Guerra in Ucraina


Utente Registrato
11 Luglio 2009

Two russian airline planes were forced to return to their departure airports due to engine failure shortly after takeoff.

The first incident occurred with an Airbus A321neo of Ural Airlines, which was flying from Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, to Yekaterinburg. At an altitude of 4,500 meters, the left engine of the plane failed.

The second incident occurred with a Boeing 737 of NordStar Airlines, which was flying from Volgograd to Yekaterinburg on the evening of January 2. At an altitude of 11,300 meters, the left engine of the plane also failed.

East End Ave

Utente Registrato
13 Agosto 2013
su e giu' sull'atlantico...
Ural Airlines has almost completed the dismantling of Airbus A320 RA-73805 which made a forced landing in a wheat field in the Novosibirsk region in September 2023.

The cabin interior, avionics, engines, landing gear and anything else that could be used as spares in other aircraft has been removed, and these have been dispatched to Yekaterinburg for inspection and technical evaluation to ensure they are fully serviceable.

The fuselage, wing consoles and tail unit of the aircraft have been deemed to have been stressed too much during the landing on the unpaved surface, and will thus be scrapped on site.

Photo: Ural Airlines Press Service
Source: Spotter Magazine FB

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Utente Registrato
11 Luglio 2009
Un aereo dell'Aeroflot è arrivato in Egitto con una "coda" lunga cinque metri.

Giovedì scorso, all'arrivo del Boeing 737 (RA-73098) da Mosca all'aeroporto di Hurghada, durante un'ispezione post-volo, il personale di terra ha scoperto un cavo estraneo sporgente lungo cinque metri.

A quanto pare si tratta di un cavo utilizzato per la messa a terra durante il rifornimento.

I dipendenti della Sheremetyevo Handling hanno dimenticato di slacciarlo prima della partenza dall'aeroporto della capitale.