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East End Ave

Utente Registrato
13 Agosto 2013
su e giu' sull'atlantico...

East End Ave

Utente Registrato
13 Agosto 2013
su e giu' sull'atlantico...
Lo posto qua.

Quali sono gli aeroporti più stressanti del mondo: Fiumicino settimo

Probabilmente qui molti li hanno visti tutti e 10, cosa ne pensate?

A me sembra una cosa abbastanza soggettiva e di quelli in cui sono stato non li ricordo particolarmente stressanti. E a Gatwick c'ho passato praticamente due giorni cercando di risolvere un problema, ma lo ricordo come un bel aeroporto. svariati di questi ho seri dubbi circa le modalita' di sondaggio, a partire da FCO per finire a DEN o MUC


Utente Registrato
11 Dicembre 2017
262 svariati di questi ho seri dubbi circa le modalita' di sondaggio, a partire da FCO per finire a DEN o MUC
Questi sondaggi non hanno senso se non si definisce l'oggetto dello studio... il ff con status e/o biglietto in J nonché una certa esperienza dubito soffra di stress da nessuna parte... per contro chi ha prende due voli l'anno in ultra basic economy... di motivi di stress ne ha tanti e perlopiù neanche dipendono dall'aeroporto.

Inviato dal mio SM-G975F utilizzando Tapatalk

East End Ave

Utente Registrato
13 Agosto 2013
su e giu' sull'atlantico...
"United 767 that was substantially damaged in Houston in July bounced twice after hitting the runway hard with its nose wheel, the NTSB reports.
The nose wheel touched down with a gravitational force equivalent (g) of about 1.4 g and bounced. The speed brakes deployed, and the nose wheel impacted the runway a second time with a force of about 1.6 g followed by another bounce.
The right thrust reverser (TR) deployed, and the nose wheel impacted the runway again with a force of about 1.6 g followed by the deployment of the left TR. A post-accident examination of the airplane revealed substantial damage to the crown of the upper fuselage.
The flight crew reported that the first officer (FO) was the pilot flying and the captain was the pilot monitoring. No injuries were reported to the 202 passengers and crew onboard."
Breaking Aviation News&Video
Leggermente diversa la versione di AvHerald

The flight crew reported that the first officer (FO) was the pilot flying and the captain was the pilot monitoring. The departure from EWR and the cruise segment of the flight were uneventful. Upon arrival at IAH, they were cleared for the DOOBI2 arrival and the ILS 26L approach. According to the flight crew, the airplane was fully configured for landing, on speed and in compliance with the company’s stable approach criteria and the initial touchdown on the main wheels was normal. The FO stated that after the main landing gear touched down, he held aft pressure on the control yoke to keep the nose wheel from hitting the runway; however, the nose wheel made contact with abnormal force. The airplane appeared to bounce, and he reacted by pulling aft on the control yoke, in an effort to keep the nose wheel from impacting the runway a second time. Subsequently, the speed brakes deployed, and the auto brakes engaged which resulted in a second bounce of the nose wheel. He deployed the thrust reversers, and the airplane began to decelerate. The captain assumed control of the airplane and the remainder of the landing rollout was normal with no risk of runway overrun or excursion.
E niente, come se a Roma gli avessero detto: "Cheee??!!? Feisaut??? Ha da torna' a vola', e sbrighete pure!!!"



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4 Marzo 2021