777 Malaysia (MH17) AMS-KUL cade in Ucraina al confine con la Russia


Socio AIAC 2025
Utente Registrato
19 Novembre 2009
Re: 777 Malaysia diretto a Kuala Lumpur da AMS cade in Ucraina al confine con la Rus

Altra questione, su cui si potrebbe aprire un 3ad a parte, è quella delle immagini di quelli che "frugavano tra i rottami". Le immagini sono state scattate in larga misura durante la ricerca dei corpi e delle scatole nere. Che oggi vengano utilizzate come prova della manipolazione dei rottami (che tipo di manipolazione, poi?), o del saccheggio, è a dir poco ridicolo. Del giornalista della BBC che apriva i bagagli cosa bisognerebbe dire allora? Che è un depistatore al soldo della Russia?


Utente Registrato
27 Agosto 2011
Back to Fischamend
Re: 777 Malaysia diretto a Kuala Lumpur da AMS cade in Ucraina al confine con la Rus

"esercitazioni militari" con frequenti lanci di missili a media e lunga gittata, oltre ad una evidente impossibilita' di dialogo/pianificazione con una dittatura?
In realtà, se ricordo bene, cinesi e russi sorvolano la Corea del nord. Credo di averlo fatto io stesso so una ICN-SVO, anche se ho verificato qualche tracciato da Flightradar e non sembra (ma magari anche quelle rotte sono cambiate, oppure ricordo male, o era ICN-PEK con i cinesi). Chi vola da quelle parti professionalmente potrà confermare.

Se però qualcuno di un paese non gradito si azzardasse a farlo, ci sarebbe perlomeno un'intercettazione con atterraggio forzato, accuse di spionaggio, ecc. Per una rotta che alla fine interessa principalmente voli di KE (OZ stessa non vola molto sull'Europa, e peraltro voli sudcoreani sarebbero probabilmente abbattuti) e voli inbound ICN, il gioco non vale la candela.

Ne approfitto per una curiosità. Poco dopo l'incidente dell'AF 447, mi era capitato di dover andare a Rio e, viste le policy aziendali che richiedono di volare con il biglietto più economico, mi ritrovai su AF (peraltro ottima esperienza in J con prezzaccio).

Sapete se MH sta facendo qualcosa di simile o preferiscono mantenere la struttura tariffaria anche con meno passeggeri? Scusate se a qualcuno la domanda pare macabra o da avvoltoio, è invece una pura curiosità di marketing.


Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
Re: 777 Malaysia diretto a Kuala Lumpur da AMS cade in Ucraina al confine con la Rus

L'Australia invierà un commando armato per potreggere gli ispettori

BHA 604

Socio 2015
Utente Registrato
3 Giugno 2010
Re: 777 Malaysia diretto a Kuala Lumpur da AMS cade in Ucraina al confine con la Rus

In realtà, se ricordo bene, cinesi e russi sorvolano la Corea del nord. Credo di averlo fatto io stesso so una ICN-SVO, anche se ho verificato qualche tracciato da Flightradar e non sembra (ma magari anche quelle rotte sono cambiate, oppure ricordo male, o era ICN-PEK con i cinesi). Chi vola da quelle parti professionalmente potrà confermare.
Volato giovedi' su quella rotta. Ora non sorvolano piu' la Corea del nord. Il volo passa prima da Pechino, poi da Dalian ed infine sorvola il mare fino all'arrivo su ICN


Utente Registrato
9 Maggio 2007
Re: 777 Malaysia diretto a Kuala Lumpur da AMS cade in Ucraina al confine con la Rus

Volato giovedi' su quella rotta. Ora non sorvolano piu' la Corea del nord. Il volo passa prima da Pechino, poi da Dalian ed infine sorvola il mare fino all'arrivo su ICN
Il matto e il suo territorio si evitano come la peste ?

Luca chiedi la messa in moto ....


Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
Re: 777 Malaysia diretto a Kuala Lumpur da AMS cade in Ucraina al confine con la Rus

Ukraine: MH17 crashed due to ‘multiple fragmentation damage caused by missile explosion’

The Malaysia Airlines (MH17) Boeing 777-200ERthat crashed over Ukraine July 17, killing all 298 on board, was destroyed because of “massive explosive decompression” due to “multiple fragmentation damage caused by a missile explosion,” according to the Ukrainian Security and Defense Council.
Speaking at a press briefing at the Ukraine Crisis Media Center on Monday, Ukrainian Security and Defense Council Information Center spokesman Andriy Lyensko said investigators reached this conclusion after processing the data retrieved from the aircraft’s flight recorders.

