Thread Boeing 787


Utente Registrato
4 Settembre 2012
tps - Psa
Boeing, possibili problemi ai serbatoi:
ordinato il controllo sull'intera flotta
La notizia data dall'azienda nello stesso giorno in cui uno dei suoi aerei ha dovuto effettuare un atterraggio d'emergenza a New Orleans per un problema meccanico. Le verifiche richieste dalla Federal Aviation Administration
Lo leggo dopo
NEW YORK - L'intera flotta dei Boeing 787 sarà controllata per possibili problemi ai serbatoi di carburante. E' stata la stessa azienda a comunicarlo. Una grana che va ad aggiungersi alle preoccupazioni suscitate dall'atterraggio d'emergenza a New Orleans effettuato ieri da un 787 Dreamliners per un malfunzionamento meccanico durante il volo da Houston a Newark. Tutto questo mentre la Boeing sta ancora lavorando per superare la percezione negativa di problemi produttivi causa del ritardo di tre anni e mezzo nella consegna dei 787.

La compagnia ha comunicato che la Federal Aviation Administration, l'organismo statunitense di controllo del volo, ha richiesto l'ispezione di tutti i 787 in servizio per assicurarsi che i connettori delle linee dei serbatoi siano stati installati correttamente per evitare possibili perdite di carburante, cali di potenza dei motori o addirittura incendi.

La Boeing ha raccomandato alle compagnie che utilizzano i 787 di ispezionare i velivoli il mese scorso. La metà dei 33 aeromobili in servizio sono già stati ispezionati.

TW 843

Senior Member
6 Novembre 2005
Azionista LibertyLines
Incident: United B788 near New Orleans on Dec 4th 2012, electrical problems causing concerns of electrical heat on board

By Simon Hradecky, created Tuesday, Dec 4th 2012 21:55Z, last updated Tuesday, Dec 4th 2012 22:25Z

A United Boeing 787-800, registration N26902 performing flight UA-1146 from Houston Intercontinental,TX to Newark,NJ (USA) with 174 passengers and 10 crew, was enroute at FL410 about 200nm north of New Orleans,LA when the crew reported electrical problems and decided to divert to New Orleans. Later on approach to New Orleans the crew reported they don't really expect anything however requested fire services to especially check the areas aft of the wings, they had some strong electrical current in the cargo areas. The aircraft landed safely on New Orleans' runway 10 about 30 minutes after leaving FL410 and stopped on the runway. Fire crews inspected the aircraft and reported they saw no discolourization or other indications of heat, fire or smoke, the aircraft subsequently taxied to the apron.

The airline confirmed a mechanical problem, engineers have been dispatched to find out what caused the diversion.

A passenger reported the crew announced electrical problems and requested cabin crew to watch out for discolourization of or dripping plastics.

Another passenger tweeted the crew announced an electrical malfunction.

Runway 10 was closed at the time when the aircraft left FL410 due to work in progress, works were interrupted, the runway was cleared and opened to accept the aircraft. After the aircraft had vacated the runway, the runway was closed again and works resumed.


Utente Registrato
11 Ottobre 2008
LANChile has outlined planned Boeing 787 Long-Haul operation for Northern summer 2013 season from 31MAR13. The oneWorld member is currently planning to operate the Boeing 787 on following long-haul routes.

Santiago de Chile – Madrid – Frankfurt eff 01APR13 Boeing 787 replaces A340 (MAD/FRA eff 02APR13)
LA704 SCL1855 – 1325+1MAD1515+1 – 1800+1FRA 787 D
LA705 FRA1950 – 2220MAD2355 – 0730+1SCL 787 D

Santiago de Chile – Lima – Los Angeles eff 09JUN13 Boeing 787 replaces A340 on 4 of 7 weekly flights
LA600 SCL2115 – 0010+1LIM0130+1 – 0810+1LAX 343 146
LA600 SCL2130 – 0010+1LIM0130+1 – 0745+1LAX 787 x146

LA601 LAX1230 – 2310LIM0125+1 – 0550+1SCL 343 257
LA601 LAX1400 – 0020+1LIM0135+1 – 0550+1SCL 787 x257


(mi sono accorto di questo aggiornamento solo oggi)


Utente Registrato
20 Ottobre 2009
ReutersAerospaceNews ‏@ReutersAero
Parked JAL 787 with no pax caught fire at BOS gate about 1030 EST. Started in electrical compartment, discovered by mechanic, fire dept says


Altro sull'accaduto:
BOSTON (CBS) – Firefighters were called to Logan Airport Monday morning after smoke was reported in a parked Japan Airlines plane.

