Thread Boeing 787

TW 843

Senior Member
6 Novembre 2005
Azionista LibertyLines
Si vabbé ma questa sarebbe una reporter? Non una parola sul livello di comfort/disagio acustico a bordo. Non un minimo paragone con altri aerei attualmente in servizio sul lungo raggio. Non una parola sulle finiture, su cosa "si sente sotto il sedere", voglio dire sembra più un A343 o un B77W?!?!
Dei gadgets distribuiti, della sciarpa e dei samurai a Francoforte sinceramente me ne frego oltremodo.
E' o non è un aereo diverso dagli altri? Non l'ha saputo minimamente spiegare.

Other subject: mi farebbe parecchio innervosire non poter controllare l'oscuramento del mio finestrino a piacimento.


Utente Registrato
8 Settembre 2007
Troppo bello questo aereo :) !!!
Ieri ho visto il 787 della Boeing parcheggiato a Dublino in mezzo a tanti Ryanair :D più tardi le foto :)


Socio 2015
Utente Registrato
24 Luglio 2007
Molo Beverello - Napoli
General Electric is progressing through certification of its performance improvement package (PIP) upgrades for the GEnx-1B and -2B engines for the 787 and 747-8, respectively, marking the first flight of the second -1B improvement package (PIP2) on 1 February.

The PIP2 engine configuration was carried aloft by GE's 747-100 flying test bed from the aircraft's testing base in Victorville, California, said Kevin Kanter, GE Aviation's design and system integration engineering assembly, test and overhaul manager.

The initial US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification of the baseline GEnx-1B configuration paired with the 787-8 is expected in the coming weeks. Air India's Airplane 35, the company's conforming production test bed, will transition to Boeing's flight test and evaluation division at Boeing Field in Seattle this week.

First delivery of the GEnx-1B-powered 787 to Japan Airlines is expected in the coming week. Boeing is close to completing its system functionality and reliability requirements. The delivery was expected in late 2011, but was slowed by final rework to Airplane 35.

The first upgrade package, which features an increase in low pressure turbine (LPT) blades, aims to shave 1.4% off the engine's specific fuel consumption (SFC).

The PIP2 package for the GEnx-1B is scheduled to enter engine certification tests in June or July. Airframe certification testing on the 787 is scheduled to start in September.

Additionally, GE is preparing to complete its FAA icing certification requirements on the 75,000lb-thrust (334kN) PIP2 engine by mid-February at its new Winnipeg, Canada icing facility.

Currently, engine serial number 956103, a certified PIP1 configuration engine, is expected to begin shakedown and certification of the facility this week before 956007, a conforming PIP2 engine, undertakes the trials for certification credit, Kanter said.

The PIP2 engine incorporates changes to the engine's high pressure compressor (HPC) and is expected to receive FAA certification in July, with service entry aboard 787 planned for early-2013. The upgrade is dependent on Boeing's airframe certification pairing flights.

The 747-8's GEnx-2B PIP may not require similar icing requirement, said Kanter, as its core changes pull directly from the 787's PIP1 certified configuration.


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
10 Dicembre 2007
Aereo fantastico! Poi in mano ai giapponesi ne esce solo il meglio
Più o meno...:)

ANA faces bumpy start to long-haul 787 service


All Nippon Airways first long-haul international service with its Boeing 787 has faced a rocky start since 21 January with two of its ten flights operating between Tokyo-Haneda and Frankfurt, Germany cancelled due to technical issues with the new aircraft, the airline confirmed.
ANA cancelled flight NH204 on 26 January and NH203 30 January. Other 787 flights to Germany operated on 21, 23, 26 and 28 January.
On the days when the 787 is not operating, ANA deploys a 777-200ER to service the route.
The 26 January service was cancelled in Frankfurt when the aircraft's flap system failed, while the 30 January cancellation in Haneda was due to "a temporary failure of the computer software which monitors and controls the aircraft", said ANA, adding "the aircraft has been repaired by replacing the computer's concerned parts and loading software."
To date, five 787s have been delivered by Boeing, all to ANA, though only one has been configured for long-haul operations. JA805A, Airplane 31, with 158-seats was delivered on 30 December and formally entered service with ANA on 14 January on the type's inaugural international scheduled service between Tokyo-Haneda and Beijing, China. JA805A is currently operated exclusively on the Haneda to Frankfurt route.
The next 787 service between Haneda and Frankfurt will be 1 February and will be flown as originally scheduled with JA805A, said the airline.
"As a launch customer," said ANA "It is our obligation to work together and fully cooperate with Boeing to make the 787 an even better airplane," embracing its role in taking the brunt of a new aircraft's teething issues.
Just prior to its first 787 delivery to ANA in September 2011, Boeing was reportedly experiencing intermittent erroneous flight control software glitches and was said to be developing a software fix for the problem.
The introduction of the 787 into revenue service on domestic routes has been otherwise smooth for ANA, with the exception of a 6 November malfunction in a landing gear hydraulic valve that prevented the aircraft's main landing gear from extending on the first attempt during an approach to Okayama, Japan.
ANA recently carried its 100,000th passenger on the 787, marking 96.3% on-time reliability with the new aircraft in domestic Japanese operations, compared to an 96.5% ANA group on-time reliability.