Incidente mid-air per un 737 Max 9 di Alaska Air


Utente Registrato
23 Marzo 2009
Presi una cameretta per la figlia, e preferii pagare trasporto e montaggio, più una spaghettata per i due poveri cristi che portarono tutto a spalle al sesto piano, nell'ascensore non entrava.
Sei andato bene che era l'ultima consegna perché hanno i minuti talmente contati che altro che spaghettata ci scappa, ecco perché montano alla carlona spesso e volentieri. Te pensa che 15 minuti prima della scadenza del timing concesso per il montaggio cominciano a chiamarli dalla "centrale" per far pressa.
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Utente Registrato
19 Giugno 2016
Ieri è stata approvata la procedura di ispezione e le azioni correttive per rimettere in servizio i MAX 9 con il plug.

La FAA dice anche che non concederà nessun incremento del rateo di produzione dei MAX fino a quando i problemi di controllo di qualità evidenziati non siano risolti.

Anche la parte in fondo (Boeing Safety Review Culture Report) sembra interessante.

Se qualcuno trova la procedura di ispezione e riesce a condividerla, sarebbe molto interessante capire i dettagli :)

FAA Halts Boeing MAX Production Expansion to Improve Quality Control, Also Lays Out Extensive Inspection and Maintenance Process to Allow Boeing 737-9 MAX Aircraft to Return to Service

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

WASHINGTON – The Jan. 5 Boeing 737-9 MAX incident must never happen again. Accordingly, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is announcing additional actions to ensure every aircraft is safe. The FAA today informed Boeing it will not grant any production expansion of the MAX, including the 737-9 MAX. This action comes on top of the FAA’s investigation and ramped up oversight of Boeing and its suppliers. The FAA today also approved a thorough inspection and maintenance process that must be performed on each of the grounded 171 Boeing 737-9 MAX aircraft. Upon successful completion, the aircraft will be eligible to return to service.

“We grounded the Boeing 737-9 MAX within hours of the incident over Portland and made clear this aircraft would not go back into service until it was safe,” FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker said. “The exhaustive, enhanced review our team completed after several weeks of information gathering gives me and the FAA confidence to proceed to the inspection and maintenance phase.

“However, let me be clear: This won’t be back to business as usual for Boeing. We will not agree to any request from Boeing for an expansion in production or approve additional production lines for the 737 MAX until we are satisfied that the quality control issues uncovered during this process are resolved.”

The FAA approved this detailed set of inspection and maintenance instructions after a thorough review of data from 40 inspections of grounded planes. The FAA also convened a Corrective Action Review Board (CARB). The CARB, made up of safety experts, scrutinized and approved the inspection and maintenance process.

Following the completion of the enhanced maintenance and inspection process on each aircraft, the door plugs on the 737-9 MAX will be in compliance with the original design which is safe to operate. This aircraft will not operate until the process is complete and compliance with the original design is confirmed.

The enhanced maintenance process will require:

An inspection of specific bolts, guide tracks and fittings
Detailed visual inspections of left and right mid-cabin exit door plugs and dozens of associated components
Retorquing fasteners
Correcting any damage or abnormal conditions


After grounding the Boeing 737-9 MAX aircraft in early January, the FAA has laid out a series of actions to increase oversight of Boeing’s production lines.

“The quality assurance issues we have seen are unacceptable,” said Whitaker. “That is why we will have more boots on the ground closely scrutinizing and monitoring production and manufacturing activities.”

Increased oversight activities include:

Capping expanded production of new Boeing 737 MAX aircraft to ensure accountability and full compliance with required quality control procedures.
Launching an investigation scrutinizing Boeing’s compliance with manufacturing requirements. The FAA will use the full extent of its enforcement authority to ensure the company is held accountable for any non-compliance.
Aggressively expanding oversight of new aircraft with increased floor presence at all Boeing facilities.
Closely monitoring data to identify risk
Launching an analysis of potential safety-focused reforms around quality control and delegation.

The FAA will continue to support the National Transportation Safety Board’s (NTSB) investigation into Alaska Airlines Flight 1282. The NTSB is in charge of the investigation and will provide any updates.


