Consegne e notizie sugli A380

TW 843

Senior Member
6 Novembre 2005
Azionista LibertyLines
Airbus pourrait livrer moins d'A380 que prévu cette année
[ 30/10/09 - 11H43 - Reuters ]

par Matthias Blamont
HAMBOURG, Allemagne (Reuters) - Airbus espère toujours livrer 13 gros porteurs A380 cette année mais le report d'une ou deux livraisons à janvier 2010 n'est pas exclu, a déclaré Fabrice Brégier, directeur général délégué du constructeur aéronautique européen.
"Nous visons toujours 13 livraisons mais une ou deux pourraient n'intervenir qu'en janvier de l'année prochaine. Tout sera fonction de la capacité des compagnies aériennes à prendre ces avions en fin d'année", a-t-il dit à Reuters en marge d'une cérémonie organisée à l'occasion de la livraison du premier exemplaire du gros porteur à Air France-KLM.
La compagnie aérienne franco-néerlandaise a commandé 12 exemplaires de l'A380. Le premier appareil sera mis en service en novembre sur la ligne Paris-New York.
Airbus a abaissé le 29 septembre son objectif de livraisons pour l'A380 de 14 à 13 unités pour 2009.
La remise du premier A380 d'Air France porte à sept le nombre de livraisons de l'avion par Airbus, filiale d'EADS, depuis le 1er janvier.
Airbus, comme son concurrent américain Boeing, se fait régler la majeure partie de ses ventes d'appareils au moment de leur livraison. Sur la base des prix catalogues, purement indicatifs, la valeur moyenne d'un A380 atteint près de 330 millions de dollars (environ 222 millions d'euros).
Les compagnies aériennes doivent de leur côté réagir à la forte baisse du trafic mondial et bon nombre d'entre elles réduisent leurs capacités. Leur association, l'Iata, s'attend à ce que le secteur perde 11 milliards de dollars en 2009.
Edité par Jean-Michel Bélot

Les Echos


Utente Registrato
9 Novembre 2005
Come prevedibile alla fine la prima destinazione del 380 LH sarà JFK.

Lufthansa to Serve New York With A380
* NOVEMBER 6, 2009, 12:20 P.M. ET


FRANKFURT—The head of Deutsche Lufthansa AG said Friday that the German carrier will inaugurate its Airbus A380 superjumbo on service between Frankfurt and New York next year.

Chief Executive Wolfgang Mayrhuber said the German airline had evaluated 12 markets from its Frankfurt hub for the new aircraft—including Tokyo, Shanghai, Johannesburg and Los Angeles—before opting for New York.

Lufthansa is the second European customer for the A380, following Air France-KLM, which will start service with the aircraft from Paris to New York later this month. Aircraft maker Airbus is a unit of European Aeronautic Defence & Space Co.

The launches come as A380 customers, including Lufthansa and British Airways, examine ways to defer some deliveries of the A380 and other aircraft because of the global downturn in passenger and freight traffic.

Emirates, the Dubai-based launch customer for the A380, dropped the large-capacity aircraft from its Dubai-New York service earlier this year because of weak traffic, particularly high-yielding business passengers.

Mr. Mayrhuber, speaking to a group of frequent fliers from the online community, said Lufthansa will take delivery of its first A380 next spring and have the double-deck aircraft in service beginning with its summer schedule.

Mr. Mayrhuber said the A380, which carriers about 500 passengers when outfitted with three classes of service, will replace one 330-passenger Boeing 747 trip between New York´s Kennedy International Airport and Frankfurt.

Passenger feed from JetBlue Airways Corp., in which Lufthansa now owns a 20% stake, may help Lufthansa grow in New York, "but this was not the reason" to start the A380 in the New York market, he said.

Write to Scott McCartney at

- The Wall Street Journal -


Utente Registrato
10 Gennaio 2009
Nous avons testé l'Airbus A380

Déjà exploité par Qantas, Emirates et Singapore, le géant des airs fera son vol inaugural le 23 novembre sur Air France. Voici les impressions des premiers voyageurs.

