News flotta & destinazioni British Airways


Utente Registrato
9 Marzo 2009
Cio' che e' innegabile e' che un trattamento del genere e' qualcosa che mi aspetterei da Ebenezer Scrooge, non dalla compagnia per cui lavoro.
[As sad as it sounds] in linea con i tempi correnti. [OT] Un po' come l'outsourcing di tutti i servizi regulatory con relative lettere di redundancy (parlo dell'azienda per la quale lavoro, una big pharma di 90k+ dipendenti...) il giorno del Christmas party/gala all'Emirates Stadium lì dalle tue parti... [/OT]



Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
E siccome non si possono avere troppe belle notizie in questa compagnia, l'intera base ICC (International Cabin Crew) di HKG e' stata chiusa con effetto immediato. I roster di tutti i crew sono stati azzerati e hanno ricevuto comunicazione di riportare le loro uniformi e badge in ufficio, oggi. I loro posti sono stati presi da crew in partenza da LHR e da crew che era andato positioning a HKG.
British Airways crew in Hong Kong hoping to reverse decision to axe city base in wake of shock sackings

Union seeking three-week delay in airline’s decision to close base as they look to British counterparts for support

British Airways’ axed Hong Kong crew are demanding the airline give them three more weeks to consider whether to accept the compensation offered.
The traumatised employees are hoping to use the extra time to talk management out of closing the city base, while also bargaining for a better deal.
BA dropped a bombshell on Wednesday, announcing that it was axing its entire Hong Kong-based crew ahead of the closure of its base in the city next month.
Unionists said 57 of the 85 Hong Kong-based flight attendants were laid off immediately, with another 24 to finish at the end of next month when their contracts expire.

The airline asked the cabin crew to sign an agreement by Saturday stating they would accept an ex gratia payment, the amount of which has not been revealed.
“We were not told how much the ex gratia payment was, and we were not told the formula to calculate the payment. No details have been given,” said Carol Ng Man-yee, general secretary of the BA Hong Kong International Cabin Crew Association.
“But if you don’t sign the agreement, you would not be receiving the ex gratia payment. You would only receive a sum of compensation in accordance with the labour law.”
Under the city’s labour law, workers are entitled to long service and severance payments, the amount of which partly depends on years of service. The government has a standard formula to calculate the payments.

Ng is trying to secure a meeting with airline management, so she can make the union’s demands heard.
None of the union’s 54 members have signed the agreement, but Ng believed some non-members might have signed it already.
The airline’s announcement on Wednesday turned the flight attendants’ world upside down, with one crew member, Kimie Chan, bursting into tears and saying she felt “helpless”.
BA said on Wednesday it was “really grateful” to its Hong Kong crew, but its “strategic model going forward is to operate this route entirely with London-based crew”.
Veteran unionist Lee Cheuk-yan, general secretary of the Confederation of Trade Unions, said Ng stands a better chance of having her demands fulfilled if she can secure the support of the airline’s union in Britain.

“The airline’s sacked staff in Hong Kong can’t even go on a strike, because they have been sacked,” Lee said. “The union in Britain needs to support the Hong Kong union.”
Ng said she had been in touch with union leaders in London, but they had not yet decided on whether to take any action.
British Airways’ parent company, the International Airlines Group, had highlighted the Hong Kong to Heathrow service as an underperforming route at its half-year financial earnings meeting with analysts.
Chief financial officer Enrique Dupuy de Lome singled out Hong Kong, and said Cathay Pacific, which flies to Heathrow five times a day, was having an adverse affect on revenue.


Utente Registrato
26 Aprile 2012
British Airways crew in Hong Kong hoping to reverse decision to axe city base in wake of shock sackings

Union seeking three-week delay in airline’s decision to close base as they look to British counterparts for support

British Airways’ axed Hong Kong crew are demanding the airline give them three more weeks to consider whether to accept the compensation offered.
The traumatised employees are hoping to use the extra time to talk management out of closing the city base, while also bargaining for a better deal.
BA dropped a bombshell on Wednesday, announcing that it was axing its entire Hong Kong-based crew ahead of the closure of its base in the city next month.
Unionists said 57 of the 85 Hong Kong-based flight attendants were laid off immediately, with another 24 to finish at the end of next month when their contracts expire.

The airline asked the cabin crew to sign an agreement by Saturday stating they would accept an ex gratia payment, the amount of which has not been revealed.
“We were not told how much the ex gratia payment was, and we were not told the formula to calculate the payment. No details have been given,” said Carol Ng Man-yee, general secretary of the BA Hong Kong International Cabin Crew Association.
“But if you don’t sign the agreement, you would not be receiving the ex gratia payment. You would only receive a sum of compensation in accordance with the labour law.”
Under the city’s labour law, workers are entitled to long service and severance payments, the amount of which partly depends on years of service. The government has a standard formula to calculate the payments.