In early 2023, the FAA convened 24 experts to review Boeing’s safety management processes and how they affect Boeing’s safety culture. The FAA expects the report within weeks. The results of the Boeing Safety Culture Review report will also inform the agency regarding future action. The review panel included representatives from NASA, the FAA, labor unions, independent engineering experts, air carriers, manufacturers with delegated authority, legal experts and others. The panel has been reviewing thousands of documents, interviewed more than 250 Boeing employees, managers, and executives, Boeing supplier employees, and FAA employees and visited several Boeing sites as well as Spirit AeroSystems’ facility in Wichita.
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Utente Registrato
13 Agosto 2009
Close to de siti eirport
Per far vedere che hanno risolto con successo la procedura per avvitare meglio 4 dadi (con Toni ovviamente trionfalistici) si perderanno qualche altro pezzo in giro. Mica puoi avere la qualità ovunque!


13 Agosto 2007
Sono d'accordo che i toni non sembrano i migliori. Speriamo che le azioni "strutturali" sulla gestione della Qualità siano efficaci.
Alla fine dipende tutto da dirigenti, consiglieri e quadri: se hanno voglia di cambiare mentalità, le cose miglioreranno. La mia personalissima opinione è che non si sia ancora toccato il fondo: non è stato ancora toccato il portafoglio di nessun dirigente e nessuno ha subito conseguenze penali per la lunga sequela di errori -- è raro che cambino i comportamenti in assenza di bastoni e carote adeguatamente disposti.

East End Ave

Utente Registrato
13 Agosto 2013
su e giu' sull'atlantico...
Inizia -finalmente- qualche necessario homework!

  • Boeing's assembly facilities in Renton, Washington, will pause for 24 hours on January 25 for a 'Quality Stand Down' session focused on improving quality processes.
  • Employees who work on the assembly of the Boeing 737 aircraft will evaluate their work and make recommendations for improvement during the session.
  • The sessions are part of Boeing's efforts to address manufacturing lapses following the grounding of the 737 MAX 9 and to strengthen its quality management system.



Utente Registrato
1 Febbraio 2012
“Manufacturing lapses”, adoro come in inglese si riesca sempre a infiocchettare verbalmente qualcosa per dargli una valenza meno negativa di quella che meriterebbe…
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Utente Registrato
30 Settembre 2007
Tutte queste sfilacciature fanno pensare a una cultura del lavoro un po' degradata. Sembra che non abbiano piu' tanto a cuore fare un buon lavoro e si, questo puo' succedere quando i vertici fanno pasticci, demotivano la truppa con cattivi esempi, cattivi valori, disincentivi. Il pesce inizia a puzzare dalla testa. Hanno bisogno di anni di buona etica del lavoro. Non vale solo per Boeing, e' un problema molto diffuso. Pero' cose tipo attrezzi dimenticati dentro, fori malfatti, controlli non effettuati, lassismo suggeriscono questo... E' difficile restare motivato e fare un buon lavoro quando la linea gerachica e' fatta da persone che non stimi e danno il cattivo esempio o puntiscono chi rompe e segnala problemi o soluzioni migliori.


Utente Registrato
26 Gennaio 2012
"Boeing has reported another problem with fuselages on its 737 MAXs that might delay deliveries of about 50 aircraft in the latest quality issue to plague the manufacturer.Boeing said on Sunday it will have to do more work on about 50 undelivered 737 MAX airplanes after its supplier Spirit AeroSystems discovered mis-drilled holes on some fuselages.
The boss of Emirates has also warned Boeing that its in the "last chance saloon", saying he had seen a "progressive decline" in its performance.
Emirates president Sir Tim Clark said that Emirates would send its engineers to monitor Boeing's production lines. "They have got to instil this safety culture which is second to none. They've got to get their manufacturing processes under review so there are no corners cut etc," Sir Tim said."
Breaking Aviation News&Video


Utente Registrato
17 Novembre 2009
da AvHerald:
On Feb 6th 2024 the NTSB announced the preliminary report will be released at about 14:00ET (19:00Z), The Aviation Herald will cover the report as quickly as possible.
Sembra che ci sia un po' di traffico sul sit della NTSB: Simon dice che The report has been released, the download (13MB) is crawling at perhaps 5Kb/s, the NTSB server is entirely overloaded. As soon as I have the report downloaded, I'll place it onto AVH and summarize it.


