Thread Boeing 787


Utente Registrato
7 Dicembre 2010
Ciao, sono stato alla Boeing a Everett, precisamente a Mukilteo, una settimana fa. Mi è stato detto che la consegna inizierà tra luglio a Settembre ovviamente di quest'anno. Vettore di lancio Air China, ne ho visti molti già con la loro livrea, oltre che Air India....etc etc l' oriente la fa da padrona:cool:


Utente Registrato
14 Novembre 2005
Ciao, sono stato alla Boeing a Everett, precisamente a Mukilteo, una settimana fa. Mi è stato detto che la consegna inizierà tra luglio a Settembre ovviamente di quest'anno. Vettore di lancio Air China, ne ho visti molti già con la loro livrea, oltre che Air India....etc etc l' oriente la fa da padrona:cool:
Ma il cliente di lancio non doveva essere ANA?

PS Se sei riuscito a rubare qualche foto sarebbero molto gradite...


Utente Registrato
7 Dicembre 2010
Cavolo è vero scusami si tratta di ANA. Le foto se vuoi posso solo mostrarti quelle dell' ingresso fabrica e dell' ingresso del Future of Flight, in quanto per il restante tour era assolutamente vietato avere cam cellulari etc etc
Comunque ne ho una dall' esterno dove si vede un 787 ANA di culo....strana coincidenza :)


Socio 2015
Utente Registrato
24 Luglio 2007
Molo Beverello - Napoli
ANA e Boeing stanno defininendo i dettagli per la consegna a cavallo tra Q2 e Q3.
A quanto pare è ufficiale, la prima consegna è prevista entro poco tempo!

Boeing aims to deliver the first 787 Dreamliner to All Nippon Airways (ANA) in August or September, following a test aircraft's maiden flight in Japan in July as part of a simulation of revenue operations.

The airframer will work with ANA to deploy the second flight test aircraft, ZA002, on flights within Japan during the week of 4 July to "simulate in-service operations across several airports in Japan in a service ready operational validation", said Boeing.

The flights are expected to be operated between Tokyo Haneda airport and airports in Osaka (both Itami and Kansai airports), Okayama and Hiroshima. Boeing said the flights will show the aircraft's "readiness to enter service on a commercial basis".

"We've put the airplane through its paces in a rigorous flight test program," said Scott Fancher, vice president and general manager of the 787 programme. "Now, as we get closer to first delivery, we'll prove out its capabilities and reliability in a revenue-like environment."

The airframer, which had said it was targeting first delivery in the third quarter following several delays to the 787 programme, said it plans to deliver the first aircraft to ANA in the "August to September timeframe".

ANA's president and CEO Shinichiro Ito said the carrier is "eager" to introduce the 787 to Japan. "Giving our employees the opportunity to gain experience with the airplane will help ensure a smoother entry into service later this year."

During the July validation, ANA's maintenance crews will also practise maintenance and servicing of the 787. "This will include typical ground servicing activities, fit checks of airplane jacks and maintenance hangar stands, towing and refueling the airplane, and other routine maintenance operations," said Boeing.


Video inoltre sulla pagine ufficiale del Boeing store


Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
JAL to start Boeing 787 service to Boston Apr 2012; Singapore planned for W11

oneWorld member JAL has announced its First Boeing 787-8 route to the general public. From 22APR12, it’ll launch 4 weekly Tokyo Narita – Boston service, increasing to Daily from 01JUN12. American Airlines will codeshare on this route.
Further, reported yesterday on 26MAY11 and not mentioned by the airline publicly, JAL plans to operate 787 service to Singapore in W11/12.
Schedules for Boston as follows:

JL008/AA5922 NRT1130 – 1120BOS 788 x246
JL007/AA5921 BOS1320 – 1600+1NRT 788 x246



Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
JAL Boeing 787-8 Partial Configuration

As per 28MAY11 GDS display, JAL has loaded Boeing 787-8 Configuration for Executive and Economy Class, simultaneously with the beginning of reservation for new Tokyo Narita – Boston route starting 22APR12.
Note only partial of the section is loaded. Configuration:

Executive Class 18 Seats (partial)
Rows 1 – 3
Layout AC – DG – HK
Economy 53 Seats (Only Partial section of Economy Class is displayed in Seat Map)
Rows 45 – 53
Layout AC – DG – HK
Row 45: AC – HK / Exit Row
Row 46: AC – DEG – HK
Row 45 – 51: Wing Section
Additional information will be announced by the airline regarding Boeing 787 as early as Monday 30MAY11.



Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
SOURCE:Flight International
Boeing shows off latest 787-10X concept
By Jon Ostrower

Boeing has revealed a new rendering of a larger-variant 787, designated the 787-10X, during an investor presentation. It appears shorter than the last rendering of the aircraft, the 787-10 unveiled in 2007, when the twinjet would have been optimised to supplant the 777-200ER with comparable range and payload. The new rendering suggests no stretch of the forward 41 Section built by Spirit AeroSystems. Commercial Airplanes chief Jim Albaugh said the new twinjet - a simple fuselage stretch of the 787-9 - will include 43 more seats than its smaller 270-seat sister.


Utente Registrato
18 Novembre 2010
Vedo che l'economy ha una comoda configurazione 2-4-2. E' una piacevole sorpresa. Molte compagnie purtroppo hanno optato per una più sacrificata 3-3-3.


Utente Registrato
24 Febbraio 2010
Vedo che l'economy ha una comoda configurazione 2-4-2. E' una piacevole sorpresa. Molte compagnie purtroppo hanno optato per una più sacrificata 3-3-3.
per la larghezza della fusoliera (uguale a quella del b777 mi pare) l' ideale è la 3-3-3 come configurazione però


Utente Registrato
18 Novembre 2010
per la larghezza della fusoliera (uguale a quella del b777 mi pare) l' ideale è la 3-3-3 come configurazione però
Non è così, il 787 ha una fusoliera più stretta: 5,46 metri di diametro interno contro i 5,87 del 777. Sono 41 cm di differenza, quasi un sedile da 17".


Utente Registrato
29 Maggio 2009
Scorzè (ve)
Mi sembre che la fila centrale sia "divisa in due" come se tutti i sedili,fossero installati due a due, cioè tra il posto E e F lo spazio sia maggiore che te D e E...


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
Kenya Airways confirms Boeing compensation for 787 delay

By Cathy Buyck | June 24, 2011

Kenya Airways received compensation from Boeing for the delay of its Dreamliners, although the amount does not fully cover the expenses associated with the delay, Group Finance Director Alex Mbugua told ATW on the sidelines of an investors briefing in Nairobi earlier this month.
KQ mid-April reached a settlement with Boeing on a new delivery schedule for nine Boeing 787-8s, and finalized a purchase agreement signed in 2006 after previously threatening to cancel the order over delays to the program (ATW Daily News, April 15). The 787s are part of the carrier's fleet modernization and expansion plan, and are slated to replace its aging 767s. Delivery of KQ's first two 787s was initially scheduled for October 2010; it now expects them to arrive in the fourth quarter of 2013, with the remaining seven in 2014 and 2015.
We received some compensation, in cash and in kind,” Mbugua confirmed. He declined to release specific details citing “confidentiality issues” but admitted the “compensation covers only part of the expanses we incurred owing to the three-year delay. No, we’re not happy about that.” The carrier calculated that the direct operating expenses owing to the delay, including upgrading of the interiors/IFE of the 767s, additional maintenance costs and the higher fuel burn of the 767 compared to the 787, amount to at least $300 million. “And this excludes the competitive and image impact,” he added.
KQ Group MD and CEO Titus Naikuni told investors he could not guarantee the KQ Dreamliners would be delivered in 2013, as foreseen in the settlement agreement. “We’re in the hands of Boeing on this one.” He said the delay had a negative effect on the carrier’s planned network expansion noting that “some routes that we wanted to open have to wait.”
KQ has not yet listed an engine selection for the 787s and intends to exercise options on four additional 787s “after the initial nine aircraft have been delivered.”


Utente Registrato
18 Novembre 2010
Mi sembre che la fila centrale sia "divisa in due" come se tutti i sedili,fossero installati due a due, cioè tra il posto E e F lo spazio sia maggiore che te D e E...
Pare di sì. Infatti la configurazione a 8 posti per fila è molto confortevole e permette di installare sedili da 19", oltre a qualche spazio "extra", come si vede. La configurazione 3-3-3, invece, è troppo densa: sedili da 17" al massimo e corridoi strettissimi.