A bord d'un A380, n'oubliez pas des bouchons antibruit... Le ronronnement des moteurs est si imperceptible qu'un ronfleur ou une simple conversation avec son voisin peuvent importuner une cinquantaine de passagers ! Ce monde du silence, nous l'avons apprécié et testé lors de vols avec Singapore Airlines, Emirates, Qantas et Air France. A cette absence de bruit s'ajoute une stabilité en cas de turbulences notablement meilleure que sur les autres appareils. Le personnel navigant constate unanime une moindre fatigue à durée de vol égale.
Si l'A380, paquebot des airs, paraît imposant sur les parkings des aéroports, à bord, cette notion de gigantisme est gommée par les aménagements intérieurs. Les architectes des compagnies aériennes ont découpé ce loft de 600 mètres carrés à deux étages en moyens volumes de tailles comparables à ceux des autres gros porteurs. Seuls un bar ou des espaces de détente rappellent que l'on vole sur le plus gros avion civil au monde.
Les quatre compagnies ont fait des choix relativement différents pour les aménagements de cabine, ne répartissant pas de la même manière entre les deux ponts les trois ou quatre classes. On sait que l'A380-800 a été certifié pour transporter jusqu'à 858 passagers (plus 20 membres d'équipage) et Air Austral a commandé deux appareils qui offrent 840 sièges en une classe unique. Pour mémoire, la dernière version haute du Boeing 747-400 telle que l'exploite Corsairfly compte 582 passagers (contre 416 pour la version triclasse standard du catalogue Boeing).

AIR FRANCE Le plus pratique

A défaut de proposer les fauteuils dernier cri, impossibles à installer sans faire prendre un peu plus de retard à Airbus, Air France soigne l'ambiance à bord en jouant sur le mood lighting. L'éclairage d'ambiance s'adapte à l'horloge biologique. Le réveil, après une nuit transatlantique, par exemple, peut prendre vingt minutes, de la nuit étoilée aux couleurs du lever de soleil. Chaque classe dispose de bars. Leurs emplacements ont été choisis pour ne pas troubler le vol des autres passagers. On peut aussi faire un tour au «musée». A l'avant du pont supérieur, de part et d'autre de l'escalier, des écrans vidéo ont été installés pour diffuser des clips des grandes rétrospectives organisées dans les plus célèbres musées du monde. Air France n'oublie pas les femmes, qui représentent 25 % des passagers en Première : indépendant des toilettes, un dressing leur permet de se changer, de laisser leurs vêtements dans une housse confiée à l'équipage, de se recoiffer en toute tranquillité devant un grand miroir à la lumière naturelle du hublot.

EMIRATES Le plus bling-bling

Emirates est certainement la compagnie qui a fait les choix les plus osés dans l'aménagement et la décoration de l'A380. Le concept confort et art de vivre commence dès l'aéroport de Dubaï avec un parcours privilégié et différencié pour ces voyageurs. A l'intérieur de l'appareil, on trouve une fontaine d'eau qui coule derrière le bar de l'escalier avant et deux douches réservées à la Première Classe... Les 14 suites en Première regorgent de gadgets comme la fermeture électrique des portières actionnée par télécommande. Le raffinement (vase, garde-robe, etc.) frise le bling-bling avec le minibar qui s'escamote électriquement. Si les suites des rangées E et F peuvent être réunies, les lits, eux, restent indépendants. C'est un souhait de la compagnie. La cloison escamotable autorise seulement à se tenir la main. L'utilisation des deux douches, équipement unique sur avion de ligne, est limitée à dix minutes. Le must de la classe Affaires d'Emirates reste l'espace bar, à l'arrière, au pont supérieur. Une vingtaine de personnes peut s'y tenir dont une demi-douzaine sur les banquettes.

QANTAS Le plus spacieux

Qantas, au style de décoration très British, en classe Affaires, propose un siège-coque-lit assez semblable à ceux des avions classiques. Pas de suite en forme de compartiment en Première, mais un fauteuil orientable qui se transforme en lit très convivial. Pour le déjeuner, il permet d'avoir un invité en face de soi. La compagnie australienne n'a implanté dans l'A380 que 450 sièges (contre 489 pour Emirates, 471 pour Singapore Airlines et 538 pour Air France). Elle a créé une quatrième classe Premium Economy de 32 sièges-coques et réservé pas moins de trois espaces bar aux 332 passagers de la classe Economique au pont principal.


Le plus coquin

Qui va s'asseoir à côté de moi ? C'est la question que l'on se pose en arrivant devant son siège XXL de la classe Affaires de Singapore Airlines. Ne pas hésiter à utiliser un coussin pour se caler confortablement sur ce sofa (85 centimètres de large contre 58 pour Emirates et 52 pour Qantas, et de 53,3 à 61 selon la position pour Air France). Le dossier rabattu, l'excellent lit n'est toutefois pas assez large pour dormir à deux. C'est prévu, mais en Première seulement où la cloison entre les suites centrales s'escamote entre les lits jumeaux. A quoi pensez-vous ? Certains ont essayé, rappelés discrètement à l'ordre par le personnel de la compagnie. Les suites, même privatives, restent un lieu public.

