777 Malaysia (MH17) AMS-KUL cade in Ucraina al confine con la Russia


Utente Registrato
27 Febbraio 2014
Il report al momento non dice niente di nuovo, ovvero riassume quello che si era subito capito, la parte anteriore della fusoliera colpita da proiettili ad alta velocità originati da un missile terra aria.
Quello che non capisco è come mai , nonostante satelliti e compagnia bella, nessuno abbia saputo ( ma al momento temo, nessuno abbia voluto) identificare il lanciatore.


Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
Ukraine 'bears full responsibility' for MH17 crash, Russia says

Moscow (AFP) - Russia's defence minister on Wednesday told his Malaysian counterpart that that Ukraine bore full responsibility for the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crash that left 298 dead.

"The crash happened in the airspace of Ukraine which bears full, total responsibility for what has happened," Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu told Hishammuddin Hussein, who was in Moscow to discuss the ongoing MH17 investigation.
"I am convinced that if Ukraine solved its domestic problems without the use of armed forces, without the bloodshed there over the past month, without the use of heavy artillery... this tragedy would not have happened," Shoigu said in televised remarks.
Hishammuddin arrived in Moscow a day after Dutch investigators released a preliminary report on the July 17 disaster
"I very much appreciate your patience," he told Russian authorities, referring to the ongoing investigation.
Kiev and the West believe the Boeing 777, which plunged out of the sky en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was hit by a rebel surface-to-air missile supplied by Russia.
Moscow denies the claims, and points the finger at Kiev.
Hishammuddin was also due to meet with Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin, Malaysia's Moscow embassy and the Russian foreign ministry said.
"The visit will last less than a day," a spokeswoman for the embassy said.
Hishammuddin was in the Ukrainian capital Kiev on Tuesday and will visit Amsterdam next, the spokeswoman added.
Dutch experts on Tuesday released initial findings in their probe into the crash, saying MH17 "broke up in the air probably as the result of structural damage caused by a large number of high-energy objects that penetrated the aircraft from outside".
While the report from the Dutch Safety Board does not apportion blame over the July air disaster, it could heighten Western pressure on Moscow over its role in the bloody Ukraine conflict.



Utente Registrato
11 Marzo 2014
Emirates: MH 17 avrebbe potuto essere facilmente evitato

Sir Tim Clark said weeks ago MH17 has changed everything when it comes to airline security policies. His airline, Dubai based Emirates is currently avoiding Iraq air space due to ISIS and had avoided Ukrainian airspace at the time MH 17 was brought down.

The Emirates chief claimed information on weapons able to shoot down commercial airlines in conflict regions are often not shared with airlines. This was the case for airlines flying across Ukraine.

He went on to suggest that if the entire airline industry was alerted, pilots would likely have been told to avoid the dangerous airspace – potentially saving the 298 passengers and crew members who died on board flight MH17 in July.

His comments come after a report published last week highlighted the fact that three other passenger jets were in same area at around the same time as MH17 when it crashed.



Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
MH17 crash: Dutch minister says passenger 'wore oxygen mask'

Dutch Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans has said that one of the 298 people killed in the downing of a Malaysia Airlines plane over eastern Ukraine was found wearing an oxygen mask.

His revelation casts doubt on the theory that all on board died instantly when the plane was hit by a missile.
An initial report last month said flight MH17 broke up in mid-air after being hit by "objects" that "pierced the plane at high velocity".
Rebel leaders deny shooting it down.

Mr Timmermans is due to leave his post shortly as foreign minister to take up a high-profile post as European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker's right-hand man.

Final moments

He mentioned the oxygen mask during an interview on Dutch TV in which he was taken to task about an emotive speech he gave to the UN four days after flight MH17 was downed on 17 July.

In his address to the Security Council, Mr Timmermans imagined the horror felt by the passengers "when they knew the plane was going down" and wondered whether they had looked each other in the eyes "one final time, in an unarticulated goodbye".

When asked on Wednesday night if he had created an image that had not really taken place, Mr Timmermans said: "Oh yes? Can you be so sure about that?"

He acknowledged that those on board, 196 of them Dutch, would not have seen the missile hit the plane.