MH17 was shot down over the Ukraine July 17 on a scheduled flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. A Russian-made surface-to-air missile fired by pro-Russian separatists has been believed to have brought down the aircraft.

According to Lyensko, terrorists continue to restrict access to the crash site. “Yesterday, terrorists did not allow a group of international experts and OSCE [Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe] personnel to access the Malaysian Boeing 777 crash site near Shakhtarsk in the Donetsk region. The Ukrainian army has come close to the crash site, but they do not undertake any active military actions,” he said, adding that Europol released a communiqué in which it expressed hope for immediate improvement of working conditions for investigators at the Malaysian aircraft crash site in Ukraine.



Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
Task force to examine airspace safety in wake of MH17

ICAO, IATA and other major global aviation organizations are forming a high-level international task force of state and industry experts to look at airspace security issues raised by the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 earlier this month.
The chiefs of ICAO, IATA, Airports Council International (ACI) and the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO) met in Montreal this week to discuss the ramifications of MH17 and how airspace safety information can be better collected and disseminated.
MH17 is believed to have been destroyed by a sophisticated surface-to-air missile (SAM) while flying at 33,000 ft. over Ukraine. The Boeing 777-200ER was on a scheduled flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. All 298 people on board were killed. The US said the SAM was of Russian origin and fired by Russian separatists in the Ukraine area where fighting has been taking place since spring.
At a media briefing in Montreal Tuesday, ICAO, IATA, ACI and CANSO issued a joint statement condemning the shootdown and the lack of access to the crash site, where bodies still have to be recovered.
“While aviation is the safest form of transport, the MH17 incident has raised troubling concerns with respect to civilian aircraft operating to, from and over conflict zones,” the joint statement said.
“We have met at ICAO today with collective resolve to urgently review the issues and potential responses to be pursued. As a first step, States have been reminded by ICAO of their responsibilities to address any potential risks to civil aviation in their airspace.”
Findings of the task force are to be submitted to a special meeting of the ICAO Council “as urgently as possible.” Although no timeline was given, ATW understands this is expected to happen within weeks.
ICAO is also convening a high-level safety conference with all of its 191 member States in February.
There was also a call by the air transportation industry through its representative organizations for ICAO to find fail-safe channels for essential threat information to be made available to civil aviation authorities and industry.
And the air transport industry said there was a need to incorporate into international law, through appropriate United Nations frameworks, measures to govern the design, manufacture and deployment of modern anti-aircraft weaponry.
IATA CEO and DG Tony Tyler said at the media briefing that MH17 had “exposed a gap” in the air transportation system, but also warned against rushing into solutions that could have unintended consequences on what is essentially an extremely safe system.
“Airlines need clear guidelines and information on where to operate safely,” Tyler said. “This is the responsibility of states and there can be no excuses. We need essential and actionable information. Industry is ready to assist in any way possible to make this happen.”
ACI DG Angela Gittens told ATW the task force would work to “connect the dots” with military and intelligence organizations. “We need to engage outside of [commercial] aviation because the solution lies outside,” she said.


East End Ave

Utente Registrato
13 Agosto 2013
su e giu' sull'atlantico...
se non gia' postato, ICAO dice la sua:

July 25, 2014
MONTRÉAL – The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) issued a State Letter today, reminding applicable authorities in the 191 signatory States to the Convention on International Civil Aviation of the international provisions specifying State responsibilities with respect to the safety and security of civil aircraft operating in airspace affected by conflict.
“ICAO has decided to issue this State Letter in response to some confusion which has arisen over these provisions and the responsibilities which they specify,” stressed the UN Organization’s Council President, Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu. “We felt it prudent to ensure greater clarity and consistency with our Member States and Recognized Observer organizations on the international framework which applies, notably as these matters continue to be raised in public discussions following MH17’s tragic loss.”
The ICAO State Letter further highlights that the obligations of States should not be confused with safety information circulated from time to time by ICAO when potential hazards to civil aviation operations are brought to the attention of the Organization. It also draws the attention on the need for the appropriate authorities to consider and mitigate the safety risk and potential congestion consequences in the event that operators decide to circumnavigate various airspaces affected by conflict.
Its issuance is the latest of several actions taken by ICAO in the aftermath of the downing of Flight MH17, including coordination with the United Nations Security Council, the sending of experts to assist in the accident investigation and regular briefings to States of the ICAO Council.
Source: ICAO


Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2010

Penso si riferiscano a questa foto della zona del cockpit con dei fori compatibili a quelli dei frammenti di un missile anti-aereo.
credo anche io
siccome qui
dicono si tratti di mitraglia aerea, ma il sito è chiaramente di parte, volevo vedere se il WSJ diceva le stesse cose ma non sono abbonato quindi il confronto non mi è riuscito