The FAA told WBZ-TV the Boeing 787 Dreamliner from Tokyo was at a gate at the international terminal when a cleaning crew discovered the smoke on the plane around 10:40 a.m.

Gallery: Images From JAL Fire Response

According to Tweets from the Boston Fire Department, the fire was in “a compartment with batteries and other electrical components.”

There were no crew or passengers on board at the time and no one was hurt. During the flight, 173 passengers and 11 crew members were on the plane.

The plane had landed a short time earlier and a mechanic was doing a walk through when he ”noticed a light smoke condition increasing from the underbelly of the plane,” BFD tweeted. The mechanic then notified Massport’s fire department.

There did not appear to be any major damage to the jet from the outside. Massport crews were venting smoke from a door at the bottom of the plane.

Japan Airlines launched the first non-stop service from Logan to Tokyo’s Narita Airport using the new Boeing 787 back in April.


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
Parked JAL 787 with no pax caught fire at BOS gate about 1030 EST
Boeing 787 Dreamliner Fire Probed, Blaze Adds to Setbacks

U.S. officials are investigating a fire on a Boeing Co. (BA) 787 Dreamliner in Boston after aJapan Airlines Co. (9201) flight from Tokyo, the latest setback for the jet following electrical faults on other planes last month.
Flames about two feet (0.6 meter) high shot out of an avionics compartment in the jet’s belly, and there was a small explosion afterward, Massachusetts Port Authority Fire Chief Robert Donahue said today in an interview. No passengers were aboard as the plane sat at a Logan International Airport gate.

Boeing’s newest model has been plagued by incidents since it entered commercial service in late 2011 and suffered an electrical fire that grounded the test fleet in 2010. The Dreamliner is the first jet with a fuselage made chiefly of composite materials instead of aluminum and has more electrically operated systems than other airliners.

“Anything that involves a fire does not get the luxury of being called a teething problem,” Carter Leake, an analyst at BB&T Capital Markets in Richmond, Virginia, said by telephone. “Boeing needs to get ahead of this quickly, because now you run the risk of getting into a passenger aversion issue.”
Boeing fell 2 percent to $76.13 at the close in New York in the biggest decline since Nov. 14. That pared the shares’ gain in the past year to 2.9 percent.

Agencies Respond

The National Transportation Safety Board is sending a team to Boston, said Kelly Nantel, a spokeswoman. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, the agency that certified the new jet’s design in 2011, is also looking into the fire, according to an e-mailed statement.
“We are aware of the event, and we are working with our customer,” said Marc Birtel, a spokesman at Boeing’s commercial headquarters in Seattle. Japan Airlines canceled today’s return flight to Tokyo, which had been scheduled for noon Boston time.
Japan Airlines Flight 008 arrived at Logan at 10:05 a.m. Boston time with 184 passengers and crew members aboard, Donahue said. Everyone was off the plane when a mechanic observed smoke in the cockpit at 10:30 and alerted the fire department, he said. Passengers interviewed by Boston’s WBZ-TV said they didn’t smell any smoke approaching the airport.
Electrical faults forced United Continental Holdings Inc. (UAL) and Qatar Airways Ltd. to ground 787s last month. While the Qatar failure came on the plane’s delivery flight, the United incident occurred during a scheduled trip to New Jersey’s Newark airport from Houston and forced an emergency landing in New Orleans.

Test Flight

Debris in an electrical panel on a Dreamliner sparked an in-flight fire in late 2010, before the plane entered service, grounding the entire test fleet for six weeks and forcing a redesign of parts of the system.
The blaze on Flight 008 broke out under the cabin in an avionics bay housing batteries for the auxiliary power unit, said Richard Walsh, a spokesman for Massport, the airport operator. The unit, which is made by United Technologies Corp. (UTX), is designed to provide electricity when the engines are off.
Firefighters from Massport and the Boston Fire Department discovered smoke throughout the cabin and used hand-held infrared detection devices to locate the blaze, Donahue said.
It took about 20 minutes to extinguish the fire, using a gas called Halotron that displaces oxygen in electronics fires. Shortly afterward, there was a small explosion in the compartment that Donahue said probably came from a battery pack. A dry chemical powder was used to put that out, he said.

