Thread Lufthansa


Utente Registrato
24 Luglio 2018
Together for climate protection: Lufthansa Cargo and DB Schenker start first CO2-neutral freight flights

Il volo sarà operato da un 77F per Shangai. Vorrebbero implementare questa soluzione già dalla summer 2021.

Ultima modifica:


Socio AIAC 2025
Utente Registrato
31 Dicembre 2015
Ripesco questo thread per segnalare una curiosità: nel mese di febbraio, LH opererà un volo one shot per le isole Falkland da Amburgo con A350. Sarà il volo più lungo operato da LH.
Qui i dettagli della particolare missione:


Utente Registrato
8 Ottobre 2007
Ripesco questo thread per segnalare una curiosità: nel mese di febbraio, LH opererà un volo one shot per le isole Falkland da Amburgo con A350. Sarà il volo più lungo operato da LH.
Qui i dettagli della particolare missione:
C'è qualche problema con gli alternati laggiù. L'Argentina non vede di buon occhio chi arriva da quella destinazione...


Utente Registrato
16 Settembre 2011
C'è qualche problema con gli alternati laggiù. L'Argentina non vede di buon occhio chi arriva da quella destinazione...
Quale sarebbero gli alternati per chi viaggia verso le Falkland?
In ogni caso, in zona, c'è sempre Punta Arenas in Cile.


Socio AIAC 2025
Utente Registrato
31 Dicembre 2015
Quale sarebbero gli alternati per chi viaggia verso le Falkland?
In ogni caso, in zona, c'è sempre Punta Arenas in Cile.
Un volo EDTO (leggasi ETOPS) deve avere un alternato a 120min di volo. Inoltre potrebbe essrre previsto di optare per NO ALTERNATE , in questo caso a queste condizioni: (if) the aerodrome is isolated, in which case a destination alternate is not required and instead additional fuel must be carried. a Point of No Return (PNR) must be determined and this must not be passed unless an assessment of the prevailing weather, traffic and other operational conditions indicates that a safe landing can be achieved at the ETA.
C'è qualche problema con gli alternati laggiù. L'Argentina non vede di buon occhio chi arriva da quella destinazione...
Essendo un volo specifico per una misdione speciale, dove non ci sojo di mezzo i brits, magari hanno ottenuto le adeguate dispense...


Utente Registrato
14 Novembre 2005
Lufthansa Would Operate €9 Flights To Keep Its Airport Slots

Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr today revealed that he would operate flights that cost passengers just €9 ($11) if it allowed the airline to keep its slots at major airports. Previously Mr. Spohr has been known for calling out such fares offered by his competitors as irresponsible

Slots at major hub airports are usually tightly controlled. If you don’t use them, you lose them. The threshold where they are typically lost is if they are utilized less than 80% of the time. In the past, this has seen carriers operating ghost flights to fulfill their slot needs during the quieter winter months.
These rules led to a problem when the pandemic entered full swing. Airlines were keen to cancel flights given the massive drop in passenger numbers. However, they also didn’t want to lose their precious slots. Thankfully, those in control decided fairly swiftly to implement waivers for airlines. The European Commission is looking to reintroduce slot rules for the summer 2021 schedule.
Primis Player Placeholder

€9 Lufthansa flights?
Lufthansa’s CEO, Carsten Spohr, today told an interview with Eurocontrol that he would consider offering €9 fares for flights if the airline should need to operate empty flights to maintain slots. After all, gaining €9 from one passenger would be €9 more than if the flight had run empty. Spohr commented,
“Any airline like us who depends on the hub system will do whatever it takes to safeguard their slots. If we have to fly empty, we’ll probably offer nine euro tickets ourselves to keep those flights in the system… Giving up essential slots at a hub is a damage to generations of Lufthansa staff or Air France staff or British Airways staff or KLM staff to come.”
Why are the comments surprising?
Spohr’s comments come as a surprise, as we’re used to heading him attacking Ryanair’s €9.99 fares. Spohr reignited the debate in July when he called €9.99 fares ecologically and economically irresponsible, saying that such fares damage the aviation industry’s reputation.

