EASA più che Eurocontrol….
Ma….sicuri che non l'abbia fatto???
EASA Safety Information Bulletin
SIB No.: 2014-10 Issued: 03 April 2014
Simferopol Flight Information Region (FIR)
ICAO State letter [EUR/NAT 14-0243.TEC (FOL/CUP) issued on 02 April 2014];
NOTAM A0569/14 published by the Ukrainian authorities. National Aviation Authorities and Aircraft operator(s).
Taking into consideration the recent publication by the Russian Federation of a series of notices to airmen (NOTAMs) modifying the Simferopol FIR which is under the responsibility of Ukraine, and their intent to provide air traffic services (ATS) within this airspace, the Agency draws the aviation communities’ attention to the possible existence of serious risks to the safety of international civil flights.
Due to the unsafe situation where more than one ATS provider may be controlling flights within the same airspace from 3 April 2014, 0600 UTC onwards, consideration should be given to measures to avoid the airspace and circumnavigate the Simferopol FIR with alternative routings.
Information is provided for the National Aviation Authorities responsible for oversight of aircraft operator(s) which may use the airspace of the Simferopol FIR.
National Aviation Authorities should ensure that all aircraft operator(s) are aware of the following information:
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), ICAO and EUROCONTROL Network Manager strongly recommend airspace users to avoid specific airspace and circumnavigate Simferopol FIR using available alternative routings.
For further information contact the Safety Information Section, Executive Directorate, EASA. E-mail:
Advice from EUROCONTROL Network Manager can be found on the NOP Network Operations Portal:
Insomma..a cercare…qualcosa c'era….
(So bene che si parla sempre di Simferopoli e di problematiche di safety legate all'ATC e non a operazioni militari).
Certo una proibizione è una presa di posizione decisamente più efficace di questo ammonimento però...