Pubblico la richiesta di un ragazzo moldavo che mi ha contattato e mi ha chiesto se potevo far girare questo evento organizzato in Moldova (certo, non proprio dietro l'angolo per noi).
Ho aggiunto due spazi nella mail per evitare spam.
Hi everyone!
I think that somebody could be interested, so I've decided to post this news here.
There is going to be a spotting tour to Moldova with ramp accesses and flight on the classic IL-18 from capital of Moldova, Chisinau to Marculesti and back.
The apron at Chisinau and Marculesti is full of classic soviet build aircraft.
There has been the same tour in April, but with flight to Balti, you can find the trip report here
If you are interested, please contact alexander.mar @
Kind regards
Ho aggiunto due spazi nella mail per evitare spam.
Hi everyone!
I think that somebody could be interested, so I've decided to post this news here.
There is going to be a spotting tour to Moldova with ramp accesses and flight on the classic IL-18 from capital of Moldova, Chisinau to Marculesti and back.
The apron at Chisinau and Marculesti is full of classic soviet build aircraft.
There has been the same tour in April, but with flight to Balti, you can find the trip report here
If you are interested, please contact alexander.mar @
Kind regards