TW 843

Senior Member
6 Novembre 2005
Azionista LibertyLines
Sembra che comunque qualche problemino ci sia...

SOURCE:Flight International
A380’s stellar performance undermined by ongoing technical delays: operators
By Max Kingsley-Jones

Two years on from its service debut, operators have told Flightglobal that the Airbus A380 has proved itself to be a crowd pleaser from a passenger point of view but suffers some frustrating technical problems.

This week's Flight International features our exclusive A380 in-service report, in which launch customers Emirates, Qantas and Singapore Airlines provide no-holds-barred overviews of the double-decker's performance, while Airbus, Engine Alliance and Rolls-Royce give feedback on their experiences.

The general verdict is that the A380 has delivered a significant operational boost to the airlines' marketing teams and has equalled or bettered performance guarantees but continues to experience technical delays caused by problems that Airbus acknowledges it should have got on top of by now.

"We're busting our seams on the A380this aeroplane is a peach," says Emirates Airline president Tim Clark, who adds that performance has beaten the manufacturer's guarantees. "The faster the A380 flies the less fuel it burns," he adds.

This is echoed by Qantas group executive operations Lyell Strambi who says the aircraft has "met or exceeded" all the guarantees.

The airlines are united in their praise for Airbus's support, which executive vice-president Tom Williams admits is running at a "heavier level" than envisaged at this point in the programme.

The A380 has suffered the usual gremlins that crop up during early operations, such as problems with sensors and some component failures. However, the single most frustrating technical issue centres around the warning system, which SIA and Emirates believe is too sensitive, and results in misplaced fault messages.

Clark blames the problem on "overcomplex" software that has dragged down the technical despatch reliability from the 98.5% target to the "96-97%" level.

Airbus says it is working hard to address the problem and raise the TDR to the target level, which Williams expects will be achieved by mid-2010.

SIA, which has the largest A380 fleet and was the type's first operator two years ago, says it has suffered some "teething problems" with its Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engines, which has prompted a number of unscheduled changes.

R-R's head of marketing for Airbus programmes, Richard Keen, says that SIA's "very precautionary approach" to its A380 operations, with regard to any possible operational risks, "necessitated an extra engine change or two".

However, he adds that all the teething problems have been "closed out or contained" and that the Trent 900's "disruption index" is running at 99.8% - in line with a mature Trent product.


Utente Registrato
24 Marzo 2009
Emirates mulls new aircraft, to see A380 delays

DUBAI, Nov 11 (Reuters) - Emirates could buy more aircraft from Airbus (EAD.PA) and Boeing (BA.N) and might take over orders its rivals are looking to delay, executives said on Wednesday, as the airline prepares for the global recovery.

The Arab world's largest airline, which has $55 billion of orders with the two manufacturers, will see delays in delivery of A380 superjumbos ordered for mid-2010, hitting its route expansion plan, its president also said on Wednesday.

"We are looking at it (buying more planes) ... we are making the assessments, but clearly with the growth we have and the profit we made, there is nothing to suggest after the recession we shouldn't move rapidly," Tim Clark told Reuters by telephone.

Emirates chairman Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al-Maktoum told reporters the airline was considering taking over orders from rivals which might delay taking delivery.

European plane maker Airbus has said it expects a spate of order cancellations and postponements by cash-strapped airlines this winter.

Emirates still had a letter of intent (LoI) with Airbus for 30 A330-300s and 30 A350XWBs, Clark said, but would not make any announcements at the upcoming Dubai Airshow.

"That LoI is still alive and not withdrawn," Clark said.

Clark said the airline's plans would be hit next year by a delivery delay in Airbus's A380. Emirates is the largest customer for the superjumbo, with 58 aircraft on order.

"We should have had 15 by June 2010 ... we are getting two in December and then the remaining 8 between January and November next year, so one or two are being pushed back."

Clark said he hoped Airbus's A380 assembly schedule would be back on track by 2011. "It's affecting what we could have done, but physically they can't get it out," he said.

The carrier's chairman said the delays would be discussed with Airbus at next week's air show in the Gulf Arab emirate.

"We are not happy about it because we want the aircraft to be delivered on time," Sheikh Ahmed said. "That's also part of the discussion that will be going on between the airline and the manufacturer."

He declined to say whether Emirates would seek compensation from Airbus.

Emirates expects to see better revenues in the second half of the year, Sheikh Ahmed said, adding: "Emirates is seeing much better numbers in terms of forward bookings".

First-half revenues fell 13.5 percent but the Dubai-owned carrier bucked the downward trend in aviation with earnings surging 165 percent driven by lower costs.

