Thread Boeing 787


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
10 Dicembre 2007
Il corridoio viene ristretto e le file di posti sfalsati, cosi' recuperi lo spazio extra. Che alla fine e' di mezzo pollice in piu', quindi a meta' strada tra i 17" del 3-4-3 e i 18" del 3-3-3.
I blocchi di sedili mi sembrano già sfalsati anche nel 788 (se è questo che intendi), per cui suppongo che quasi tutto lo spazio extra dei sedili sarà ricavato stringendo ogni corridoio di circa 5.5 cm. E vista la situazione di partenza, mi sembra un rimedio peggiore del male.
D'altra parte la sezione di fusoliera è quella e non credo che in BA dormissero quando hanno allestito i 788.



Utente Registrato
26 Aprile 2012
I blocchi di sedili mi sembrano già sfalsati anche nel 788 (se è questo che intendi), per cui suppongo che quasi tutto lo spazio extra dei sedili sarà ricavato stringendo ogni corridoio di circa 5.5 cm. E vista la situazione di partenza, mi sembra un rimedio peggiore del male.
D'altra parte la sezione di fusoliera è quella e non credo che in BA dormissero quando hanno allestito i 788.

Non mi sembra di ricordare che i 788 siano sfalsati, o lo siano molto. comunque, questa e' la nota:

Customers in World Traveller can look forward more space in the -9 compared to the -8. The seats are just under half an inch wider and have an extra inch of pitch, taking it up to 32 inches in total. As a result, the seat rows in World Traveller are also slightly staggered either side of the aisle to allow cabin crew space to operate in the aisle.
Quanto al dormire... in che senso? La fusoliera del 787 e' stata allargata tra il momento in cui il 7E7 e' divenuto 787 proprio dietro richiesta delle compagnie aeree, che volevano 9-abreast. Quindi tutti sapevano esattamente quello che volevano.
Ultima modifica:


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
10 Dicembre 2007
Non mi sembra di ricordare che i 788 siano sfalsati, o lo siano molto. comunque, questa e' la nota:
La foto mostra i sedili moderatamente sfalsati. Anche sfalsandoli di più non credo cambi molto: difficilmente chi percorre il corridoio si muove a zig-zag per evitare di toccare i pax seduti.
Bene invece l'aumento del pitch a 32'.

Quanto al dormire... in che senso? La fusoliera del 787 e' stata allargata tra il momento in cui il 7E7 e' divenuto 787 proprio dietro richiesta delle compagnie aeree, che volevano 9-abreast. Quindi tutti sapevano esattamente quello che volevano.
Infatti. Intendevo dire che in BA conoscevano benissimo le dimensioni della fusoliera fin da quando hanno arredato il 788. Trovo quindi tecnicamente impossibile che oggi possano fare miracoli sul 789 con identica sezione di fusoliera. Se si vogliono sedili più larghi, bisogna stringere qualcos'altro. O diminuire il numero delle poltrone.

East End Ave

Utente Registrato
13 Agosto 2013
su e giu' sull'atlantico...
UNITED - 787 flying shifts to West Coast
United announced route changes for certain widebody aircraft, effective with the spring/summer 2016 schedule. These changes will help UA to further optimize its network by matching the right equipment to the right markets.
UA will redeploy Boeing 787-9 aircraft from IAH to West Coast hubs, LAX and SFO. When redeployed, UA will fly the 787-9 on routes between SFO and SYD (Sydney), TPE (Taipei, Taiwan) and HND (Tokyo Haneda) and between LAX and MEL (Melbourne, Australia), NRT, PVG (Shanghai), SYD and LHR (London Heathrow). In addition, UA will fly SFO-ICN (Seoul, South Korea) with a 787-9 between Aug. 1 and Oct. 21, 2016. The IAH routes that UA previously flew with the 787-9 will be re-fleeted predominantly with Boeing 767s and Boeing 777s, and the 777s displaced from LAX and SFO will be re-assigned primarily to EWR, ORD and IAD.
“One of our greatest assets at United is our powerful, comprehensive network, so we continually review our plans to make sure we’re listening to customers and matching the right aircraft with the right market,” said Network VP Brian Znotins. “The 787-9 is a very fuel-efficient aircraft that is designed to perform most efficiently on long-haul routes, like our trans-Pacific flights.”


