Da a.net a jetphotos


Utente Registrato
4 Settembre 2011
Salve a tutti,

dopo l'ennesima incazzatura seguita all'ennesima presa per i fondelli durante lo screening (i dettagli li lasciamo perdere :) ), ho ben deciso di chiudere il mio account su a.net, cancellare tutte le foto e passare su qualche altro sito. Ora io ho gia una foto (LA FOTO :D:D) su jetphotos e pertanto vorrei sapere com'è il clima li...nel senso...sono pignoli e ipocriti come a.net? oppure sono più tranquilli?

Inoltre altri siti dove uploadare le foto? (ne conosco un pò, ma magari salta fuori qualche nome nuovo)

Tutte le vostre opinioni sono ben accette!


Utente Registrato
27 Dicembre 2009
JP.net è simile a A.net, anche se probabilmente è di manica più larga. Ciò detto anche lì ti capiterà di vederti rigettare foto con le motivazioni più assurde e a volte incomprensibili, anche se probabilmente con una frequenza inferiore ad A.net. Pecca di JP.net è però il mostruoso tempo di attesa per vedere processate le proprie foto, ormai ha superato i 15 giorni!


Utente Registrato
13 Luglio 2009
Salve a tutti,

dopo l'ennesima incazzatura seguita all'ennesima presa per i fondelli durante lo screening (i dettagli li lasciamo perdere :) ), ho ben deciso di chiudere il mio account su a.net, cancellare tutte le foto e passare su qualche altro sito. Ora io ho gia una foto (LA FOTO :D:D) su jetphotos e pertanto vorrei sapere com'è il clima li...nel senso...sono pignoli e ipocriti come a.net? oppure sono più tranquilli?

Inoltre altri siti dove uploadare le foto? (ne conosco un pò, ma magari salta fuori qualche nome nuovo)

Tutte le vostre opinioni sono ben accette!
Ciao, non posso che trovarmi daccordo con te. Proprio ieri gli ho scritto una mail mandandoli letteralmente a fare in c.... Avevo 3 foto di 737 in lista che mi erano stare rigettate perchè soft, le ho ricaricate senza toccarle e ieri le hanno rigettate tutte perchè oversharpened, quality, grain ed una anche level.
Roberto, il punto (secondo me...) non è avere le foto rigettate, ma le motivazioni assurde e molto spesso contrastanti che ti danno. E poi, se guardi le top 5 giornalemente ci trovi foto che non hanno nessun senso (ad es. interni di cabine) che se guardi la loro guida non dovrebbero essere accettate.
Sempre il mio personalissimo parere è che, se fai parte di un gruppo tipo AirTeamImages ti prendono le foto più insulse, se invece sei "nessuno" ti prendono per il culo e basta.
Comunque, giustamente, il sito è il loro e ci fanno quello che vogliono... io di farmi "giudicare" da una manica di lunatici, come ilpavone2004, non ne ho più voglia.
Purtroppo, JP ha dei tempi biblici, al momento circa 17 giorni.


Utente Registrato
4 Settembre 2011
Ciao, non posso che trovarmi daccordo con te. Proprio ieri gli ho scritto una mail mandandoli letteralmente a fare in c.... Avevo 3 foto di 737 in lista che mi erano stare rigettate perchè soft, le ho ricaricate senza toccarle e ieri le hanno rigettate tutte perchè oversharpened, quality, grain ed una anche level.
Roberto, il punto (secondo me...) non è avere le foto rigettate, ma le motivazioni assurde e molto spesso contrastanti che ti danno. E poi, se guardi le top 5 giornalemente ci trovi foto che non hanno nessun senso (ad es. interni di cabine) che se guardi la loro guida non dovrebbero essere accettate.
Sempre il mio personalissimo parere è che, se fai parte di un gruppo tipo AirTeamImages ti prendono le foto più insulse, se invece sei "nessuno" ti prendono per il culo e basta.
Comunque, giustamente, il sito è il loro e ci fanno quello che vogliono... io di farmi "giudicare" da una manica di lunatici, come ilpavone2004, non ne ho più voglia.
Purtroppo, JP ha dei tempi biblici, al momento circa 17 giorni.
Rispondo con un quote colossale! io ho avuto una foto rifiutata per contrast (con il messaggio personale di applicare meno contrasto). Faccio la modifica, la rimando ed è diventata blurry oversharpened e quant'altro...li non ci ho visto più. Siccome loro soprattutto con le immagini della gente comune, nel bene o nel male, ci fanno business...beh ora per quanto mi riguarda si attaccano. Posso accettare tutte le critiche che volete alle mie foto, ma non cose diametralmente opposte a distanza di 7 giorni. Ovviamente se ti chiami pippo-airteamimages o sei sam chui e via dicendo...beh questi problemi non ne hai. Posso tranquillamente documentare quante foto di questa gente non dovrebbero essere su quel db e ci sono lo stesso...
Detto questo JP mi sembra un bel casino...vabbe...ci penserò su...


