90 of the flagship, double-decker aircraft operating on long-haul intercontinental routes will be equipped with the system
This will allow passengers to use their mobile phones, smart phones and BlackBerrytm devices onboard Emirates A380 aircraft to make voice calls, send SMS text messages or utilise data services wirelessly to their iPodtm, iPhonetm , iPadtm and laptops equipped with GPRS modems.
The first OnAir-equipped Emirates Airbus 380 will come into service in June 2012.
Emirates will commence installation of the OnAir connectivity features on its A380 aircraft at the beginning of 2011, allowing passengers to access the internet via WIFI on personal portable devices such as laptops, smartphones and mobile telephones. Mobile OnAir along with Inmarsat uses the industry’s most advanced and extensive infrastructure for mobile communications, providing Emirates passengers global connectivity. “Emirates inflight entertainment system is a consistent global award winner and we are constantly looking to enhance the services we provide to our passengers,” stated Tim Clark, President Emirates Airline. “Our decision to install a full set of in-flight connectivity services is part of our on-going effort to provide customers with the real-time access to information that they demand.”
“Emirates have established themselves as pioneers of in-flight connectivity. We are very proud that after rigorous evaluation, they have chosen OnAir technology for their flagship aircraft fleet,” said Ian Dawkins, CEO of OnAir. “In choosing SwiftBroadband technology, Emirates benefit from a powerful platform combining cockpit and cabin communications – and one that offers further evolution into the future, should market demand require.”
Emirates passengers will be able to stay connected in-flight using their own mobile phones or smartphones to make and receive phone calls, send and receive text messages and emails, and access the Internet. Using the Internet OnAir service, passengers will be able to access the Internet just as they do on the ground by connecting their laptops via wireless connection.
OnAir has operated more than 120,000 fully connected flights to date to over 300 cities operating to 75 countries across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa and has signed agreements with more than 25 customers worldwide.
OnAir also serves corporate jets, private VIP and Governmental customers.

Source: onair (via internal press release)

Vedremo se ci sara' un "effetto nell'effetto A380", spostando i passeggeri verso EK che offrira' un servizio quasi indispensabile oggi giorno a bordo dei propri velivoli...


Socio AIAC 2025
Utente Registrato
19 Giugno 2007
Dubai, UAE
Korean Air Seeks 50% of Sales From Premium Classes on A380s

Korean Air Lines Co. intends to get 50 percent of passenger revenue from premium classes by 2019 as it adds new planes and challenges Singapore Airlines Ltd. and Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. for business travelers.

“We’re aiming to become a real luxury carrier,” President Chi Chang Hoon, 57, said in an
interview in Seoul yesterday. Business and first-class cabins accounted for about 20 percent of passenger sales last year, he said.

South Korea’s largest airline plans to expand premium- class sales after forecasting a record firsthalf operating profit on rebounding passenger and cargo demand. The airline is counting on the 10 Airbus SAS A380s and 10 Boeing Co. 787s it’s scheduled to receive from next year and service improvements to help lure corporate fliers.
“Ever-increasing competition from low-cost carriers means Korean has to look for a bigger share from premium classes,” said Park Euk Kyung, an analyst at Samsung Securities Co. in Seoul.

“Still, it will be tough to compete with Singapore Air and Cathay Pacific as their home markets are more business-travel focused.”

Korean Air plans to fit 100 first and business-class seats on its A380s, all of which will be on the upper-deck, Chi said. Singapore Air has 60 business class seats on the upper-deck of its A380s with 12 first-class cabins on the lower level.

Cabin Upgrades

Seoul-based Korean Air is overhauling premium-class cabins on existing planes and improving services, Chi said, without elaboration. The airline’s first-class offering has a 4-star rating from research company Skytrax. Singapore Air, which gets about 40 percent of passenger sales from premium cabins, and Cathay both have 5 stars.
Korean Air rose 1.3 percent to close at 78,100 won in Seoul, compared with the key Kospi index’s 0.7 percent gain. The airline has advanced 42 percent this year, the fourth- best performance among the 30 stocks in the Bloomberg World Airlines Index.

The Seoul-based carrier will probably beat its 10.6 trillion won full-year sales target and meet its 1 trillion won operating profit goal, Chi said. In the first half, the carrier probably had an operating profit of 570 billion won ($473 million) compared with a 149.4 billion won loss a year earlier, Chi said, citing preliminary figures. Sales rose about 25 percent, Chi said.

Based on those figures, the airline probably made a second-quarter operating profit of 350 billion won, beating the 252.7 billion won average of 16 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Chi declined to comment on second- quarter numbers.

Rising Traffic

The airline expects full-year passenger traffic to rise about 10 percent, triple an April forecast, Chi said. Nationwide international passenger numbers jumped 20 percent in the first half to a record 19.2 million, according to the transport ministry. Cargo shipments surged 23 percent to 1.78 million tons.

“Demand is growing a lot faster than we were seeing in the first quarter and it’s gaining speed,” Chi said. Planned fare increases on flights to the Americas, Europe and Oceania from next month will boost yields, he said.