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
UNITED - 787 flying shifts to West Coast
United announced route changes for certain widebody aircraft, effective with the spring/summer 2016 schedule. These changes will help UA to further optimize its network by matching the right equipment to the right markets.
UA will redeploy Boeing 787-9 aircraft from IAH to West Coast hubs, LAX and SFO. When redeployed, UA will fly the 787-9 on routes between SFO and SYD (Sydney), TPE (Taipei, Taiwan) and HND (Tokyo Haneda) and between LAX and MEL (Melbourne, Australia), NRT, PVG (Shanghai), SYD and LHR (London Heathrow). In addition, UA will fly SFO-ICN (Seoul, South Korea) with a 787-9 between Aug. 1 and Oct. 21, 2016. The IAH routes that UA previously flew with the 787-9 will be re-fleeted predominantly with Boeing 767s and Boeing 777s, and the 777s displaced from LAX and SFO will be re-assigned primarily to EWR, ORD and IAD.
“One of our greatest assets at United is our powerful, comprehensive network, so we continually review our plans to make sure we’re listening to customers and matching the right aircraft with the right market,” said Network VP Brian Znotins. “The 787-9 is a very fuel-efficient aircraft that is designed to perform most efficiently on long-haul routes, like our trans-Pacific flights.”
Interessante come shift. 787-9 sulla west coast per i voli trans-pacifici, mentre i 777 sulla east coast.
Invece per i 787-8, qualche chance di vederli prossimamente anche in Italia?


Utente Registrato
18 Novembre 2010
Pare che i commenti negativi dei passeggeri sulle sedute di Y sui 787-8 abbia indotto BA ad allargare leggermente il pitch delle sedute sui nuovi 787-9.
La Y+ e la C rimarranno le stesse.

Aldila' di tutto, complimenti a BA per aver ascoltato il consumatore ed aver modificato il prodotto.
Sono contento di constatare che qualcuno sta finalmente prendendo coscienza del problema che affligge questo velivolo. La Y configurata 3-3-3 del 787 offre la peggior seduta di economy che si possa possa trovare tra i velivoli a lungo raggio operati dalle major mondiali. Se lasciamo da parte certi vettori charter o low cost, come Air Asia X e Air Transat, il 787 risulta senza dubbio l'aereo più scomodo per un passeggero di Y. Questo dicono i commenti e i feedback di chi ci ha volato. Credo che i sedili di QR, con i loro 16,9" stabiliscano un record negativo in tal senso, battuti solo dai 16,5" che si possono trovare sui WB di certi vettori low cost o sui cargo militari.


Utente Registrato
15 Marzo 2008
Sono contento di constatare che qualcuno sta finalmente prendendo coscienza del problema che affligge questo velivolo. La Y configurata 3-3-3 del 787 offre la peggior seduta di economy che si possa possa trovare tra i velivoli a lungo raggio operati dalle major mondiali. Se lasciamo da parte certi vettori charter o low cost, come Air Asia X e Air Transat, il 787 risulta senza dubbio l'aereo più scomodo per un passeggero di Y. Questo dicono i commenti e i feedback di chi ci ha volato. Credo che i sedili di QR, con i loro 16,9" stabiliscano un record negativo in tal senso, battuti solo dai 16,5" che si possono trovare sui WB di certi vettori low cost o sui cargo militari.
Confermo, il peggior viaggio della mia vita l'ho fatto col 787 QR da Doha a Singapore lato finestrino, scomodissimo sia come pitch che per il regolatore del cuscino per appoggiare la testa. Il 330 sempre di QR da FCO lo batte 10 a 0.

East End Ave

Utente Registrato
13 Agosto 2013
su e giu' sull'atlantico...
Penso che sia proprio il 3-3-3 un punto negativo per qualsivoglia pitch; fossi al finestrino mi porterei il pitale piuttosto che svegliare, scavalcare o far alzare 2 persone per andare al bagno o a sgranchirmi le gambe. Peraltro questi aerei compiono mediamente le tratte piu' lunghe, quindi peggio ancora.

Ma di nuovo, in questo caso il pitch c'entra poco ed e' piu' una questione di configurazione (stesso problema per i tripli, ad esempio), dov'e' certamente meglio un sano 2-4-2, certo, con la perdita di un posto per una media di 30/35 file...

Di contro, a parita' di configrazione e minima differenza di pitch, la minor pressurizzazione e la maggior umidita' in cabina garantiscono in ogni caso una flight experience piu' positiva sul 78 piuttosto che su qualunque altro aeromobile e questo e' fisiologico.


Utente Registrato
2 Aprile 2008
ho volato con il 787 lot l'altro ieri ( ORD - WAW)

confermo che la fila centrale è sfalsata rispetto alle laterali

ero in economy e non ho volato affatto male...anzi....


Utente Registrato
14 Novembre 2005
N/D minor pressurizzazione e la maggior umidita' in cabina garantiscono in ogni caso una flight experience piu' positiva sul 78 piuttosto che su qualunque altro aeromobile e questo e' fisiologico.
Vorrei sapere da chi ha provato il 787 se questi aspetti vengono veramente notati dal pax quando si vola o fanno parte solo della strategia pubblicitaria di Boeing.


Utente Registrato
2 Aprile 2008
come detto sopra io ho volato molto bene, mi sono piaciute molto le luci ed i sedili, diciamo che sulal pressurizzazione e sull umidità facico fatica a valutarle :)


Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
British Airways (London) has 22 216-seat Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners on order. Yesterday (September 7), the first copy, the pictured 787-9 G-ZBKA (msn 38616), successfully completed its first flight from Paine Field near Everett via Moses Lake.