Ng is trying to secure a meeting with airline management, so she can make the union’s demands heard.
None of the union’s 54 members have signed the agreement, but Ng believed some non-members might have signed it already.
The airline’s announcement on Wednesday turned the flight attendants’ world upside down, with one crew member, Kimie Chan, bursting into tears and saying she felt “helpless”.
BA said on Wednesday it was “really grateful” to its Hong Kong crew, but its “strategic model going forward is to operate this route entirely with London-based crew”.
Veteran unionist Lee Cheuk-yan, general secretary of the Confederation of Trade Unions, said Ng stands a better chance of having her demands fulfilled if she can secure the support of the airline’s union in Britain.

“The airline’s sacked staff in Hong Kong can’t even go on a strike, because they have been sacked,” Lee said. “The union in Britain needs to support the Hong Kong union.”
Ng said she had been in touch with union leaders in London, but they had not yet decided on whether to take any action.
British Airways’ parent company, the International Airlines Group, had highlighted the Hong Kong to Heathrow service as an underperforming route at its half-year financial earnings meeting with analysts.
Chief financial officer Enrique Dupuy de Lome singled out Hong Kong, and said Cathay Pacific, which flies to Heathrow five times a day, was having an adverse affect on revenue.
Questa e' la faccia "interna" di BA. Certe decisioni si possono capire, alla fine "cost is king", ma c'e' modo e modo di farlo. La mancanza di umanita', o anche solo di decenza, in queste situazioni e' scioccante. Giusto per dare un'idea, c'erano ICC della base di HKG qui a Londra; hanno ricevuto una nota sotto la porta in hotel che li invitava a un briefing "per parlare del future della base HKG", in cui gli han detto "siete licenziati, se firmate entro 3 gg vi diamo dei soldi, non vi diciamo quanto. Ah e nel frattempo dovete servire sul volo di stasera".

Non sono un sindacalaro, non sono nemmeno tesserato, ma per me tutto questo e' vergognoso.
Ultima modifica:


6 Novembre 2005
a Taiwan, nel cuore e nella mente

British Airways’ parent company, the International Airlines Group, had highlighted the Hong Kong to Heathrow service as an underperforming route at its half-year financial earnings meeting with analysts.
Chief financial officer Enrique Dupuy de Lome singled out Hong Kong, and said Cathay Pacific, which flies to Heathrow five times a day, was having an adverse affect on revenue.
Forse il prodotto CX è un pelo migliore di BA? Forse forse?
Mi chiedo inoltre su quale (irrealistico) target sia calcolata la performance.



Utente Registrato
26 Aprile 2012
Forse il prodotto CX è un pelo migliore di BA? Forse forse?
Mi chiedo inoltre su quale (irrealistico) target sia calcolata la performance.

Secondo me il prodotto conta fino ad un certo punto. Va detto che la rotta ha comunque riempimenti altissimi (ho guardato i dati da gennaio ad oggi, e sono alti). Più che altro, a fare la differenza in termini di yields credo che sia la disponibilità di connessioni, in particolar modo per il resto del SE asiatico, e il numero di voli che CX ha sulla rotta. Inoltre non escluderei l'impatto delle cinesi, soprattutto per quei transiti che una volta viaggiavano via HKG e ora sono via mainland.

Poi, vero: a HKG c'era una base con 80 crew, che faceva solo 2 voli, ad un costo certamente maggiore di quella, nuova, di Shanghai. In più ci sono gli equipaggi Worldwide, per i quali quello è un viaggio di 5 giorni (per Mixed Fleet sarebbe solo uno da 3-4 giorni); tutti costi che inficiano sul costo di una rotta, così come incidevano su SIN, su EZE, GRU. Non credo che in molti trovino opinabile la chiusura tout court, ma penso che in parecchi (io incluso) il modo con cui l'hanno chiusa. Pacciani sarebbe stato più delicato.


Utente Registrato
8 Luglio 2012
Secondo me il prodotto conta fino ad un certo punto. Va detto che la rotta ha comunque riempimenti altissimi (ho guardato i dati da gennaio ad oggi, e sono alti). Più che altro, a fare la differenza in termini di yields credo che sia la disponibilità di connessioni, in particolar modo per il resto del SE asiatico, e il numero di voli che CX ha sulla rotta. Inoltre non escluderei l'impatto delle cinesi, soprattutto per quei transiti che una volta viaggiavano via HKG e ora sono via mainland.