The airline’s cargo operations, the largest carrier of international air-freight, may also surpass the record volumes posted in 2007, Chi said. The government has forecast a 26.4 percent jump in exports this year as U.S. and European consumers snap up Samsung Electronics Co. 3D TVs and Apple Inc. iPads.

The global economic recovery should sustain cargo yields, a measure of revenue, for the rest of the year even as other carriers return freighters to service, Chi said.
Asian carriers are likely to post their first industry profit in three years this year as the region rebounds faster from the global recession than the U.S. and Europe, according to the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines. The region’s carriers lost $11 billion in the past two years, the group said.

“Both the passenger and cargo demand have been exceptionally strong this year,” said Lee Ki Myung, an analyst at Kyobo AXA Investment Managers Co., which manages $4.5 billion worth of assets. “Still, the pace of growth and yield increase will inevitably wane from the second half.”



Socio AIAC 2025
Utente Registrato
19 Giugno 2007
Dubai, UAE
Lufthansa Group profits from recovery in demand and cost discipline

Tutto l'articolo qui:

Per quanto riguarda l'A380:

..."There is a noticeable recovery in First and Business Class bookings in the passenger business and the revenue from long-haul traffic. A good example of this is our A380 with the new First Class, which has had an excellent load factor in all classes since entering scheduled service on the Frankfurt–Tokyo route".


Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
10 Febbraio 2008
Segnalo che è stato consegnato il quarto esemplare ad AF, mentre domani dovrebbe essere consegnato il 12 ad EK, e verso fine mese il terzo a LH. Gli esemplari in servizio per fine mese dovrebbero quindi essere 36.


Utente Registrato
30 Giugno 2009
Mamma mia, del secondo esemplare consegnato ad AF lo sapevo, ma ignoravo che fossero arrivati già a 4...Però il bello è quando c'è la novità, già sapere che ce ne sono così tanti li fanno perdere il fascino...
Ma quanti esemplari vengono prodotti all'anno attualmente???


Socio AIAC 2025
Utente Registrato
19 Giugno 2007
Dubai, UAE
Mamma mia, del secondo esemplare consegnato ad AF lo sapevo, ma ignoravo che fossero arrivati già a 4...Però il bello è quando c'è la novità, già sapere che ce ne sono così tanti li fanno perdere il fascino...
Ma quanti esemplari vengono prodotti all'anno attualmente???
Quest'anno dovrebbero essere più di 20. Il piano prevede di arrivare a 48 nel 2012 (in ritardo rispetto alle previsioni ma ultimamente stiamo dando una bella accelerata).


Socio AIAC 2025
Utente Registrato
19 Giugno 2007
Dubai, UAE
Anche venderne 48 all'anno non credo sia facilissimo, sbaglio?
Sto parlando di produzione. Il backlog ad oggi e' di 200 aerei, destinato ad aumentare ovviamente. Quando la produzione sara' a regime ci sara' sicuramente un portafoglio d'ordini ben piu' cospicuo e vedrai che la capacita' produttiva sara' sicuramente adeguata.


Staff Forum
14 Agosto 2009
Sto parlando di produzione. Il backlog ad oggi e' di 200 aerei, destinato ad aumentare ovviamente. Quando la produzione sara' a regime ci sara' sicuramente un portafoglio d'ordini ben piu' cospicuo e vedrai che la capacita' produttiva sara' sicuramente adeguata.
Per un mezzo come l'A 380, un backlog di 200 aerei ad oggi mi sembra un risultato ottimo: è in linea con le attese di Airbus?

TW 843

Senior Member
6 Novembre 2005
Azionista LibertyLines
Ma il break-even passato da 270 a 420 unità e poi rivisto da Gallois in periodo pre-crisi a "non prima del 2020" e ora ufficialmente segreto di stato perché in EADS hanno l'ordine di non rispondere a questa domanda, ci sarà mai un giorno oppure no?


Socio AIAC 2025
Utente Registrato
19 Giugno 2007
Dubai, UAE
Ma il break-even passato da 270 a 420 unità e poi rivisto da Gallois in periodo pre-crisi a "non prima del 2020" e ora ufficialmente segreto di stato perché in EADS hanno l'ordine di non rispondere a questa domanda, ci sarà mai un giorno oppure no?
Come ben sai e come da me postato tempo fa, il BEP cambia nel tempo a seconda del prezzo a cui si vende l'aereo, negoziato di volta in volta, e dei costi di produzione che variano anch'essi nel tempo. Il BEP era cresciuto per la combinazione dei due fattori, variati in segno opposto tra loro rispetto alle previsioni attuali (e questo e' stato detto e ridetto nelle fonti pubbliche). Ultimamente pero' i costi sono diminuiti, come le ore necessarie alla produzione di ogni aereo. Tutto dipendera' dai prossimi contratti ma, a questo punto, il fattore determinante che fara' muovere l'asticella del BEP e' quasi esclusivamente il prezzo.

Per quanto riguarda la tua domanda: direi decisamente di si'. La direzione verso cui il mercato si sta muovendo e' molto chiara e la soddisfazione dei primi operatori dell'aereo spingera' per nuovi ordini di clienti esistenti e futuri. Alla lunga si venderanno piu' A380 di quanti 747 sono stati venduti fino ad ora e il BEP sara' abbondantemente superato.