Thread Boeing 787


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Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
LOT 787 Grounded Due To Wind Damage

December 6, 2013

A Boeing 787 Dreamliner operated by Poland's LOT was grounded in Chicago on Friday after strong winds on a flight from Warsaw damaged its spoiler, a LOT spokeswoman said.

"The aircraft went from Warsaw to Chicago in a very strong wind for more than 10 hours. The flight from Chicago to Warsaw was cancelled due to a spoiler damage. The reason was a very strong wind," Barbara Pijanowska-Kuras said.
The plane had been due to land back in Warsaw on Friday morning.
LOT also said that a couple of its local and European flights were cancelled on Friday due to strong winds as hurricane-force Storm Xaver swept into northern mainland Europe late Thursday.


Utente Registrato
20 Gennaio 2012
British Airways today (10DEC13) has further updated planned long-haul operation from London Heathrow for Summer 2014 season, effective 30MAR14. Planned service changes as follow.

London Heathrow – Calgary eff 05JUL14 Boeing 787-8 replaces 767-300ER, daily service
BA103 LHR1725 – 1950YYC 788 D
BA102 YYC2145 – 1340+1LHR 788 D

London Heathrow – Chengdu eff 05MAY14 Boeing 787-8 replaces 777-200ER, service increase from 3 to 5 weekly
BA089 LHR1735 – 1045+1CTU 788 x36
BA088 CTU1215 – 1610LHR 788 x47

London Heathrow – Hyderabad eff 30MAR14 Boeing 787-8 replaces 777-200ER, daily service
BA277 LHR1435 – 0445+1HYD 788 D
BA276 HYD0715 – 1250LHR 788 6
BA276 HYD0715 – 1255LHR 788 57
BA276 HYD0715 – 1300LHR 788 x567

London Heathrow – Philadelphia eff 05JUN14 Boeing 787-8 replaces 767-300ER on BA069/068
BA067 LHR1240 – 1425PHL 777 D
BA069 LHR1655 – 2010PHL 788 x47
BA069 LHR1700 – 2015PHL 788 47

BA066 PHL1810 – 0620+1LHR 777 D
BA068 PHL2200 – 1015+1LHR 788 D


26 Maggio 2010
​Air India dismisses 787 grounding reports

Air India has dismissed media reports that its Boeing 787 fleet was grounded recently for a software upgrade.

An Air India spokesman confirms that the software of its Boeing 787s has been in the process of being upgraded since 1 December, but clarifies that the work did not require the grounding of the entire fleet.

“When the aircraft go for checks, they get the software upgrade,” he says.

He adds that the upgrade is routine, and not specific to Air India’s 787 fleet. For each aircraft, the upgrade takes three to four days, he says.

“We hope to complete the upgrade soon,” he adds.

Erroneous reports about a grounding followed comments by minister of state for civil aviation Shri KC Venugopal to India’s parliament on 10 December that the fleet had been grounded for 10 days from 1 December for the software upgrading work.

Venugopal stated that the “modification is being sequentially carried out on each Dreamliner aircraft during a 10-day maintenance grounding with effect from 1 December 2013.”

Flight tracking website FlightAware shows that Air India 787s were, indeed, operational during 1-10 December. According to Flightglobal’s Ascend online database, Air India operates 11 787-8 aircraft, with another 16 on order.


26 Maggio 2010
By Jeremy Dwyer-Lindgren / Published December 11, 2013
LOT Polish has reached a deal with Boeing on compensation for its 787 Dreamliner problems.

The Polish flag carrier had been seeking over $33 million for months, according to a report by Bloomberg. Specifics, such as the total value of the deal, were not being provided. Poland, which owns a majority stake in the carrier, is reportedly satisfied with the agreement. The deal could be comprised of straight-up cash, revised lease rates, or a combination of both or more.

The deal avoids what could have been an embarrassing appearance in court over the airplane. Had a settlement not been reached LOT was set to sue the Chicago-based aerospace manufacturer for its losses. LOT went public with their complaints earlier this year when talks with Boeing appeared to not be headed in a direction the airline was happy with.

LOT has faced a number of problems with their Dreamliners since taking their first delivery in November of 2012. The worst of it came right out of the gate, when the 787 was grounded following a few battery-fire/smoke incidents. The grounding lined up perfectly with LOT’s inaugural Dreamliner service, stranding one airplane in Chicago and the other in Warsaw. The planes remained on the ground, unused, until the grounding was lifted in late April.