"But do you know that someone was found with an oxygen mask on their mouth - and so they had the time to put it on?" Mr Timmermans said.
He went on to say that nothing could be ruled out about the 298 victims' final moments.

The official inquiry into the MH17 disaster has not made any mention of an oxygen mask being found on one of the victims.

But several experts have concluded that the plane would have disintegrated too quickly for the passengers to have known anything about it.
The plane had been flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur when it crashed in rebel-held territory in eastern Ukraine.
Although investigators were unable to visit the crash site because of fighting in the area, their initial report pieced together photographic evidence of the wreckage as well as cockpit and air traffic control data.

They said it pointed to "an in-flight break up" and added there was "no evidence of technical or human error".

The plane was hit while flying at 33,000ft (10,000m) and debris was found over a wide area of eastern Ukrainian territory held by pro-Russian rebels.



Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
MH17 Victims' Families To Seek Damages From Dutch State

October 10, 2014
Dutch relatives of victims of Malaysia Airlines MH17, downed over Ukraine in July, will hold the Dutch government liable for damages for its handling of the aftermath of the crash, a lawyer representing families said on Friday.
There were 196 Dutch nationals onboard the Boeing 777 when it crashed on July 17 over eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 passengers and crew.
Lawyer Bob van der Goen, who represents dozens of families, said a letter was sent to the Dutch government on Friday stating that the relatives would seek unspecified damages, one step before a lawsuit is filed with a judge.
It was the first legal action against the Dutch government, which had been widely praised for its immediate response to the crash.
Comments by Dutch Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans on Wednesday about a passenger's body being found wearing an oxygen mask had been "the last straw" for relatives upset with the government's response, Van der Goen said.
Van der Goen said Timmermans' comments, interpreted by the families as meaning victims had been alive longer than previously believed, were "idiotic."
"We will hold the Dutch government liable," he said. "They are negligent because of the slowness of the case and the failure to get to the crash site, which should have been possible."
Timmermans apologised and said in a statement on Thursday he regretted confronting the families with new information via the media before they had been informed officially.
"The MH17 disaster goes straight to my heart. I feel deeply for the families. The last thing I want to do is to increase their suffering. I shouldn't have said it.
"The information was not shared more widely because no conclusion can be drawn and more investigation is required," the statement from Timmermans' office said.
Prosecutors investigating the case said on Thursday: "The oxygen mask was fastened with elastic around the neck of the victim. We understand this raised the question among families why this wasn't revealed earlier. The reason is that the public prosecutors office is still investigating the cause of the crash and the meaning of the oxygen mask."
The aircraft, which was en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, is believed to have been hit by a surface-to-air missile.
Dutch investigators say they have been unable to carry out a full investigation at the scene due to fighting between pro-Russian and Ukrainian government forces.
A preliminary report by the Dutch Safety Board said last month the aircraft broke apart due to "high energy" objects, consistent with theories of a missile strike.



Utente Registrato
9 Novembre 2005
Ucraina, aereo abbattuto. Per i servizi segreti tedeschi fu “colpa dei filorussi”
Der Spiegel riporta le conclusioni dell'intelligence: i separatisti avrebbero presto il controllo del sistema di difesa anti-aerea. In questo modo il 17 luglio avrebbero lanciato un missile contro il Boeing malese 777, provocando la morte delle 298 persone a bordo

Ci sarebbe la mano dei ribelli filorussi dietro l’abbattimento dell’aereo della Malaysia Airlines che si è schiantato al suolo in Ucraina lo scorso 17 luglio. Secondo il settimanale Der Spiegel, è questa la conclusione cui è arrivato Gerhard Schindler, il capo dei servizi segreti tedeschi (Bundesnachrichtendienst). Schindler ha detto ai membri della commissione parlamentare che controlla i servizi segreti che i separatisti filorussi sono riusciti a controllare il sistema di difesa anti-aerea russo Buk, appartenuto all’esercito ucraino. In questo modo hanno abbattuto il Boeing 777 della Malaysia Airlines con 298 persone a bordo. Fino ad oggi, ucraini e filorussi si sono sempre accusati a vicenda sulle responsabilità dell’abbattimento del velivolo. Tanto che neppure il rapporto olandese sull’incidente ha stabilito una dinamica così netta.