Utente Registrato
13 Luglio 2009
per restare in tema di DB, puoi provare aviation air routes.it o qualcosa del genere...
tuttto italiano, fatto anche da ragazzi che scrivono in questo forum, forse un po' brigoso dare il nome ai file da caricare.... ma decisamente valido.



Utente Registrato
18 Aprile 2009
PSA Apron
per restare in tema di DB, puoi provare aviation air routes.it o qualcosa del genere...
tuttto italiano, fatto anche da ragazzi che scrivono in questo forum, forse un po' brigoso dare il nome ai file da caricare.... ma decisamente valido.

Stiamo lavorando per migliorarlo e migliorare sensibilmente il caricamento delle foto che, se tutto va bene, diventera' molto piu' semplice e sbrigativo. Grazie per l'apprezzamento al sito che e' frutto di tanta passione e tanta volonta'.


Utente Registrato
4 Settembre 2011
Dopo la richiesta di cancellare account e foto, ho ricevuto oggi la risposta dell'editor responsabile per questo tipo di richieste. La risposta ve la metto qui insieme alla mail mia di ritorno...vediamo se si smuove qualcosa :diavoletto:

Risposta dell'editor:
Dear Mattia,

I am sorry to hear that you would like to remove your photos from the database. I think every photo adds something to the database and it would be a shame to lose them, especially as you will have spent some time and effort editing and uploading them. 61 photos may not be a very large number compared to some of our uploaders, but many of them are very nice photographs indeed. They have obviously been enjoyed by many since being uploaded and I am sure they would continue to do so if you were to allow them to stay with us.

Before we begin the process, I would like to take the opportunity to ask you to reconsider your decision one last time. We do sometimes have photographers who experience an unfortunate time with us, such as a run of rejections, which leads to a snap decision to remove their photos that is later regretted. It is not unknown for a photographer to remove their photographs, only to change their mind at a later date and have to go through the whole upload and screening process again with their old photographs. It is with this scenario in mind, in particular, that I ask you to reconsider.

Please note that the removal of your photos also means the cancellation of your Free Photographer Account with its benefits. If you are a paid First Class or Premium Member, of course those accounts will not be cancelled.

If you are absolutely sure this is what you wish to do, let me know, but I hope I can change your mind.
Best regards,

Mia risposta:

Dear Jim,

first of all thank you for your reply and your time spent in this email. The real problem why i'd like to leave a.net is not because i had a run of rejection, but because i strongly think that the screening team doesn't do thei job in the way they should do. I absolutely know that all of these people work for free but it's also true that nobody told them to do this for free; said that what i noticed is the total miss of a common line between the screeners. I see TONS (yes tons) of photos that should be in the db (there are some of mine too), but they're. I've experienced different rejections reasons for the same photo almost without modifying it (the example i'm referring to is a photo on which i just changed the contrast as the screener asked for, and it became blurry, overshapened). This is ,for my idea and for the level that a.net wants from the photographers, totally unacceptable, because as the screeners spend time screening, i spend time editing according to what the screeners say. And if the screeners for the same photo once say A and the after 7 days they say B and C, then what should i do?Continue uploading?

Furthermore i have another example: is it possible that the screening team doesn't use calibrated monitors while screening? And then maybe they ask for perfect photos?

What about the settings on each monitor? Do you know that if you set sharpness to 100 instead of 50, you see all oversharpened and viceversa? Do we want to talk also about the quality of the monitor?

My real question here is: why we(photographers) have to comply with the rejection guide, and for the screeners there's nothing else than their eyes? I strongly think that a change in this direction is needed here (not meaning the people...even if i appealed the last photo asking for a reason and i didn't go any reply), in order to have a common line between all the screeners and a common quality in the database.

I'd really pleased to know you thoughts on that. I know i'm criticizing on a situation i don't know from inside, but this is what i see from outside.

