Phantom Phlyout - End of an era Neuburg June 11 & 12, 2008


Utente Registrato
Hi gents,

I was able to stay 3 days in southern Germany with my family, to witness another chapter of the German Air Force going... as the Fighter Wing 74 had there "Phantom Phlyout" yesterday at Neuburg Airbase.

Luckily the weather was still really good, totaly different as the wx forecast was :)
So we could see two days of great flying at Neuburg, and especially the special colored "might Phantom" was the star of the show for me.

Other guest a/c arrived already on Wednesday, as for example 2 F-16 of the 37°St , 2 F-16 of the 52 FW , 2 F-16 of the 10W plus the EADS Heritag flight Me-262, and lots of Tornado IDS and ECR of the GAF.
Even more F-4´s came from Wittmund too, even the colored 250.000 FH jet came in.

Ok, enough of my blabla.... let the pictures telling the rest of the story :shades
Hope you enjoy my photo journey....


The star of the day ... the mighty Phantom

First official Eurofighter QRA departure on that day...

Me-262 nicely captured during start-up

Roaring down the Runway..what a beauty and great c/s

Gear´s up and keep going low....



Utente Registrato
Good morning gents,

its always amazing to read all your comments, and it was a great event with unfortunately not so good end for all of us "mighty Phantom" lovers.....luckily this beauty will fly for some time still in Wittmund :yahoo


Family wagon from Trapani....

Tuesday around noon we could see the beauty in real...

Patch for that event.......

Another guest a/c, this time from the 22FS...


Final landing on that day.......



Utente Registrato
19 Luglio 2006
Padova, Veneto.
Stunning pics!!!
Wonderful!!!! I love F-4 and hope some pvt pilots, maybe in he USA, will create a Phantom demo team as they've done with F-104...

Ah, have u got anymore bout the 262?


Utente Registrato
8 Gennaio 2007
Torino, Piemonte.
Hi Mick, congratulations for these magnificient shots...!!! Surely the F4 is one of the most interesting military aircrafts to photograph... the last one you uploaded in your topic is something special... :D:D:D:D We're waiting for other shots...

Have you ever been to Brize Norton located in the Oxfordshire UK to take shots of the RAF VC10s and Tristars tankers that are based there??




Utente Registrato
Wow, I´m really happy to read all your comments... which are more as welcome!
Especially when my beloved mighty Phantom is the star :)

Here are some more goodies....! From the fly-in Tuesday and even more from the main day yesterday too.

To be continued


Head-on with the beauty....

Landing on Tuesday afternoon.....

Guests from Trapani...bellisimo

Spooky was as well under the guests too...


Mighty Phantom from Wittmund.....