Promozioni ed offerte delle compagnie


26 Maggio 2010

Gentile MAURO.,

A luglio ed agosto scelga di viaggiare in Nord America in Business approfittando delle offerte in corso!
Beneficierà dei servizi SkyPriority per un percorso agevolato e fluido in aeroporto. A bordo troverà una comoda poltrona che unisce comfort, riservatezza e tecnologia, personale di bordo attento alle sue necessità e pasti firmati dallo chef stellato Régis Marcon.

A partire dal prossimo mese di giugno sulla rotta Parigi-New York, Air France proporrà la sua nuova cabina Business per far sentire il passeggero in una bolla di intimità in pieno cielo. Più elegante, questa poltrona si riveste di colori delicati ed offre un’esperienza di viaggio completamente nuova. Le nuove poltrone saranno installate progressivamente sui 44 Boeing 777 della flotta di lungo raggio Air France.

scopra la nuova cabina Business

Colga al volo queste offerte e prenoti ora su!

Esempi di tariffe A/R in partenza da vari scali, per viaggi dal 1° luglio al 31 agosto 2014.
Le tariffe Air France sono "tutto incluso" e non riservano sorprese.

Boston € 1 502

Los Angeles € 1 842

New York
€ 1 476

San Francisco
€ 1 774

€ 1 630


Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
Etihad Airways runs an interesting promotion to countries of South-East Asia! A bit more experienced travellers may consider to book an open-jaw flights and visit Thailand and Vietnam at once from justŁ222 (€274)! You would have to look for departures ex Belgrade in Serbia to Bangkok and returning back from Ho Chi Minh CIty to Milan. There is very short travel period in which you may book these super cheap flights to Asia. Promotional tariff of Etihad Airways allows to book these flighs within June 2014.

To reach the cheapest fare possible you have to fly to Bangkok and return from Ho Chi Minh City. You may also consider to visit Vietnam only, such an open jaw flights are available for still amazing Ł248 or €311. Etihad Airways is a premium airline based in Abu Dhabi. Some of the flights have longer stop-over in UAE giving you a solution to visit this country on your way to Asia.
Promotional tariff with Etihad Airways is possible to book till 5th of June 2014 or till sold out.

Less adventerous travellers may also consider to book roundtrip flights from Milan to Vietnam for still interesting €420

Booking samples
EN - Belgrade – Bangkok and Ho Chi Minh City – Milan for Ł222 (€274)
DE - Belgrade – Bangkok and Ho Chi Minh City – Milan for €279

EN - Belgrade – Ho Chi Minh CIty – Milan for Ł248
DE - Belgrade – Ho Chi Minh City – Milan for €311

For your connection possibilities from your homecity we recommend to use Skyscanner. Once in Asia you may use service of low-cost airlines such as Air Asia to move within other Asian cities.

Booking sample of cheap open-jaw flight from Europe to South East Asia for Ł222 (€274) below. In this case you would be departing from Belgrade to Bangkok on of June and returning back from Ho Chi MInh CIty to Milan on of June 2014.



Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
[h=1]Cheap flights to Buenos Aires, Argentina from Italy from Ł362 (€445)[/h]Italy
by Flynous

Not just the travellers within Italy may consider promotional deal of Iberia offering cheap roundtrip flights from Milan to Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina. Thanks to many low-cost airlines are connecting Milan with other European cities you should consider this deal if you are planning to visit this country even within our summer holidays. Roundtrip flights with one stop-over in Madrid are currently available to purchase from Ł362 (€445)!

Iberia´s promotional tariff allows to book cheap flights to Buenos Aires,Argentina between July and December 2014. (the earliest departure on 14th of July and latest departure date 14th of December 2014. To check your connection possibilities we recommend to use Skyscanner. For instance you may book roundtrip flights with EasyJet between London Gatwick to Milano Malpensa from just Ł52. (This is based on departures within October and December, currently plenty of travel options for this or slightly higher fare are available.).

Booking samples
EN - Milan – Buenos Aires for Ł362 (€445)
DE - Milan – Buenos Aires for €462

Travel date samples
16. – 31.7.
12. – 25.8.
10. – 27.9.
8. – 23.10.
20.11. – 8.12.

Booking sample of a cheap roundtrip flights to Argentina when flying from Italy for just Ł362 below. In this case you would be departing from Milan to Buenos Aires on 13th of August and returning back from South America to Italy on 25th of August 2014.



Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
[h=1]Error fare – Roundtrip flighs from London to Australia for Ł443 (€545)!![/h]UK / Ireland
by Flynous

Here we bring great most likely error fare deal to Australia when departing from UK! In similar cases please do not call the airline nor booking agents, give the opportunity to book such a great deal also to other travellers. Also we recommend to not book accomodation nor your connection flight till your booking is confirmed. You should pay be credit/debit card as its the fastest option the airline receives the money and then its much harder for them to cancel your booking. Based on service of Royal Brunei Airlines you may fly from London t Melbourne for amazing Ł443 (€545)!

In case of interest you should book your tickets the soonest as this error fare deal can be fixed anytime soon. We have managed to find plenty of travel options between September and December 2014 and March and May 2015. Look for the roundtrip flights betwen London and Melbourne. We have managed to get for this great fare till payment, you can find such a booking sample below this post entry.

Booking sample London – Melbourne for Ł443 (€545) or booking through Expedia for Ł452

Take the opportunity to fly “Down Under” for such an amazing fare! Again in case of error fare flights do not call the airline nor booking agent, check with them your concerns only once the deal is gone..

Booking sample of an error fare flights to Australia from UK for just Ł443 (€45). In this case you wouldbe departing from London to Melbourne on 12th of April and returning back from Australia on 26th of April 2015.

We could make it till payment, please see below:



Utente Registrato
13 Dicembre 2013
Soltanto ultimamente mi sono interessato ai voli per EZE, e ho notato che Aerolineas Argentinas vende voli round trip da FCO nei mesi di settembre e ottobre a soli 550EUR!

è normale?

Utente cancellato Wolf2793


Acquista dal 4 al 10 giugno per volare da Milano Malpensa e Venezia a Tokyo dal 20 agosto al 31 ottobre 2014*.

Approfitta del 20% di sconto per volare a Tokyo in Classica - Economy e Magnifica - Business e scopri le bellezze del Paese del Sol Levante.


Regolamento: (1)_tcm12-11658.pdf

Pagina web promozione:


Utente Registrato
9 Novembre 2005


Utente Registrato
9 Novembre 2005
capodanno. Avrei aspettato la conferma dell'e-ticket e poi chiamato. Non penso possano cancellarmi la prenotazione.