For LOT the grounding was particularly damaging. The carrier, already on the financial rocks and in the midst of restructuring, staked the lot on the 787 for its long-haul operations. Without the airplanes in service, and having already retired the bulk of their Boeing 767 fleet, the carrier wound up crippled and hemorrhaging cash to the tune of $50,000 per day.

The incident has forced LOT to take on government loans consistently ever since. The carrier admitted earlier this year that if Boeing failed to compensate for their losses, 2014’s finances were already looking sketchy.

If that were not enough, LOT has continued to face a series of isolated 787 incidents. Fuel filters were discovered missing in the engines of two aircraft, temporarily grounding both, in late September. Shortly thereafter another LOT Polish Dreamliner was forced to divert to Iceland after its inflight identification system failed. An airplane was grounded in Chicago last week when it arrived with damage to spoilers, a result of strong winds while en route from Warsaw.

LOT was one of a handful of airlines that wound up seeking compensation from Boeing over the Dreamliner, most stemming from the three month grounding. Air India, Ethiopian Airlines, Norwegian Air Shuttle, and Qatar Airways have all come out seeking compensation – some of which have been settled. Additional operators are likely seeking compensation as well, though such talks typically stay out of the public eye.

Fire, now ice
The closure of the LOT Polish issue removes one issue from Boeing’s plate, though the Dreamliner continues to keep it full. In an ironic twist, the airplane has recently faced issues with ice instead of fire. Two weeks ago, Boeing advised airlines that icing on and inside General Electric’s GEnx engines could cause a temporary loss of thrust. The six total incidents, most of which occurred not on the 787 but on the 747-8 instead (which also utilizes GE GEnx engines) occurred in and around thunderstorms which contained ice crystals. JAL responded by pulling the airplane from Tokyo-Delhi and Tokyo-Singapore. Carriers utilizing the Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines remain unaffected.

Even still, the airplane has generally had a resurgence of better news in the past month. Royal Brunei became the latest operator, receiving their first 787-8 in October. Air Canada is set to receive their first airplane in a few months, and recently rolled out their planned configuration.

More importantly the 787-9, the newer, younger sibling to the troubled -8, is coming along nicely. All three test aircraft have joined the program and are flying regularly. Boeing reports that the aircraft remains set to enter service in mid-2014, with its first revenue flight in October.

The order book reached a major milestone recently at the Dubai Airshow, passing the 1,000th order. The figure includes orders for the -8, -9, and -10.


26 Maggio 2010
Boeing espande sito 787 Charleston
Da metà 2016 i Boeing 787 costruiti nel nuovo stabilimento di Charleston saranno verniciati sul posto, senza più doversi trasferire a Fort Worth. Il costruttore statunitense ha infatti annunciato che tra sei mesi inizierà la costruzione sul sito di un hangar di verniciatura di oltre 21.000 mq. In parallelo l’azienda ha acquistato 108 ettari di terreno dalla Charleston County Aviation Authority e affittato altri 81 ettari da Palmetto Railways, controllata dallo stato della Carolina, con opzione di acquistarli nel 2027. La mossa, spiega Boeing, nasce per garantirsi la possibilità di espandersi a Charleston se necessario. A fine 2014 sarà inaugurata una nuova stazione dei vigili del fuoco mentre nel 2016 entrerà in funzione la seconda autoclave per la produzione delle fusoliere anteriori.


13 Agosto 2007
Boeing espande sito 787 Charleston
Da metà 2016 i Boeing 787 costruiti nel nuovo stabilimento di Charleston saranno verniciati sul posto, senza più doversi trasferire a Fort Worth. Il costruttore statunitense ha infatti annunciato che tra sei mesi inizierà la costruzione sul sito di un hangar di verniciatura di oltre 21.000 mq. In parallelo l’azienda ha acquistato 108 ettari di terreno dalla Charleston County Aviation Authority e affittato altri 81 ettari da Palmetto Railways, controllata dallo stato della Carolina, con opzione di acquistarli nel 2027. La mossa, spiega Boeing, nasce per garantirsi la possibilità di espandersi a Charleston se necessario. A fine 2014 sarà inaugurata una nuova stazione dei vigili del fuoco mentre nel 2016 entrerà in funzione la seconda autoclave per la produzione delle fusoliere anteriori.
Machinists Union District Lodge 751, do you copy?