It seems that Spohr believes such empty flights would quickly gain the disapproval of the media and the public, forcing the European Commission’s hand at extending slot waivers. He went on to comment,
“On the one hand, European Commission wants to reduce the CO2 footprint. On the other hand, if they would force us to fly empty, that’d be crazy. I think it would be public very quickly. That’s why I’m still optimistic that the slot waiver one way or another will be extended.”
What is the European Commission proposing?
The European Commission released its new proposal for slot waivers on December 16th. The commission proposes that the 80% use it or lose it rule be reduced to 40%. This is based on traffic operating at 50% of 2019 levels. In the first quarter, Lufthansa expects to run just 20% of its usual capacity.



Utente Registrato
19 Agosto 2014
L'articolo ha un po' rigirato la frittata rispetto all'intervista, ma va bé...

Spohr ha detto che è sicuro che l'UE rivedrà le regole sugli slot per un'ulteriore estensione del waiver (allo stesso modo in cui è già stato fatto in US, Cina, UK).

Se ciò non avvenisse, le compagnie sarebbero costrette a volare ad ogni costo pur di mantenerli (ecco la provocazione con i voli a €9,99), ma ciò sarebbe ipocrita considerando le spinte ambientaliste – sempre dell'UE – nel senso di ridurre le emissioni di CO2.
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Utente Registrato
14 Novembre 2005
L'articolo ha un po' rigirato la frittata rispetto all'intervista, ma va bé...

Spohr ha detto che è sicuro che l'UE rivedrà le regole sugli slot per un'ulteriore estensione del waiver (allo stesso modo in cui è già stato fatto in US, Cina, UK).

Se ciò non avvenisse, le compagnie sarebbero costrette a volare ad ogni costo pur di mantenerli (ecco la provocazione con i voli a €9,99), ma ciò sarebbe ipocrita considerando le spinte ambientaliste – sempre dell'UE – nel senso di ridurre le emissioni di CO2.
Però in fondo all' articolo si dice che la UE avrebbe proposto di ripristinare la regola use it or lose it, ma vista la situazione si abbasserebbe il livello di utilizzo richiesto al 40% di ogni slot per non perderlo invece che al normale 80%. Il problema è che molte compagnie non stanno raggiungendo nemmeno il 40%


Utente Registrato
24 Luglio 2018
Però in fondo all' articolo si dice che la UE avrebbe proposto di ripristinare la regola use it or lose it, ma vista la situazione si abbasserebbe il livello di utilizzo richiesto al 40% di ogni slot per non perderlo invece che al normale 80%. Il problema è che molte compagnie non stanno raggiungendo nemmeno il 40%
Infatti è questo il problema, poi non dimentichiamoci che UE ha chiesto a LH di cedere "all'asta" slots a MUC e FRA, per accedere agli aiuti di stato. Cioè non credo che, al momento, ci sia una compagnia che riesce a mantenere il 40%.


Utente Registrato
14 Novembre 2005
Lufthansa Group: la deadline per il cambio volo senza sovrapprezzo slitta a maggio

Nuova proroga per la deadline della cancellazione della rebooking fee per le compagnie aeree del gruppo Lufthansa. La scadenza è stata infatti spostata dalla fine di febbraio al 31 maggio e per partenze fino alla fine del 2021 sui voli di Lufthansa, Austrian, Eurowings, Swiss e Brussels.

La proroga coinvolge tutti i tipi di tariffe e tutti i collegamenti a corto, medio e lungo raggio e riguarda tutti i biglietti acquistati prima del 31 agosto del 2020. I cambi senza supplemento potranno essere effettuati più volte fino alla fine di maggio e ancora una volta dopo tale data.

Nel caso di mancanza di disponibilità della tariffa acquistata le compagnie del gruppo Lufthansa potrebbero applicare un sovraprezzo se la tariffa disponibile è di costo superiore.