Il rapporto redatto dagli esperti del Dutch Safety Board (Ovv), però, ha accertato che il volo Mh17 della Malaysia Airlines è stato abbattuto da una pioggia di colpi. Sempre secondo il report il Boeing 777, in volo da Amsterdam a Kuala Lampur, si è disintegrato in volo a circa 50 chilometri dal confine russo-ucraino, perché colpito da “un grande numero di oggetti ad alta energia che lo hanno penetrato dall’esterno. Non ci sono indicazioni – proseguono gli esperti olandesi – che il crash sia stato causato da errore tecnico o da azioni dell’equipaggio”. Una relazione che ha quindi assodato che si è trattata di un’azione miliare e che ha rinvigorito lo scambio di accuse su chi avesse potuto compiere un simile massacro. Sin dal primo momento, pur negando ogni responsabilità, i maggiori sospettati furono proprio i miliziani filo-russi, sia secondo Kiev sia per l’occidente. E così esperti militari e giornalisti russi hanno puntato fin da subito il dito contro i ribelli, così come aveva detto il presidente degli Stati Uniti Barack Obama a pochi giorni dalla caduta del Boeing. Accuse che ora sono rimarcate anche dagli 007 tedeschi.


Dr Gio

Utente Registrato
che novita', credo che fosse sulla bocca di tutti, anche se e' probabilmente difficile da dimostrare con certezza. Tra l'altro, pare che le intercettazioni dei filo-russi si gloriassero proprio quel giorno di avere abbattuto un grosso aereo cargo ucraino, che poi non si e' mai trovato, probabilmente scambiato invece per il MH17. Boh. Chissa' se sapremo mai come sono andate le cose con certezza.


Utente Registrato
6 Luglio 2012
L'avevano scritto su twitter esultanti. Dallo stesso account dal quale si bullavano con le loro gesta nelle settimane precedenti. Appena si è saputo della scomparsa del MH17 il post è stato cancellato.
C'è uno screenshot pure su avherald.


Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2010
Ucraina, aereo abbattuto. Per i servizi segreti tedeschi fu “colpa dei filorussi”
Der Spiegel riporta le conclusioni dell'intelligence: i separatisti avrebbero presto il controllo del sistema di difesa anti-aerea. In questo modo il 17 luglio avrebbero lanciato un missile contro il Boeing malese 777, provocando la morte delle 298 persone a bordo

Ci sarebbe la mano dei ribelli filorussi dietro l’abbattimento dell’aereo della Malaysia Airlines che si è schiantato al suolo in Ucraina lo scorso 17 luglio. Secondo il settimanale Der Spiegel, è questa la conclusione cui è arrivato Gerhard Schindler, il capo dei servizi segreti tedeschi (Bundesnachrichtendienst). Schindler ha detto ai membri della commissione parlamentare che controlla i servizi segreti che i separatisti filorussi sono riusciti a controllare il sistema di difesa anti-aerea russo Buk, appartenuto all’esercito ucraino. In questo modo hanno abbattuto il Boeing 777 della Malaysia Airlines con 298 persone a bordo. Fino ad oggi, ucraini e filorussi si sono sempre accusati a vicenda sulle responsabilità dell’abbattimento del velivolo. Tanto che neppure il rapporto olandese sull’incidente ha stabilito una dinamica così netta.

Il rapporto redatto dagli esperti del Dutch Safety Board (Ovv), però, ha accertato che il volo Mh17 della Malaysia Airlines è stato abbattuto da una pioggia di colpi. Sempre secondo il report il Boeing 777, in volo da Amsterdam a Kuala Lampur, si è disintegrato in volo a circa 50 chilometri dal confine russo-ucraino, perché colpito da “un grande numero di oggetti ad alta energia che lo hanno penetrato dall’esterno. Non ci sono indicazioni – proseguono gli esperti olandesi – che il crash sia stato causato da errore tecnico o da azioni dell’equipaggio”. Una relazione che ha quindi assodato che si è trattata di un’azione miliare e che ha rinvigorito lo scambio di accuse su chi avesse potuto compiere un simile massacro. Sin dal primo momento, pur negando ogni responsabilità, i maggiori sospettati furono proprio i miliziani filo-russi, sia secondo Kiev sia per l’occidente. E così esperti militari e giornalisti russi hanno puntato fin da subito il dito contro i ribelli, così come aveva detto il presidente degli Stati Uniti Barack Obama a pochi giorni dalla caduta del Boeing. Accuse che ora sono rimarcate anche dagli 007 tedeschi.

