Thread Boeing 787


Utente Registrato
14 Novembre 2005
Esatto il prezzo é particolare ma per essere un prezzo lancio e nel periodo di bassissima stagione di gennaio niente di che. Az ha in offerta il diretto mxp nrt a 400 euro. Questo volo con scalo costa il doppio


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
Ennesimo ritardo nelle consegne, questa volta tocca a LOT

LOT expects another 787 delivery delay

By Kurt Hofmann | October 19, 2011

LOT Polish Airlines is expecting another delivery delay of its first Boeing 787, Polish Press Agency PAP reported.
The first delivery, most recently rescheduled for spring 2012, has been pushed back to 2013, more than five years behind the original schedule, PAP reported. Three more 787s were expected to be delivered by the end of next year (ATW Daily News, Aug 23).
LOT placed its first order for seven 787s in 2005, and increased the order to eight in 2007. Deliveries were originally slated to begin in 2008 (ATW Daily News, Sept. 8, 2005).
Boeing suffered a major setback this week when China Eastern (MU) revealed it was canceling its order for 24 787s and instead ordering 15 Airbus A330s (ATW Daily News, Oct. 18). MU has placed a new order for 45 737s, but analysts are saying that other Chinese airlines might now also cancel their Dreamliners.
Despite the 787 delivery delay, LOT plans to launch Warsaw-Beijing services next year. PEK will be its second route to the Far East, in addition to Hanoi.
PAP reported that LOT posted a loss of PLN52 million ($18.4 million) on its core business operations in the first three quarters of 2011, up by PLN44 million compared to the same period last year, CEO Marcin Pirog told PAP Monday.
"Proceeds from our core business operations rose by 6% over the nine months in 2011 while costs rose by 4% (year-on-year), despite fuel prices rising by as much as 27%," Pirog said. "The financial result on the core operations for the three quarters means that a loss declined from PLN96 million in 2010 to PLN52 million this year," he said.
Polish Leasing Co. PLL LOT posted net profits of PLN 5.4 million from January to September 2011.


Utente Registrato
14 Aprile 2011
Genova - LIMJ
Piccolo incidente per il 787 di ANA

L'incidente ha qualche giorno (13 ottobre), ma non credo se ne sia ancora parlato.

ANA knocks first 787 into boarding bridge

All Nippon Airways has admitted that its first Boeing 787 suffered some slight surface damage to its engine inlet cowl after it hit a passenger boarding bridge.

The incident took place while ground crew were towing the aircraft, JA801A, on 13 October, said the spokesman.

He added that the Rolls-Royce Trent 1000-powered aircraft suffered only surface damage, and that it resumed regular flight tests on 14 October after the company did some checks.

"Everything was fine. There was only some surface damage, and the aircraft was back in operation on schedule," said the spokesman.

The inaugural flight for the 787 is on track for 26 October. This will be a special charter service between Tokyo's Narita airport and Hong Kong.

Regular scheduled services start on 1 November, with daily flights between Tokyo's Haneda airport and the cities of Okayama and Hiroshima. International operations are due to begin in December on the Haneda-Beijing route.

The spokesman also said that ANA has received its second 787, which was delivered to the Japanese carrier on 16 October.


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
Bernstein predice nuovi ritardi per il 787
New York-based Bernstein Research said Boeing will not reach its target for a 787 production rate of 10 a month until 2015. In a client report issued Monday, Bernstein said it had lowered its 787 outlook “due to our concerns of additional program delays.”
Bernstein said in the report, “As a result, we have taken 787 deliveries down to six aircraft this year (from eight), and 51 in 2012 (from 61) and shifted these to the 2013-2014 time horizons.”
The research group said Boeing will deliver 86 787s in 2013, 100 in 2014 and 120 in 2015.
“Boeing began 2011 at two aircraft per month, with the plan to be at 10/month by the end of 2013. We saw that as a challenging ramp, but it appears even more challenging now,” Bernstein said.
Bernstein analysts have been at the forefront of forecasting the production problems of the 787 and predicted that Boeing would take nine months longer to reach its 10-a-month goal in August (ATW Daily News, Aug. 18).
“Production was supposed to be at 2.5/month in the summer, but that was not achieved. Instead, the line was shut down for one month due to supplier shortages and the increase to 2.5/month is now expected in Q4,” it said.
Boeing delivered its first 787 in late September to All Nippon Airways (ANA), more than three years behind schedule (ATW Daily News, Sept. 27).
In August, Qantas Group CFO Gareth Evans told ATW the airline does not expect to get its first 787-8, to be operated by subsidiary Jetstar, until the first quarter of 2013 rather than late 2012 as planned.
In July, Air New Zealand (NZ) CFO Rob McDonald told an Aviation Outlook conference in Sydney that delivery of the 787-9, for which NZ is the launch customer, had been pushed into 2014 from late 2013 (ATW Daily News July 27).
At the time Boeing denied the delay and re-affirmed its guidance of a late 2013 delivery for the 787-9.
At the recent handover of ANA’s first 787 in Everett, Wash., Boeing chairman and CEO Jim McNerney insisted that “we have a robust plan. We’ve got a surge line here in Everett. We’ve got a factory in South Carolina to bolster the core of it, which is here in Everett. We have healed up our partners’ production processes. We have a plan to be at 10 787s a month by the end of 2013 and we have confidence we can make it.”