"We're seeing much better numbers for December and January, in terms of forward booking, that's positive," he said. "We are confident about the market, about the growth."


Socio AIAC 2025
Utente Registrato
10 Dicembre 2007
Da ATWonline:

Emirates Chairman Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum told reporters in Dubai yesterday that some of the six A380s it expects to receive next year will be delayed "a bit," but added that EK is "considering" adding to its 58 firm orders. The largest A380 customer's 2010 delivery delays will be for "a short period," he said, according to press reports. "Some aircraft will be delivered within a month or two of the original date. We are not happy about it because we want the aircraft to be delivered on time." He noted that the economic situation looks "very positive" for the airline for the next several years, potentially driving a need for more A380s

Parlare di aumentare un ordine di 58 macchine, nello stesso discorso in cui si ritarda la consegna della 9a, mi sembra un po' fuori luogo.


Utente Registrato
17 Agosto 2009
Vietnam Airlines A380

MILANO (MF-DJ)--La compagnia aerea Vietnam Airlines ha siglato un protocollo d'intesa con Airbus, societa' del gruppo European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, per un ordinativo di quattro 'superjumbo' per trasporto passeggeri. Il vice presidente di Eads, Marwan Lahoud, ha comunicato che il costo di ciascun aereo oscilla tra i 200 e i 300 mln usd. red/est/car (END) Dow Jones Newswires November 12, 2009 05:51 ET (10:51 GMT) Copyright (c) 2009 MF-Dow Jones News Srl.


Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
MILANO (MF-DJ)--La compagnia aerea Vietnam Airlines ha siglato un protocollo d'intesa con Airbus, societa' del gruppo European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, per un ordinativo di quattro 'superjumbo' per trasporto passeggeri. Il vice presidente di Eads, Marwan Lahoud, ha comunicato che il costo di ciascun aereo oscilla tra i 200 e i 300 mln usd. red/est/car (END) Dow Jones Newswires November 12, 2009 05:51 ET (10:51 GMT) Copyright (c) 2009 MF-Dow Jones News Srl.
ho come l'impressione che Vietnam Airlines si candidi a diventare il gateway per l'Oceania di Skyteam...
effettivamente simulando uno scalo in Vietnam per raggiungere l'Australia (da FCO/AMS/CDG che sono gli hub europei di Skyteam) e confrontandolo con uno scalo a DXB si vede come convenga fare scalo nel sudest asiatico...


Utente Registrato
9 Novembre 2005
Ecco perchè secondo AF il 380 è vincente applicato al sistema hub di Parigi.

An aircraft that is well suited
A very large capacity aircraft seating 538 passengers, which matches the powerful hub at Paris-Charles de Gaulle

The Air France network is organized around the Paris-Charles de Gaulle hub, and the main principle is to link a large number of short and medium-haul routes – those operated by small aircraft – to bigger, long-haul routes which are operated by larger capacity aircraft.

Consequently the capacity of the A380 is perfectly suited to the powerful hub at Paris-Charles de Gaulle, which offers passengers over 20,000 connecting opportunities a week.

The aircraft’s main deck is the equivalent size of the Boeing 777-200 and the upper deck the size of an Airbus A340-300. Air France can therefore rationalize its frequencies on busy routes by replacing two flights which leave at similar times by one flight, while offering the same number of seats.

For example, between Paris and New York, an A380 leaving at 1:35pm can replace two flights operated by an A340 and a 777-200, leaving at 10:30am and at 1:35pm

20% reduction in unit operating costs

• 20% less fuel burned compared with an A330

For such a huge aircraft, the A380 burns less than three litres per 100 km per passenger, thanks to the performance of its four GP 7200 engines and to the technological innovations in its design, which contribute to reducing weight and improving aerodynamic efficiency. This represents a 20% saving on fuel per passenger compared with the A330.

The GP 7200 engine, specially developed by Engine Alliance – a 50/50 joint-venture between General Electric and Pratt & Whitney – to power the A380 incorporates cutting-edge technology with the recognized and proven techniques of the high-thrust engines such as the GE90 which powers the Boeing 777.

Many tons of composite materials have been used in the aircraft structure – such as GLARE (Glass-Reinforced fibre metal laminate), all of which have reduced the aircraft’s weight by 25%, thereby cutting down on fuel consumption.

• Maintenance costs down by 20 to 25%

The advanced materials making up the aircraft’s fuselage have also cut maintenance and repair costs by 20 to 25%, which account for a total of 15 to 20% of the aircraft’s direct operating costs.

• Characteristics shared with other Airbus aircraft

The A380 shares the same cockpit design, fly-by-wire controls and piloting characteristics with the other new generation Airbus aircraft.