Waiting for your reply,

Best regards,



Utente Registrato
13 Luglio 2009
cacchio Mattia, hai fatto benissimo! Io dopo l'ultima presa in giro hoscritto una mail mandadoli tutti letteralmente a fare in c... mi sono preso un ban fino al 5 gennaio 2012, allora gli ho riscritto dicendo che volglio chiudere il mio account e togliere tutte le foto... Adesso sono curioso di leggere la loro risposta.



Utente Registrato
4 Settembre 2011
Puntata numero 2! Ecco la risposta e la risposta alla risposta (rispondiamoci ma si!!!)

Hi Mattia,

Thanks for getting back in touch.

I know it can be difficult at times getting photographs past the Screeners. It's ok to ask about it, it is good for you to know how it works. My own common rejection reasons are DARK - I blame the British weather as it is often raining so darker pictures seem normal to my eyes ;-) - and SOFT. Fortunately, both these are easy to fix and my changes are usually accepted next time round. Sometimes though it can be very difficult - it took, I think, four attempts to get this one in, but I was determined it should make it:


I don't know a large amount about how the Screeners work, but they do have calibrated monitors and they are all of the same type as well. These were supplied to them to make sure the quality remains consistent and there are no problems with people using different monitors that are not properly set up.

In addition, the Screeners work is checked to ensure that they remain within the guidelines set by the Headscreeners. The photographs are queued and most are seen by up to three Screeners. Only the very bad ones (instantly rejected) and very good ones (or very very rare) are seen by one member of the team. Most will be passed between a small group so that the quality of the decision is not affected by one Screeners decision. This is why Screening at Airliners.net can be much slower than most other sites. If they cannot decide, the photograph is passed to the Headscreeners to make a decision.

I know from my own uploading that our Screeners are quite strict on what they accept. In particular they like the picture to be sharp all over, but without being oversharp in places. This can be very difficult to get right. I think I have about 60-70% acceptance rate at the moment, so yes, they reject the photos of the other Crew members as well! It can be quite difficult to get all the criteria the way the Screeners request, but when you get used to it, it is possible to get quite a good acceptance ratio, but it takes practice to give them what they are looking for. But once you have found the technique, it gets easier and less frustrating. When I first started uploading to Airliners.net several years ago, I had a lot of rejections and spent a lot of time shouting at the Screen when I had 10 rejections out of 10. Eventually, I found out how to produce pictures that were acceptable for the website and I think that the Screeners helped me to improve both my editing and photograph taking. In the end, I am happy that they were so strict as it has made me better at photography. But it took me a few years to feel that way!

What technique for sharpening your photos do you use? Do you use a 'Layer' in Photoshop and then sharpen that and then use selective erasing? I use this technique and it is good for getting good sharpness overall without too many oversharp areas. If you would like to know more about this I can send you more details. Perhaps you would like to send me an image to Edit and I will see how it works with my own workflow? I would be happy to try one for you.
Best regards,


La mia risposta:

Dear Jim,

i really appreciate your answer but there seems to be a few other things to point out.

I upload photos on a.net since 3 years, and as you could see from my gallery i took quite a quite to understand and improve my editing techniques, since i had 1 photo accepted in 2008, 1 photo in 2009 and then increasing from 2010.

What i really don't get from your answer is: how could be possible that even if the screens are the same, calibrated (even if i read that some screeners might use not calibrated screen for screening), a photo checked by a pool of 3 screener or more, can become overshapened and blurry without editing it? I still don't understand this point.

Rejections reason: Reject reason: Detail is lost in the dark areas. Less contrast needed. dark contrast personal


Reject reason: blurry oversharpened dark


I'm not discussing about the photo, that as a major light flaw (but the rainbow was there only when light was not), but how could it became oversharpened (as you can see no editing has been done is that way) or blurry (when before it wasn't)? So i have to think: it was OS/Blurry before but it wasn't mentioned (screener error) or it wasn't OS/Blurry both before and after (screener error).

Furthermore for editing i use actions (i have an a.net dedicated one) in order to process always in the same way and then i correct (mostly white balance) each photo. Sharpening is done ALWAYS in the same mode (and yes i use selective sharpening), and i still don't understand why last week i had 5/10 accepted and this week 1/10 with most of them rejected with oversharpening reason. How can this happen if i don't change my editing? (obviously photos taken with the same camera and lens)

After that, what really makes me angry about this situation, is the complete lack of communication after that the screeners changed their mind about a photo, even when i asket for. I'd really love to understand how to edit images, but behaviours like this from the other side don't help me at all.

If you could help me understanding these issues, it'll be really appreciated.