Utente Registrato
14 Agosto 2016
Appena ricevuta questa email:

Dear Mr. XYZ,

Between 21.1. and 11.2.2021, a data breach occurred at a service provider of one of our Star Alliance partners. The incident involved hackers penetrating a booking system and accessing customer data from Star Alliance partners.

The data in question relates exclusively to service card numbers, status level and in some cases names. Unfortunately, your customer data is also affected. You can rest assured, however, that no passwords, email addresses or other personal customer data were stolen in the incident.

Transparency is a top priority for us at Miles & More. That is why we are hereby informing you about the incident, although it took place outside the Lufthansa Group. There is no need for you to take any action in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Your Miles & More Service Team

Chissà chi è il partner in questione?


Utente Registrato
14 Novembre 2005
Lufthansa Cargo posts record earnings

Adjusted EBIT of 772 million euros enables important investments in the future ++ New Boeing 777F announced for the freighter fleet in Frankfurt

Lufthansa Cargo achieved the best result in its 26-year history in the 2020 financial year. Revenue rose by 11 percent to 2.76 billion euros, while adjusted EBIT amounted to 772 million euros (previous year: 1 million euros). This corresponds to a margin of 28 percent (previous year: 0 percent). A total of 6.5 billion freight ton kilometers (-27 percent) were sold last year. Average load factor improved by 7.8 percentage points to 69.1 percent, while cargo capacity shrank by 36 percent.

"We are pleased to close what was probably the most challenging year in our company's history with a record result. It is also a record in terms of the commitment and flexibility of our workforce - and we are proud of the outstanding cooperation with our long-standing partners and customers. This success enables very decisive investments in our future. We want to make airfreight sustainably better and further strengthen our home base in Frankfurt. That is why we will gradually modernize our cargo center in the coming years and continue to drive forward digitalization along the entire transport chain," said Dorothea von Boxberg, Chairperson of the Executive Board and Chief Executive Officer of Lufthansa Cargo.

"This year, we will add another highly efficient Boeing 777F aircraft to our freighter fleet. In doing so, we will also secure jobs in the cockpit and in other areas," von Boxberg announced. In addition to the bellyhold capacities of Lufthansa, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Eurowings and SunExpress, the cargo airline will thus provide its customers with the capacity of fourteen modern wide-body freighters in the future. The aircraft is scheduled to arrive in Frankfurt by fall 2021 and will be stationed there. The twin-engine Boeing 777F is considered the most efficient freighter in its class.

"Now that we are optimally positioned with one of the world's most modern freighter fleets, we will work with our customers to drive forward the regular use of sustainable fuels," von Boxberg said. In November 2020, Lufthansa Cargo had already become the world's first cargo airline to operate a rotation fully compensated with Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).

Lufthansa Cargo initially started the financial year with cautious expectations. Influenced by a noticeable cooling of the airfreight market, the cargo airline had already launched a structural cost-cutting program in the previous year, which also contributed to the current result.
In an extremely challenging environment for the entire aviation industry, the Lufthansa Group's logistics subsidiary succeeded in maintaining its global connections with cargo aircraft at all times. The cargo airline countered the pandemic-related, continuous changes in entry regulations for crews, for example, with extremely flexible network planning. In order to compensate, at least in part, for the loss of bellyhold loading capacities largely associated with passenger traffic, Lufthansa Cargo, together with the Group airlines Lufthansa, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines and Eurowings, made hundreds of flights with passenger aircraft available to its customers solely for the transport of goods (so-called "preighters").


