Thread Boeing 787


Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
[h=1]Thomson Airways to Launch Boeing 787 Service to Mauritius / Puerto Vallarta from May 2014[/h]by JL
Update at 0640GMT 29APR13

Thomson Airways from May 2014 will launch new long-haul destinations, where it’ll offer 1 weekly service each on London Gatwick – Mauritius and London Gatwick – Puerto Vallarta route. Both services will be operated by Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft.
London Gatwick – Mauritius eff 04MAY14 1 weekly
BY058 LGW1530 – 0600+1MRU 787 7
BY059 MRU0800 – 1645LGW 787 1
London Gatwick – Puerto Vallarta eff 03MAY14 1 weekly
BY032 LGW1015 – 1555PVR 787 6
BY033 PVR1755 – 1025+1LGW 787 6


Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
[h=1]QATAR Airways to Resume Boeing 787 Commercial Service on 02MAY13[/h]by JL
Update at 0500GMT 29APR13

QATAR Airways starting 02MAY13 is to resume Boeing 787 scheduled operation, becoming the second carrier to resume Dreamliner service. Initially, QATAR to operate Boeing 787 aircraft on Doha – Dubaiservice 4 times a day, up to 6-7 daily by mid-May 2013.
QR102 DOH0110 – 0320DXB 788 D
QR100 DOH0705 – 0915DXB 788 D
QR116 DOH1315 – 1525DXB 788 D
QR118 DOH1915 – 2125DXB 788 D
QR103 DXB0530 – 0535DOH 788 D
QR101 DXB1135 – 1140DOH 788 D
QR117 DXB1655 – 1700DOH 788 D
QR119 DXB2240 – 2240DOH 788 D
QR102/103 operated by Boeing 787 from 03MAY13.
From 08MAY13, Boeing 787 operation on Dubai service increases to 6 daily, up to 7 daily from 15MAY13 until 31MAY13. Schedule on/after 01JUN13 is pending.
As of 29APR13, planned Boeing 787 service resumption to Europe remains unchanged for the moment.
Doha – Frankfurt 1 daily from 26MAY13 (2 daily from 01JUN13; Previously planned on 25MAY13)
Doha – London Heathrow 1 daily (QR075/076) from 15MAY13
Doha – Munich 1 daily from (QR009/010) 20MAY13 (11 weekly from 01JUN13, 14 weekly from 02OCT13)
Doha – Zurich 1 daily from 01JUN13
Planned Boeing 787 operation remains subject to change. Last minute aircraft change to other type is possible.



Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
[h=1]Ethiopian Airlines Adds 3rd Weekly Toronto Service with Boeing 787 from mid-June 2013[/h]by JL
Update at 0400GMT 29APR13

As per 29APR13 GDS timetable and inventory display, Ethiopian Airlines from 19JUN13 is adding 3rd weekly Addis Ababa – Toronto service, on board Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner aircraft. Outbound service operates via Rome.
ET502 ADD2240 – 0350+1FCO0450+1 – 0820+1YYZ 788 3
ET502 ADD2240 – 0350+1FCO0450+1 – 0820+1YYZ 77L 15
ET503 YYZ1120 – 0730+1ADD 77L 26
ET503 YYZ1120 – 0740+1ADD 788 4


Utente Registrato
12 Marzo 2013
Batterie inserite in contenitore ex-d in stainless steel. Una trentina di kg in più, ma niente di trascendentale.


Utente Registrato
18 Marzo 2011
Stainless stell è acciaio inox. Sembra che sia cambiato qualcosa anche nelle batterie da quel che si capisce. Oggi sopra il Giappone su Flightradar c'era un 787 di Ana con codice volo 9XXX che volava in direzione nord, credo che stiano facendo test !


Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
JAL ha annunciato l'uso del 787-8 per SYD dal 1 dicembre
Dal 1 luglio verrà operata anche la nuova rotta NRT-HEL sempre col 787

Altre rotte :

NRT-DEL dal 12/07
NRT-SVO dal 01/07
HND-SFO dal 01/09
NRT-BKK dal 02/12

Le rotte esistenti operate col 787 riprendereanno il 1 giugno


Utente Registrato
17 Maggio 2008
Boeing 767 -383 24318 257 CS-TLO EuroAtlantic Airways ferried 01may13 HHN-WAW on wet-lease to LOT ex N318SR


Utente Registrato
6 Dicembre 2009
Aeromexico ha annunciato le date di inizio dei voli col 787:

AeroMexico to Start Boeing 787 Operation from October 2013: Update as of 08MAY13
by JL
Update at 0010GMT 08MAY13

AeroMexico from October 2013 will begin Boeing 787-8 operation, as the airline currently scheduled inaugural flight on 01OCT13, Mexico City – Monterrey service. The Dreamliner will gradually enter operation to New York JFK, Tokyo Narita, Paris CDG and Buenos Aires.