Mattia Vichi

PS: i still have problem understanding how you can evaluate sharpness of a photo from a 1000*667 pixel version
Ultima modifica:


Utente Registrato
21 Marzo 2009
a volte basta registrarsi e pagare, e come per incanto ,iniziano ad accettare tutte o quasi tutte le foto che proponete:mad::mad::mad:


Utente Registrato
4 Settembre 2011
Le ultime due puntate, con epilogo finale.

La risposta alla mia penultima mail:

On 8 October 2011 14:37, Mattia Vichi <ilpavone2004@libero.it> wrote:

Dear Jim,

Citazione dalla mia mail precedente:
"What i really don't get from your answer is: how could be possible that even if the screens are the same, calibrated (even if i read that some screeners might use not calibrated screen for screening), a photo checked by a pool of 3 screener or more, can become overshapened and blurry without editing it? I still don't understand this point."

Hi Mattia,

How it works is that bad pictures are immediately rejected, the very, very best photos are immediately accepted. Most photos need to be judged by a group of Screeners (usually up to three). Although the Screeners are very close in their judgements, there is always slight variation because they are humans and assessing photo quality is a subjective thing, rather than something you can put a definite number on and say that is a pass number. This is why there are usually three Screeners involved, to make sure the judgement is even and fair and differences in one Screener to another are balanced out.

I think the problem with the photo you mention is that parts of the photo are sharp enough and other parts are soft. If the Screeners think the softness is something that can be fixed, they tend to use the term SOFT. If they think it is unlikely it can be fixed they use the term BLURRY.

If you look at some areas such as the Hungarian Airlines / Malev logo, that sharpness looks ok, but there is a white line under Malev that indicates oversharpening. But if you look at some other areas, like the detail on the leading edge or the frame for the door, these look a bit soft. So parts of the aircraft are ok and others not quite good enough. At least that is how I would interpret the rejection if this was a photograph of mine that was rejected. Generally I think the photo is good, but with a few soft areas. If you raised the lighting, you might be able to make it look a bit sharper, but then you will lose the nice rainbow. It is a difficult one to fix I think.

I think they only really mention the dark / contrast in the first rejection, because the other issues might disappear after a re-edit. Sometimes you need to fix one thing at a time until the photo is right.

You could try posting in the Photogrphy Feedback forum for more advice:


There are quite a few photographers there who have a good idea of what the Screeners are looking for and it is very helpful to hear what they have to say, because they are photographers and not Screeners. You know you will get a different viewpoint from the Screening team and sometimes that is more helpful. Maybe one will be able to edit it a different way that fixes the dark and blurry and keeps the rainbow? I think it is worth a try.

Best regards,


E la mia risposta finale, visto che si sta cercando di portare un problema generale sui problemi della mia foto:

Dear Jim,

so in the end we can say that screeners whatever they do they're always right while photographer whatever they do, they're always wrong (except for some photographers). Screener can be wrong, photographers can't. This is the final point. No critique is admitted because of this.

I have to admit that if airliners.net didn't have so many visitors each day, hence a bigger public for my photos, i'd have already deleted all.

The only thing that could make me re-think about my decision, is this one. For all the rest, i'm still for deleting all, cause there seems not to be a willing in improvement on both sides. (this is obviously what i think)

Furthermore, what you say here:

"Maybe one will be able to edit it a different way that fixes the dark and blurry and keeps the rainbow? I think it is worth a try."

This will result in photomanipulation and not photo editing. Anyways, this has already been tried by me, ending up that i didn't understand anymore what was OS and what wasn't. I still don't understand how it's possible to evaluate sharpness with a thumbnail, but there's seems to be someone that says that he/she is able to.

Anyway, our thoughts seems to be quite far from each other.

I keep my time in order to decide wheter or not to delete all.

Best regards,


Da a.net sinceramente, a vedere da chi ci lavora, non mi aspetto più nulla da nessun punto di vista. Credo che siano stati colti un pò dalla mania di fare i capetti visto che hanno reggiunto delle dimensioni non indifferenti, ma cosi facendo perdono un pò di vista le loro origini. Mi piacerebbe ritrovare airliners tra qualche anno con la solita gente che mette su foto e nessun altro che se li fila...magari sarebbero in grado di capire.
Detto questo, come ho scritto nella mail, l'unica cosa che mi trattiene un pò è l'esposizione delle mie foto al pubblico, visto che airliners.net è molto frequentato. Per il resto, li lascerei volentieri al loro destino.