TW 843

Senior Member
6 Novembre 2005
Azionista LibertyLines
07.03.2021 - 23:18 UTC
Lufthansa (LH, Frankfurt Int'l) is unlikely to ever reactivate its fourteen mothballed A380-800s and will instead boost its medium-size widebody fleet with at least some of its twenty ordered B787-9s, Chief Executive Carsten Spohr said during a presentation of the company's annual results.
"At Lufthansa German Airlines, fourteen A380-800s and ten A340-600s, among others, have been permanently decommissioned," he said.
The group's annual financial report lists six Airbus double-deckers as "scheduled for retirement" and the remaining eight just as "temporarily decommissioned". Spohr, however, clarified that from today's perspective, there was no chance that the latter would ever be reactivated.
In the annual report, the group detailed that the distinction was mostly due to the fact that the six aircraft will be sold back to Airbus in 2022 and 2023. Lufthansa announced the transaction in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic.
"The A340-600 sub-fleets and the eight A380s remaining after the agreed sale of six aircraft in 2022 and 2023 have been fully decommissioned for several years," Lufthansa Group said in the report.
Spohr added that going forward, the group will focus on smaller widebody aircraft, which are better suited to the expected low-demand environment. As such, he confirmed that at least some of the twenty B787-9s the group has on firm order from Boeing will go to Lufthansa. The group has thus far declined to comment on the eventual operators of the aircraft.
He underlined that the final decision regarding the entire 20 has not been taken yet. The aircraft are due to deliver between 2022 and 2025. On top of the 20 firm-ordered units, Lufthansa holds options for another 20.
The group reported a net loss of EUR6.7 billion euros (USD8 billion) in 2020 and a 63% drop in total revenue, caused by a 75% drop in passenger numbers. Lufthansa itself posted an EBIT loss of EUR4.7 billion (USD5.6 billion), while its subsidiary airlines Swiss, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, and Eurowings recorded EBIT losses of EUR695 million (USD828 million), EUR381 million (USD454 million), EUR332 million (USD396 million), and EUR802 million (USD956 million), respectively.
The only beacon of hope in an otherwise dismal year was the outstanding performance of Lufthansa Cargo, which posted an EBIT profit of EUR717 million (EUR854 million), despite a 36% drop in total freight capacity brought on by a lack of bellyhold capacity resulting from cuts in passenger flights. Lufthansa Cargo compensated for the loss with much higher demand and yield for its full-freighter operations.
The German carrier said that despite the massive losses, its financial situation was stable thanks to a mix of market financing and government aid. Lufthansa itself drew down EUR3.3 billion (USD3.9 billion) from its allotted state aid, less than a third of the total amount. EUR1 billion (USD1.2 billion) has already been repaid thanks to capital raised through a bond placement.
"The Lufthansa Group is well-financed beyond 2021. This is also helped by the previously unused elements of the stabilization package, which we can draw on as needed to further strengthen our balance sheet," Chief Financial Officer Remco Steenbergen said.
Going forward, the group will consider selling non-essential subsidiaries that are only loosely aligned to its core business. No specifics were given.
In its own press release, Swiss said that it was considering further changes in response to renewed travel restrictions in early 2021.
"It is now abundantly clear that the entire airline industry will undergo a tangible structural change. As a result, we at SWISS will also have to consider a more radical resizing than we have envisaged to date," Chief Executive Dieter Vranckx said. While he suggested potential fleet and network cuts, he also underlined that no decisions have been taken just yet.
Swiss plans to reduce its headcount by a further 1,000 positions through the end of the year through a combination of natural attrition, early retirements and new part-time working arrangements. Lufthansa said that in Germany, it would trim around 10,000 positions this year. Austrian Airlines and Brussels Airlines, while stressing the cataclysmic market situation in which the whole industry has found itself, did not announce any further cuts in their respective annual wrap-ups.



Utente Registrato
14 Agosto 2016
Una domanda: in un volo long-haul in J, se seleziono un piatto latto-ovo vegetariano, mi presentano della sbobba immangiabile come in Y?

Io mangio pesce (raramente) ma non mangio carne (ci sono posti, tipo Memphis, dove non è che abbondino le scelte ma, se possibile, sto cercando di evitarla completamente).
Ho visto il menu di J per il volo in oggetto e col pesce riuscirei a cavarmela (i truffel ravioli dai crucchi proprio no), però c'è della carne nell'antipasto, che magari lascerei indietro, ma se lo special meal in J è dignitoso potrei provarci.