Thread Boeing 787


Utente Registrato
16 Novembre 2006
Milano, Italia
Si mette male x il 787

Qatar annuncia che potrebbe rinunciare al suo ordine riguardo agli 787 causa lungo ritardo:
Qatar could scrap 787 orders as Al Baker berates Boeing
By: Stephen Pope
June 17, 2009

Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker is threatening to pull the plug on a contract for up to 60 Boeing 787s due to what appear to be serious objections to the way the long-delayed program is being handled.

“Unfortunately, Boeing is not run by commercial people,” Al Baker told a group of journalists here yesterday afternoon. “Boeing is run by bean counters and lawyers. We have some serious issues with them, and if they do not play ball with us they will be in for a serious surprise.”

Al Baker acknowledged that the issues he spoke of are related to Qatar’s order for the 787. “They’re not dealing with this in a professional manner,” he said.
Qatar has an order for 60 Boeing 787s, 30 of them firm and 30 options. The first are due for delivery to the Doha airline in 2011.

Al Baker declined to be more specific about the issues Qatar has with Boeing, but because he had not mentioned them publicly before yesterday it seemed to indicate that relations between the companies may have become strained quite recently, perhaps even here at the show. Qatar at the last moment canceled a press conference here yesterday, which was widely thought to have been a new order announcement. There had been indications that this could be rescheduled for today, but this now seems to be in doubt.

The Qatar chief executive was asked specifically whether the airline could walk away from its 787 order if the problems being encountered with Boeing aren’t resolved. “Yes, we can always walk away from a deal if the delays are unacceptable,” he said.

The Boeing 787 has been dogged by setbacks related to difficulties in managing the supply chain, changes to the design, weight increases and supplier-related issues. As a result, the airplane is almost two years late. First flight is expected later this month, with entry into service now targeted for 2010.

Asked about the Qatar CEO’s comments, a Boeing spokesman said the company does not publicly discuss customer-related issues.

Asked whether Boeing’s idea to study a new wing for the 777 would entice Qatar to consider placing an order with Boeing, Al Baker said flatly that such a move comes “too late” to have an impact on Qatar’s choices for how to expand its mainline fleet. The airline has placed an order for 80 Airbus A350XWBs and yesterday strengthened its relationship with the European airframe builder with a firm order for 24 A320-family airliners.

lo spaziale

Utente Registrato
5 Giugno 2006
Comunicato ufficiale BOEING

EVERETT, Wash., June 23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) today
announced that first flight of the 787 Dreamliner will be postponed due to
a need to reinforce an area within the side-of-body section of the

The need was identified during the recent regularly scheduled tests on the
full-scale static test airplane. Preliminary analysis indicated that
flight test could proceed this month as planned. However, after further
testing and consideration of possible modified flight test plans, the
decision was made late last week that first flight should instead be
postponed until productive flight testing could occur.

First flight and first delivery will be rescheduled following the final
determination of the required modification and testing plan. It will be
several weeks before the new schedule is available. The 787 team will
continue with other aspects of testing on Airplane #1, including final
gauntlet testing and low-speed taxiing. Work will also continue on the
other five flight test aircraft and the subsequent aircraft in the
production system.

Scott Carson, president and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes said a team
of experts has already identified several potential solutions.

"Consideration was given to a temporary solution that would allow us to
fly as scheduled, but we ultimately concluded that the right thing was to
develop, design, test and incorporate a permanent modification to the
localized area requiring reinforcement. Structural modifications like
these are not uncommon in the development of new airplanes, and this is
not an issue related to our choice of materials or the assembly and
installation work of our team," Carson said.

Boeing's financial guidance will be updated to reflect any impact of these
changes when the company issues its second quarter 2009 earnings report in



6 Novembre 2005
Comunicato ufficiale BOEING

EVERETT, Wash., June 23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) today
announced that first flight of the 787 Dreamliner will be postponed due to
a need to reinforce an area within the side-of-body section of the
Brutta storia e neanche breve: ci vorranno settimane per capire di quanto sarà l'ulteriore ritardo.

Concordo sulla tua conclusione :D
28 Maggio 2008
gravità inauditissima!!!!

Cioè, un'industria come Boeing annuncia un nuovo ritardo del suo aereo di punta a pochi giorni dal primo volo??

Secondo me è incredibile!!

A questo punto facevano meglio a non dire nulla ed essere sicuri al 100% prima di fare come il presidente di Boeing Carson che al recentissimo salone di Le Bourget il 15 Giugno u.s. aveva detto che entro 15 gg l'aereo avrebbe volato.

Questo modo di fare è da incompetenti secondo me.


5 Novembre 2005
Peccato che Airbus abbia così tanti ordini per il 380, avrebbe potuto offrirli al posto del 787 ma ha le linee piene, i clienti se lo strappano dalle mani :roll:
28 Maggio 2008
Il concorrente diretto del B787 è l'airbus A-350.

L' A-380 pur con tutti i problemi che ha, almeno vola....

e per inciso ha impiegato 4 mesi e 9 giorni dal reveal (18/01/2005) al primo volo (27/04/2005).... Non certo piu di 2 anni....

o sbaglio? :D


6 Novembre 2005
Per forza, tra ritardi e preghiere di non consegnare quello è il minimo :D
Consegnandone 10 all'anno ci riuscirei anch'io ad avere un backlog simile.
Un pò come la Piaggio...
Ne hanno anche venduti più di 200 ... vediamo di non scrivere sciocchezze ... :cool:

Qui stiamo parlando dei ritardi del 787 che qualcuno aveva previsto mesi ed anni fa;) non che ci volesse una scienza: fare aerei grossi è difficile sia al di qua che al di là dell'Atlantico