For example, Airbus pilots who shift to the A380 plane need very little training.

The common features of the different Airbus aircraft therefore save Air France considerable amounts in terms of crew training and maintenance.

An environmentally-friendly aircraft

• Reduced gas emissions

Thanks to lower fuel burn, the A380 also produces less Carbon dioxide per passenger than any other plane. With less than 75 g of Carbon dioxide produced per passenger kilometre, the A380 is one of the most environmentally-friendly aircraft.

In addition, thanks to its new-generation Engine Alliance GP 7200 engines, the A380 easily meets the latest international requirements. Compared with the most recent standards of the Environmental Protection Committee of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), this Superjumbo emits 40% less nitrogen oxide (NOx), and 80% less hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxides (CO).

• The quietest aircraft in its category

The A380 incorporates cutting-edge technology in terms of noise reduction.

Thanks to its aerodynamic shape and engine performance, the A380 generates half as much noise as a 747-400 when it takes off.

The A380 complies with the strictest of current noise level standards, with a noise margin of 17.5 Decibel compared with ICAO’s Chapter IV noise standards, the most demanding set of standards in terms of acoustic quality for new aircraft.

This high margin means that the A380 will, as of today, meet the noise reduction targets stipulated by ICAO and the European Commission (ACARE project) for 2020.


28 Maggio 2009
Vietnam Airlines nuovo cliente per l'A380

Premessa: Rìiky@BCN sicuramente ci potrà dare più info.

Sembra che Vietnam Airlines ha confermato un'ordine di 4 a380. Se fosse vera la notizia (non sono noti infatti date di consegna, motorizzazioni ed eventuale configurazione -in ogni caso troppo presto per venirne a conoscenza), Vietnam Airlines è il primo vettore dal 2006 ad ordinare il bolide francese...

Segno di ripresa del merato ?!? Lo spero vivamente...


Socio AIAC 2025
Utente Registrato
10 Dicembre 2007
Vietnam Airlines reportedly signs MOU for four A380s
Friday November 13, 2009

Vietnam Airlines has signed an MOU for four A380s, VN and EADS officials told reporters in Hanoi.

EADS VP Marwan Lahoud said VN is the first new A380 customer since 2006 and that the order was worth $800 million-$1.2 billion, according to Agence France Presse.

VN CEO Pham Ngoc Minh told Bloomberg News that the agreement marked the start of negotiations. An Airbus spokesperson contacted by ATWOnline could not confirm the reports. VN has ordered both the 787 and A350.

by Brian Straus


Socio AIAC 2025
Utente Registrato
10 Dicembre 2007
Emirates President Tim Clark elaborated on the A380 delays mentioned Wednesday by Chairman Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, telling the DPA news agency that three aircraft scheduled to arrive in November and December now will be delivered in December and January. At the end of 2010 EK will operate 15 A380s instead of the planned 20 and it expects to take 11-12 aircraft in both 2012 and 2013. Delivery of its order for 58 should be finished by 2017. Clark also said EK is evaluating converting options on additional planes in order to take advantage of newly open delivery positions and that its Dubai-Incheon A380 service will begin Dec. 14.


Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
Apparently oltre ai 4 A380 VN ha ordinato anche 2 A359! Ottima notizia per Airbus.

HANOI, Nov 13 (Reuters) - Vietnam Airlines has agreed to buy six new aircraft, including four Airbus A380 superjumbos, from Airbus in a deal worth almost $1.8 billion.
Vietnam Airlines will be the first new customer for the A380 aircraft since 2006, according to a list of deals signed between France and Vietnam during a visit to Hanoi by the French Prime Minister.
In addition to the A380s, the deal includes two A350XWB-900 wide-body planes and is worth about $1.79 billion at list prices.
The agreement between the flag carrier and Airbus, the plane making unit of EADS, also includes an industrial partnership to build certain parts for Airbus and the establishment of a pilot and engineer training centre in the country.
The deal is a boost for Airbus on eve of Dubai airshow at which it will scrap with U.S. rival Boeing for thinning pile of orders due to the global economic crisis.
Vietnam Airlines officials have recently expressed concern about production delays to its order of 16 of Boeing's 787 Dreamliner aircraft.
The carrier had intended to use the aircraft to serve its long haul services including direct flights to the United States.
Ultima modifica da un moderatore:


Socio AIAC 2025
Utente Registrato
19 Giugno 2007
Dubai, UAE
Per ora non posso parlare ufficialmente, ma appena potrò vi rivelerò interessanti dettagli da dietro le quinte! Per il momento non smentisco ciò che leggete sulla stampa! ;)