Mexico City – Monterrey
AM906/913 01OCT13 (Inaugural flight)

Mexico City – Tijuana
AM176/177 01OCT13 (Second Inaugural flight)
AM170/173 02OCT13 / 14OCT13 / 15OCT13

Mexico City – New York JFK AM408/409
03OCT13 1 round-trip flight
14OCT13 – 31JAN14 Day 146
03FEB14 – 28FEB14 Day 14
eff 01MAR14 Day 146

Mexico City – Tijuana – Tokyo Narita – Mexico City eff 14OCT13 3 weekly service

Mexico City – Paris CDG eff 15OCT13 Boeing 787 begins operation 3 times a week, daily from 04NOV13
AM003 MEX2330 – 1710+1CDG 788 D
AM004 CDG2330 – 0500+1MEX 788 D

From 15OCT13 to 26OCT13, service operates Day 135 from MEX, Day 246 from CDG
From 27OCT13 to 03NOV13, service operates Day x13 from MEX, Day x246 from CDG

Mexico City – Buenos Aires
AM028/031 (AM029 from EZE from 14MAR14)
05FEB14 – 13MAR14 1 weekly (Day 3 from MEX, Day 4 from EZE)
eff 14MAR14 4 weekly (Day x146 from MEX, Day x257 from EZE)

AM030/031 eff 20MAR14 1 weekly (Day 4)


Utente Registrato
30 Dicembre 2009
Bello seguire Qatar A7-BCL su flightradar24: QR113 DXB-DOH (oggi al posto dei soliti A320 A321)

[h=1]QATAR Airways to Resume Boeing 787 Commercial Service on 02MAY13[/h]by JL
Update at 0500GMT 29APR13

QATAR Airways starting 02MAY13 is to resume Boeing 787 scheduled operation, becoming the second carrier to resume Dreamliner service. Initially, QATAR to operate Boeing 787 aircraft on Doha – Dubaiservice 4 times a day, up to 6-7 daily by mid-May 2013.
QR102 DOH0110 – 0320DXB 788 D
QR100 DOH0705 – 0915DXB 788 D
QR116 DOH1315 – 1525DXB 788 D
QR118 DOH1915 – 2125DXB 788 D
QR103 DXB0530 – 0535DOH 788 D
QR101 DXB1135 – 1140DOH 788 D
QR117 DXB1655 – 1700DOH 788 D
QR119 DXB2240 – 2240DOH 788 D
QR102/103 operated by Boeing 787 from 03MAY13.
From 08MAY13, Boeing 787 operation on Dubai service increases to 6 daily, up to 7 daily from 15MAY13 until 31MAY13. Schedule on/after 01JUN13 is pending.
As of 29APR13, planned Boeing 787 service resumption to Europe remains unchanged for the moment.
Doha – Frankfurt 1 daily from 26MAY13 (2 daily from 01JUN13; Previously planned on 25MAY13)
Doha – London Heathrow 1 daily (QR075/076) from 15MAY13
Doha – Munich 1 daily from (QR009/010) 20MAY13 (11 weekly from 01JUN13, 14 weekly from 02OCT13)
Doha – Zurich 1 daily from 01JUN13
Planned Boeing 787 operation remains subject to change. Last minute aircraft change to other type is possible.



Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
Boeing rolls out the first 787 at increased production rate

EVERETT, Wash., May 9, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) has rolled out of the factory the first 787 Dreamliner to be built at the increased production rate of seven airplanes per month. The airplane, which rolled out earlier this week, is the 114th 787 to be built overall and the 100th 787 to be built at the Everett, Wash., factory.

Boeing's 787 program is on track to achieve a planned 10 per month rate by year-end. The production rate accounts for airplanes built at the Everett Final Assembly facility, the Everett Temporary Surge Line and Boeing South Carolina.
To date, 50 787s have been delivered to eight airlines. The program has more than 800 unfilled orders with 58 customers worldwide.
A video feature on the rate increase can be found at this link:

foto dell'aereo in questione sul link:


Utente Registrato
16 Gennaio 2009
Boeing 787 -8 35938 61 SP-LRA LOT Polish Airlines ferried 14may13 ORD-ADD after storage

come mai lo mandano in Africa?


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
10 Dicembre 2007
[h=1]Dreamliner, guasto nel volo di prova[/h]Giappone: nonostante l'incidente l'aereo tornerà in servizio come previsto
TOKYO - Un Boeing 787, apparecchio rimasto a terra per mesi in tutto il mondo a seguito di una serie di incidenti e ora alla vigilia di un ritorno nei cieli, ha avuto un problema elettrico durante un volo di prova in Giappone. Lo ha annunciato la compagnia All Nippon Airways (Ana), precisando che l'incidente non ha interessato le batterie, e che non rimetterà in discussione il ritorno in servizio dell'aereo sulle sue rotte, previsto per il primo giugno.
Un portavoce dell'Ana ha riferito che si è bruciato un quadro elettrico, probabilmente a causa di un surriscaldamento provocato da un bullone male assicurato. La compagnia si appresta a rilanciare l'uso commerciale di questo apparecchio, rimasto a terra per oltre quattro mesi per un grave problema di surriscaldamento alle batterie.