No Injuries

One firefighter was evaluated for skin irritation, and there were no injuries, Donahue said. Airport firefighters had trained with Boeing on the Dreamliner, which familiarized them with the plane and made their work more efficient, he said.
Japan Airlines also is investigating, Carol Anderson, a spokeswoman for the Tokyo-based carrier, said in an e-mailed statement.
Leake, the BB&T analyst, said a connection between today’s incident and previous faults would mean that “the ante has been upped.”
“The system should always be designed to isolate, and you should never generate enough heat for a fire,” said Leake, who has a buy rating on Boeing.
In July, an engine component on a 787 fractured, spewing shards of metal and sparking a brushfire as the plane prepared for its first flight in South Carolina. The FAA ordered in December that Dreamliners be inspected after fuel leaks on two planes were traced to manufacturing errors.
Boeing Chief Executive Officer Jim McNerney has characterized the previous incidents on the 787 as “normal introductory squawks” for a new plane. The company has delivered about 50 Dreamliners to eight customers since Japan’s All Nippon Airways Co. received the first one in September 2011.


Utente Registrato
22 Gennaio 2009
Tutto e' possibile certo questo "...according to a person with knowledge of the U.S. carrier’s actions"
Suona come "...l'amico di mio cugino che lavora con il nipote di uno che..."
L'unica cosa che tra virgolette mi rallegra della vicenda è che riprendendo il discorso di altri Thread riguardo alle italiche prestazioni, mi pare che sul gioiellino l'unica cosa che al momento non stia dando problemi (ovviamente c'erano quelli in partenza) sia l'italico lavoro....


Utente Registrato
22 Gennaio 2009
Qui si rischia di farsi del male...

The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board said it had opened up a formal investigation into an onboard electrical fire on a Japan Airlines Boeing 787 Dreamliner in Boston on Monday, after United Airlines said it had discovered an electrical problem in one of its 787s that could result in a similar problem.

The NTSB will work with the Federal Aviation Administration and Japanese authorities, the airlines involved, and Boeing, which made the aircraft, to determine the cause of the fire and whether it presents a safety hazard going forward.

United reported that it had found improperly installed wires that attach to the APU or auxiliary power unit, the same equipment that caused the JAL fire.

The new problem, however, seems to be unrelated to recent reports of electrical issues on the Dreamliner. In December, the FAA ordered mandatory inspections of 787 aircraft after concerns were voiced about fuel line leaks and improperly assembled engine attachments.

The first Dreamliner took flight in late 2011 operated by launch customer ANA. Boeing has delivered over 50 Dreamliners since the launch.


Utente Registrato
26 Aprile 2012
Non credo. I primi passi del 747-400 furono ugualmente disastrosi, al punto che Boeing dovette, a roll-out praticamente concluso e cogli esemplari gia' in servizio attivo, creare un team (grosso) di ingegneri e meccanici da inviare a tutti i clienti nelle basi in cui i 744 erano usati.


Utente Registrato
16 Settembre 2011
Problemi per il Boeing 787: guasti in serie
Voli cancellati per freni malfunzionanti, incendi dell'impianto elettrico e perdite di carburante

Nuova grana per il Boeing 787 Dreamliner. La All Nippon Airways - riporta il New York Times - ha cancellato un volo nazionale dopo che un computer di bordo segnalava (erroneamente) problemi per i freni del velivolo.
ALTRI GUAI - E non è stato l'unico contrattempo degli ultimi giorni per il modello di punta del colosso americano dell'aeronautica: secondo il portavoce della compagnia aerea, Megumi Tezuka, il problema del falso allarme provocato dal computer di bordo è simile a quello riscontrato quando la All Nippon Airways ha iniziato a volare con i Dreamliner nel 2011. Si tratta del terzo guasto tecnico rinvenuto su un 787 negli ultimi giorni: un altro 787, della Japan Airlines, era rimasto ancorato al suolo a a Boston a causa di una perdita di carburante, mentre il giorno prima su un altro Dreamliner giunto a Tokyo si era verificato un incendio all'impianto elettrico. In entrambi i casi non ci sono stati problemi per passeggeri e equipaggi. Ne hanno risentito però le quotazioni in Borsa dell'azienda Usa, che hanno segnato netti ribassi a Wall Street.

Redazione Online
9 gennaio 2013 | 18:55


Utente Registrato
26 Novembre 2011
Non credo. I primi passi del 747-400 furono ugualmente disastrosi, al punto che Boeing dovette, a roll-out praticamente concluso e cogli esemplari gia' in servizio attivo, creare un team (grosso) di ingegneri e meccanici da inviare a tutti i clienti nelle basi in cui i 744 erano usati.
Perchè cosa avevano?