Pare che Kiev smentisca il BND
cmq che il BND se ne esca adesso con delle dichiarazioni per il pubblico e poi quando si chiedano le prove tutto è segreto.......


Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
Re: 777 Malaysia diretto a Kuala Lumpur da AMS cade in Ucraina al confine con la Rus

Dutch investigators are to reconstruct a portion of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200ER which crashed in eastern Ukraine in July.

The Dutch Safety Board says that it has arranged the recovery and transport of sections of wreckage from flight MH17.

It states that agreements have been reached over a plan that “should make it possible” to recover the wreckage and transfer it to the inquiry.

“Its technical implementation is currently being prepared,” says the Dutch Safety Board, adding that it believes the effort could begin “within a few days”.

But it warns that the “precarious” security situation in the region – which has hampered access to the crash site – could delay the work.

Over the last few days a small group of personnel has been able to reach the site to retrieve personal items.

But continuing conflict in the area makes a return of a full inquiry team unrealistic, the Dutch government has stated, unless the safety situation changes substantially.

MH17 was lost on 17 July as it passed over eastern Ukraine, en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. Investigators have been trying to determine whether the aircraft was brought down by hostile action, possibly with a surface-to-air missile.



Socio AIAC 2025
Utente Registrato
2 Febbraio 2012
Comunque il dato più importante (la posizione esatta e la distribuzione dei rottami) ormai è perso per sempre, purtroppo.


Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
Continua il rimpallo delle accuse di responsabilita':

Putin blames Ukraine for obstructing MH17 inquiry

(Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday accused Ukraine's government of interfering with the investigation into the downing of a Malaysia Airlines jet in July that killed 298 people.
Independent investigators have had little access to the wreckage of flight MH17 in territory in eastern Ukraine in the hands of pro-Russian separatists fighting Ukrainian government forces.
Putin made the comments in talks with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak on the sidelines of an Asia-Pacific conference in China. Najib called for greater access to the wreckage but Putin disputed the suggestion that pro-Russia separatists were hindering the investigation.
"The reference that the territory of the crash site is controlled by so called pro-Russian separatists is totally ungrounded," Putin said.
"It is not them but the opposite side (that is) constantly shelling the site and doesn't allow full work there," he said, adding that Russia supported a full and impartial investigation into the downing of the plane.
The jetliner was brought down on July 17 on a flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. Ukraine and Western countries have accused the rebels of shooting it down with a Russian-made missile, an accusation which Russia denies.
Najib, who has promised to bring to justice those responsible, cited initial investigations which showed the plane was brought down by a "high energy object" rather than a technical fault with the aircraft.
"There are more questions than answers at this stage," he said. "The most important thing is to have access to the crash site."


Utente Registrato
31 Agosto 2014
A bordo di un MD80
Dal giornale La Repubblica di oggi a pagina 18 si parla del caso del volo mh17, i russi avrebbero diffuso ieri sera sul primo canale russo un' immagine di un mig 29 (ucraino) con una scia di missile che va dritta contro l'aereo, l'immagine proverrebbe da satelliti anglo-americani e dai riscontri effettuati sembra non sia stata truccata e che le coordinate siano tutte corrette, compreso l'aereoporto (di cui mi sfugge il nome) nell'immagine


Utente Registrato
5 Dicembre 2008
Dal giornale La Repubblica di oggi a pagina 18 si parla del caso del volo mh17, i russi avrebbero diffuso ieri sera sul primo canale russo un' immagine di un mig 29 (ucraino) con una scia di missile che va dritta contro l'aereo, l'immagine proverrebbe da satelliti anglo-americani e dai riscontri effettuati sembra non sia stata truccata e che le coordinate siano tutte corrette, compreso l'aereoporto (di cui mi sfugge il nome) nell'immagine
Ecco qui:


Pare comunque che sia un falso ..