Poi, vero: a HKG c'era una base con 80 crew, che faceva solo 2 voli, ad un costo certamente maggiore di quella, nuova, di Shanghai. In più ci sono gli equipaggi Worldwide, per i quali quello è un viaggio di 5 giorni (per Mixed Fleet sarebbe solo uno da 3-4 giorni); tutti costi che inficiano sul costo di una rotta, così come incidevano su SIN, su EZE, GRU. Non credo che in molti trovino opinabile la chiusura tout court, ma penso che in parecchi (io incluso) il modo con cui l'hanno chiusa. Pacciani sarebbe stato più delicato.
Credo sia una specie di progressione naturale, una volta erano le 'out-station' erano normali. Pan Am, per esempio, aveva equipaggi di base a Londra. Quando le rotte furono rilevate da United la base fu mantenuta per un po', poi fu chiusa. Sono d'accordo con te la decisione di chiudere era comprensibile, come lo hanno fatto opinabile. Pero' non e' un caso isolato (e parlo anche di altri settori). Per esempio, il primo Giugno del 2017 fummo convocati in una riunione per discutere il programma del secondo semestre, solo che in quella riunione ci fu comunicato che avrebbero iniziato la pratica per licenziare l'80% di quelli che provenivano dall'azienda che era stata comprata 12 mesi prima e non ebbero nemmeno il coraggio di comunicarlo di persona. Il gran capo partecipava alla riunione via teleconferenza.


Utente Registrato
26 Aprile 2012
United ha tutt’ora LHR based crews.
[OT]Uno dei più grandi misteri, per me, di noi come specie umana è il fatto che siamo riusciti a mandare l'uomo sulla Luna, facciamo i trapianti di faccia e, nonostante ciò, non riusciamo ancora a capire che una valigia con 4 rotelle, se lasciata a sé stessa, si muoverà non appena il treno accelera o decelera.

Qualche mese fa ero sulla Piccadilly, piazzato come mio solito 'ncopp 'u vestibulo quando sale una assistente di volo United. Piazza la sua valigia, con corollario di altra valigetta attaccata, in piedi sulle 4 rotelline, di fianco a me. Io la guardo e con tutto il garbo del mondo le dico `"Signò, secondo me farebbe meglio a mettere la valigia sul fianco". Lei mi guarda, occhi carichi di puro di disprezzo, e mi fa "I know what I'm doing" e lascia lì tutto.

Manco a dirlo, ripartiamo, la valigia decolla, si frantuma dentro un mio ginocchio e poi veleggia giù per il corridoio. [/OT]
Ultima modifica:


Utente Registrato
2 Ottobre 2016
United ha tutt’ora LHR based crews.
United credo abbia anche equipaggi basati a FRA.

[OT]Uno dei più grandi misteri, per me, di noi come specie umana è il fatto che siamo riusciti a mandare l'uomo sulla Luna, facciamo i trapianti di faccia e, nonostante ciò, non riusciamo ancora a capire che una valigia con 4 rotelle, se lasciata a sé stessa, si muoverà non appena il treno accelera o decelera.

Qualche mese fa ero sulla Piccadilly, piazzato come mio solito 'ncopp 'u vestibulo quando sale una assistente di volo United. Piazza la sua valigia, con corollario di altra valigetta attaccata, in piedi sulle 4 rotelline, di fianco a me. Io la guardo e con tutto il garbo del mondo le dico `"Signò, secondo me farebbe meglio a mettere la valigia sul fianco". Lei mi guarda, occhi carichi di puro di sprezzo, e mi fa "I know what I'm doing" e lascia lì tutto.

Manco a dirlo, ripartiamo, la valigia decolla, si frantuma dentro un mio ginocchio e poi veleggia giù per il corridoio. [/OT]
Scene di ordinaria follia che vedo anche qui a FRA con i colleghi tedeschi.


Utente Registrato
26 Aprile 2012
l'idiozia non ha bandiere, ne' simboli di vettori che corrispondano a mappamondi o tricolori se ne vuoi fare un target specifico accomodati pure, per carita'...

EEA, detto sinceramente: ho appena finito di dire peste e corna della mia stessa compagnia, del mio stesso management, e dopo nemmeno tre post sarei a fare le garette di superiorita' con United perche' c'avete un'assistente di volo non particolarmente gentile con i pendolari sulla metro?

Prendi queste cose un po' meno sul serio, per favore.