Utente Registrato
14 Novembre 2005
Ma Lot perché l'aveva comprato? Non gli serve già più per il suo network?
Se non sbaglio ne hanno comprati 8 ma evidentemente hanno fatto male i conti e sono un numero eccessivo per il loro network. Lot sul lungo raggio ha solo 4 rotte: Pechino, Toronto, New York e Chicago e nessuna operata daily. Per questo hanno affittato un 787 a Finnair e un altro questo inverno sarà utilizzato interamente da diversi TO polacchi per voli charter.

Perchè l'aveva comprato? Gli unici WB che aveva prima erano dei 767 ormai decisamente vecchi da cambiare, inoltre il fatto di essere il cliente di lancio del 787 in Europa credo gli abbia fatto spuntare dei prezzi molto convenienti. Bisogna vedere se alla luce del lungo elenco di inconvenienti che hanno avuto con questo aereo e per i quali adesso hanno ottenuto una compensazione da Boeing, non si saranno già pentiti dell' acquisto.


13 Agosto 2007
Air India per problemi finanziari (Strano...) ha aperto un tender per la vendita e lease-back di 7 B788. Con questa operazione stima di recuperare liquidità per 840milioni di dollari.[/QUOTE

Alitalia li prende?
AZ non c'entra assolutamente niente: Air India sta semplicemente cercando di vendere a dei lessor i 787 che ha acquistato ma tenendoli in flotta pagando il canone di leasing. E' da tempo che AI aveva annunciato questo proposito, avendo ritirato gli aerei da Boeing solo grazie a prestiti ponte di Deutsche Bank e di qualche altro finanziatore.


Utente Registrato
23 Marzo 2009
AZ non c'entra assolutamente niente: Air India sta semplicemente cercando di vendere a dei lessor i 787 che ha acquistato ma tenendoli in flotta pagando il canone di leasing. E' da tempo che AI aveva annunciato questo proposito, avendo ritirato gli aerei da Boeing solo grazie a prestiti ponte di Deutsche Bank e di qualche altro finanziatore.
Infatti, in ogni caso al massimo ad AZ arriverebbero attraverso EY come avverrà per AB.


Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
[h=1][/h]Posted 30 December 2013 12:19
Update at 0720GMT 30DEC13

Royal Jordanian in late-December 2013 published planned Boeing 787-8 operations, currently scheduled to enter service on 01JUL14. The 267-seater 2-class Dreamliner aircraft plans to operate following routes.

eff 01JUL14 Amman – Jeddah Operational frequencies at 1-2 weekly in July/August 2014, gradually increases from September 2014
eff 02JUL14 Amman – Lagos – Accra 2 weekly, operation until 29AUG14
RJ521 AMM0100 – 0520LOS0620 – 0625ACC 787 3
RJ521 AMM1100 – 1520LOS1620 – 1625ACC 787 5

RJ522 ACC0800 – 1005LOS1105 – 1925AMM 787 3
RJ522 ACC1835 – 2040LOS2155 – 0615+1AMM 787 5

eff 03JUL14 Amman – Montreal 2 weekly, operation until 28AUG14
RJ269 AMM0310 – 0800YUL 787 14
RJ270 YUL1020 – 0400+1AMM 787 14

eff 05JUL14 Amman – Abu Dhabi 1 weekly, operation until 30AUG14
RJ620 AMM1200 – 1610AUH 787 6
RJ621 AUH1700 – 1910AMM 787 6

eff 31AUG14 Amman – Chicago 1 daily (6 weekly from 17SEP14)
RJ263 AMM1030 – 1500ORD 787 x2
RJ264 ORD2130 – 1720+1AMM 787 x27
RJ264 ORD2130 – 1730+1AMM 787 2

eff 06SEP14 Amman – Sana’a 1 weekly
RJ672 AMM2110 – 0035+1SAH 787 6
RJ673 SAH0200 – 0515AMM 787 7

eff 17SEP14 Amman – Madinah Operational frequencies at 1-3 weekly
RJ’s Boeing 787-8 features 23 Business Class and 244 Economy Class seats (3-3-3 in Economy). Planned Boeing 787 operational routes and schedules remain subject to change.