Utente Registrato
18 Settembre 2008
Manchester, UK / Ragusa, IT
Boeing Dreamliner makes first commercial flight

Beh Lih Yi, 7:28, Wednesday 26 October 2011
Boeing (NYSE: BA - news) 's new 787 Dreamliner made its first commercial flight on Wednesday, giving a handful of deep-pocketed passengers the chance to fly into history on what is touted as an aviation breakthrough.
The first mid-sized airplane capable of flying long-range routes, many thought the Dreamliner might never get off the ground as its development ran three years behind schedule and billions of dollars over budget.
The All Nippon Airways (ANA (SNP: ^ANAY - news) ) flight took off from Tokyo's Narita airport bound for Hong Kong, where it was scheduled to land around 0830 GMT.
ANA, the Dreamliner's launch airline, auctioned six business-class seats on the inaugural flight, with one selling for $34,000 -- around 13 times the price of a regular business-class ticket between Tokyo and Hong Kong.
The winner of the eBay auction was 48-year-old Miami businessman Gino Bertuccio, according to the Wall Street Journal, which said he had mistyped his maximum bid amount but was still enthralled at being on the flight.
The newspaper said another delighted passenger was Thomas Lee, a 59-year-old California executive who flew on the maiden commercial flights of the Boeing 747 in 1970 and the Airbus A380 superjumbo in 2007.
Touting the 787's green credentials, ANA said proceeds from the online auction would go to international environmental groups.
ANA also sold 100 economy-class seats as part of a tour package including one night at a hotel in Hong Kong for 78,700 yen ($1,000) per adult.
At travel agencies in Japan (EUREX: FMJP.EX - news) , a discount ANA return economy ticket on the route in late October costs around 45,000 yen.

Painted in the blue and white ANA livery with red highlights, the first Dreamliner was delivered on September 28, three years after it was originally promised to the airline.
Production delays and technical mishaps cost US-based Boeing billions of dollars in lost or cancelled orders, giving an edge to its fierce European rival Airbus (Paris: NL0000235190 - news) .
But Shinichiro Ito, president and CEO of ANA, who travelled on the 330-seat jet from the United States after receiving it from Boeing, declared himself "delighted" with the aircraft's touchdown in Tokyo last month.
ANA is planning to use the 787 on regular flights to Beijing and Frankfurt, as well as Hong Kong.
In common with other high-end carriers, the Japanese airline is facing increasing competition from budget companies and is banking on the 787 to boost demand and cut costs.
Boeing says the twin-aisle 787's construction, partly from lightweight composite materials, means it consumes 20 percent less fuel than comparable planes, an attractive proposition for airlines facing soaring fuel costs.
The Chicago-based aerospace and defence giant has also been touting the larger windows, bigger luggage storage bins and greater cabin humidity than conventional jets, a factor it says will reduce traveller fatigue.
Boeing is hoping the Dreamliner will be a hit with passengers it says want more non-stop travel, and says it is already the fastest-selling twin-aisle airplane in aviation history, with more than 800 orders since 2004.
With an average list price of $202 million, the plane is the firm's first new design in more than a decade.


Utente Registrato
4 Dicembre 2011
Era una cosa normale. Era già stato postato che la livrea con il "787" era solo per i primi due esemplari essendo Ana il launch costumer.
Concordo con FlyIce per la livrea


Utente Registrato
18 Novembre 2010
In passato mi pare che fosse focus city di AA, che volava anche per NRT: il volo non è del tutto inedito.
E' vero, il volo fu inaugurato da AA nel '91 con DC-10-30, per poi passare all'MD-11 ('92) e infine al 772 ('99). L'ultimo volo è stato operato nel 2006.