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006

British Airways today announced that Andrew Brem is appointed Chief Commercial Officer and a member of the British Airways Management Committee. Andrew Brem joins British Airways on 29 October, 2018 and takes responsibility for the airline’s Commercial division, reporting to Chairman and CEO, Alex Cruz.
Andrew joins British Airways from the FTSE-100 insurance business Aviva, where he was Chief Digital Officer overseeing digital growth, transformation and customer propositions. Prior to Aviva, Andrew was Managing Director of British Gas’ connected homes business, where he launched Hive.
Andrew has previously held leadership positions in market-leading, customer-focused businesses including Carphone Warehouse, where he was Managing Director, Multi-Channel eCommerce & Services, and ASDA, where he was Director for and new business.
Alex Cruz, Chairman and CEO of British Airways, said: “I am thrilled to welcome Andrew to British Airways. Andrew is a great talent with extensive experience of leading and growing consumer businesses. We are investing £4.5 billion in our products and services over the next five years and Andrew will be instrumental in accelerating our transformation and strengthening our commercial offer. We are all looking forward to working with him.”
Andrew Brem said: “Consumer behaviour in aviation is evolving rapidly and driving change. This, combined with the significant investment programme for the next five years, makes it an exciting time to join British Airways. I am looking forward to working with the team and British Airways’ business trade partners to take forward our ambitions.”
Andrew Brem replaces Adam Daniels who it was announced in the summer of 2018, will join Avios as Chief Commercial Officer, after three successful years as Chief Commercial Officer for British Airways.


Utente Registrato
7 Febbraio 2017
UK competition regulator to study British Airways trans-Atlantic alliance
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) said it would investigate British Airways’ revenue-sharing partnership on trans-Atlantic routes ahead of the 2020 expiry of a previous competition deal agreed with the airlines.
British Airways, alongside American Airlines (AAL.O), Iberia and Finnair (FIA1S.HE) form the Atlantic Joint Business Agreement, a revenue-sharing joint venture which covers routes between Europe and North America and allows the partners to co-operate on pricing, capacity and schedules.
The UK regulator, the CMA, said in a statement on Thursday it would open an investigation into the partnership, adding that the case was at an early stage and no assumption should be made that it infringes competition law. The CMA said it decided to study the partnership as commitments made by the airlines under a European Union competition probe from 2010 will expire in 2020. By that time, the UK will no longer be part of the EU. The commitments made in 2010 mainly related to UK-U.S. routes. The CMA said the new investigation would apply UK and EU law. British Airways and Iberia are both owned by IAG Group (ICAG.L), which said in a statement it would respond to the review.


Utente Registrato
9 Marzo 2009
Nuove aperture (Preveza e Bastia) ma anche aumenti (Palermo).


Customers can start plotting their summer escape now as British Airways launches new routes from Heathrow to Preveza in Greece and Bastia in Corsica and adds more flights to leisure destinations.

Seats to the picture-perfect Greek town are available to book on from today with flights taking off from Terminal 5 on Wednesdays and Sundays from May 26 through to September 29, 2019. Fares start from £71 one-way in Euro Traveller and £198 in Club Europe and customers can choose to cut the cost of flights by using Avios part payment. They can pick from a range of savings by destination and cabin while still collecting Avios and Tier Points on their bookings.

Preveza is ideally positioned as a gateway to both beach and mountain escapes, sitting just 20 minutes north of the island of Lefkada, a world-famous summer yachting haven and windsurfers’ paradise. Adventure seekers can also explore one of Europe’s great wildernesses as Preveza is located just 60 minutes away from the Pindus mountains, where travellers can trek the vast alpine trails or explore the UNESCO protected Vikos Gorge.

Flights to the Corsican gateway of Bastia will operate every Saturday from May 25 to September 28, 2019 and will be the second destination the airline will serve on the French island following the launch of a new service to Figari this year. Corsica is perfectly placed between France and Italy in the Mediterranean Sea and is fast becoming a must-visit destination for European holidaymakers. Fares start from £48 in Euro Traveller and £128 in Club Europe one-way.

Sean Doyle, British Airways' Director of Network and Alliances, said: "We're always devloping our leisure offering and are committed to giving our customers even more choice of destinations at competitively low prices, so we're pleased to be adding two more stunning spots to our summer schedule. On our long haul network we’re launching new routes to Osaka and Pittsburgh and increasing the number of flights to Nashville, and we’re also increasing the number of services to European destinations such as Malaga, Gibraltar and Palermo.”

The airline is also increasing the number of flights it operates from Heathrow to other popular leisure destinations next summer, with more flights to Marseille, Budapest, Gibraltar, Palermo, Amsterdam and Malaga and a new service from Gatwick to Kos taking off from May 15, 2019.

Flights from London City will also be boosted, with additional frequencies on Ibiza, Edinburgh and Berlin.



Utente Registrato
9 Marzo 2009
Much to @13900’s amusement :))), BA apre Charleston/CHS dalla S19.


LHR—CHS 17:20 21:20 THU SUN
CHS—LHR 22:50 11:50+1 THU SUN
Dai che magari al prossimo giro ‘ci’ accontentano con una Sarajevo o almeno un ritorno a Belgrado :)