Utente Registrato
26 Gennaio 2012
The NTSB’s preliminary report notes: “...the observed damage patterns and absence of contact damage or deformation [around the area of the mid-cabin exit door plug] indicate that the four bolts that prevent upward movement of the MED plug were missing...”


Utente Registrato
17 Novembre 2009
The Manufacturing Records Group traveled to Boeing’s Renton, Washington, facility to review manufacturing records for the accident airplane specific to the left MED plug area. According to records, the accident fuselage arrived at Boeing’s Renton facility by rail on August 31, 2023. During the manufacturing process, if any defects or discrepancies were found, a Non- Conformance Record (NCR) or a disposition required NCR were generated.

On September 1, 2023, records show that NCR 1450292531 was created noting five damaged rivets on the edge frame forward of the left MED plug. See figure 14 for rivet locations.

Documents and photos show that to perform the replacement of the damaged rivets, access to the rivets required opening the left MED plug (see figure 15). To open the MED plug, the two vertical movement arrestor bolts and two upper guide track bolts had to be removed.

Records show the rivets were replaced per engineering requirements on Non-Conformance (NC) Order 145-8987-RSHK-1296-002NC completed on September 19, 2023, by Spirit AeroSystems personnel. Photo documentation obtained from Boeing shows evidence of the left-hand MED plug closed with no retention hardware (bolts) in the three visible locations (the aft upper guide track is covered with insulation and cannot be seen in the photo). See figure 16. This image was attached to a text message between Boeing team members on September 19, 2023, around 1839 local. These Boeing personnel were discussing interior restoration after the rivet rework was completed during second shift operations that day.

The investigation continues to determine what manufacturing documents were used to authorize the opening and closing of the left MED plug during the rivet rework.

The Human Performance Investigator joined the group to travel to Spirit AeroSystems, where they reviewed pertinent build work documents and observed a door plug installation. As mentioned earlier, the accident MED plug was manufactured by Spirit AeroSystems Malaysia on March 24, 2023, and received at Spirit AeroSystems Wichita on May 10, 2023. The MED plug was then installed and rigged on the fuselage prior to delivery to Boeing. During the build process, one quality notification (QN NW0002407062) was noted indicating the seal flushness was out of tolerance by 0.01 inches. No manufacturing rework was required, as Spirit AeroSystems Engineering determined the condition was structurally and functionally acceptable and did not adversely affect the form, fit, or function of the installation. There were no other QNs for the left MED plug before leaving Spirit AeroSystems. Fuselage Line 8789 was shipped to Boeing on August 20, 2023.

Figure 16 Photo showing the left MED plug immediately before interior restoration and the circles show the three locations without the retaining bolts, two vertical movement arrestor bolts and the forward upper guide track bolt. The aft upper guide track is covered with insulation and cannot be seen in the photo. (Source: Boeing. Image Copyright © Boeing. Reproduced with permission.):
Ma la frase chiave è:
"Overall, the observed damage patterns and absence of contact damage or deformation around holes associated with the vertical movement arrestor bolts and upper guide track bolts in the upper guide fittings, hinge fittings, and recovered aft lower hinge guide fitting indicate that the four bolts that prevent upward movement of the MED plug were missing before the MED plug moved upward off the stop pads."
Non è che qualcuno si è dimenticato qualcosa quando hanno richiuso il portello che avevano dovuto aprire per lavorare sui rivetti non conformi?
Ultima modifica:


Utente Registrato
27 Novembre 2011
Una domanda che forse ha già avuto risposta, nel caso chiedo venia. E’ nota la ragione per la quale per competere con i 32XNEO Boeing non abbia scelto di partire dal 757 anziché dal 737?

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