According to British Airways, “the Boeing 787-9 – the latest addition to the fleet – features an evolution of our First cabin, with just 8 seats compared to the usual 14, increased range and is 20 feet longer and four inches taller than the 787-8.”

The new type will be introduced on the daily London (Heathrow) (LHR) – Delhi route on October 25. The London (Heathrow) – Abu Dhabi – Muscat route will follow on November 5 per Airline Route.

The 787-9 will also be introduced from LHR to Kuala Lumpur on December 5 and Austin, Texas on February 1, 2016.


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
Ecco delle foto (e video) della F sui 787-9 BA:

Qui il video di presentazione:

This is what £2,500 buys you on British Airways' new Dreamliner: Carrier unveils swanky designs of its latest first-class cabin

  • The planes will debut at the end of September with flights to Delhi, followed by Abu Dhabi and Muscat in November
  • With just eight seats, the carrier's new first class cabins aim to offer the ultimate luxury for its wealthy customers
  • Guests can charge their phone from their seats and enjoy split-screen entertainment on a 23inch TV

A split-screen entertainment system, seats that recline at the turn of a button and a chic design that James Bond would surely approve of - this is British Airways' new first-class cabin on its latest 787-9 Dreamliner aircraft.
And it's very exclusive. There are just eight first-class seats per aircraft - compared to 14 on other BA aircraft - with prices starting from £2,500 return.
Renderings of the new cabin were released today, with the exclusive seating available on flights to new destinations that include Abu Dhabi and Muscat.
Scroll down for video

British Airways today unveiled the look of its latest first-class cabin on its new Dreamliner 787-9, which will be travelling to a host of new destinations


Guests can control their in-flight entertainment with a new handset that British Airways claims operates like a smartphone

Using feedback from fliers, the company said the designs have been created to put 'comfort at the heart of the experience'.
What this means for passengers, the carrier said, are new cabin new storage areas, which include compartments for shoes, handbags, tablets, passports and a range of personal items, and even include a mirror fixed to the inside of locker doors for personal grooming.
Those flying with suits and jackets can stow these away in a 'personal suitor' which is said to be accessible for guests without them leaving their seat.

Travellers can control their in-flight entertainment with a new handset that British Airways claims operates like a smartphone.
During flight, the handset can be docked so that customers are also able to watch one item, such as the moving map, on the handset and another, such as a film, on the 23inch fixed screen. This also means travellers will be able to enjoy gate-to-gate entertainment, without having to stow their television for take-off and landing
The smart 'jog-dial', that previously controlled the seat's recline, now manages five additional functions, BA said, including the headrest and lumbar inflate and a 'global' lighting control to set both ambient and reading lighting.


Customers who need to charge any devices can now do so in a discreet stowage area next to their armrest

The soft leather seats, and lights, can also be controlled from the touch of a button, with five additional functions

The cabin has incorporated new storage areas into its design, which include areas for shoes, handbags, tablets, passports and a range of personal items

And customers who need to charge any devices can do so in a discreet stowage area next to their armrest.
The carrier pointed out that some features on the new Dreamliner 787-9 will benefit everyone.
The lighting in every cabin, for instance, can be set to reflect the time of day, helping to lull travellers to sleep at night and to wake up in the morning.
And the effects of jet-lag, it's claimed, will be lessened by the planes' larger windows.
The chances of arriving feeling fresher are also increased by the cabins having lower pressurisation. They have an internal altitude of 6,000ft - 2,000ft lower than on other commerical aircraft - which means they're not as dry.
Announced today, the 787-9 Dreamliner, which is 20ft longer than its 787-8 predecessor, will allow fliers to visit Abu Dhabi and Muscat from November 5.

The company will start by offering flights on the 787-9 Dreamliner to Kuala Lumpur to Delhi in October, followed by Abu Dhabi and Muscat in November

The news of the new routes comes after the company revealed last month that the plane's sky debut would start with flights to Delhi from October 25.
From December flights will be offered to Kuala Lumpur, with Austin in Texas launching in February, and San Jose, California, in May.
A total of 42 787s are to join British Airways, with the first 787-9 aircraft arriving at the end of September.
First-class seats are on sale from £2,546 to Abu Dhabi and £2,878 to Muscat.


Utente Registrato
16 Marzo 2007
London, UK
Sono contento di constatare che qualcuno sta finalmente prendendo coscienza del problema che affligge questo velivolo. La Y configurata 3-3-3 del 787 offre la peggior seduta di economy che si possa possa trovare tra i velivoli a lungo raggio operati dalle major mondiali. Se lasciamo da parte certi vettori charter o low cost, come Air Asia X e Air Transat, il 787 risulta senza dubbio l'aereo più scomodo per un passeggero di Y. Questo dicono i commenti e i feedback di chi ci ha volato. Credo che i sedili di QR, con i loro 16,9" stabiliscano un record negativo in tal senso, battuti solo dai 16,5" che si possono trovare sui WB di certi vettori low cost o sui cargo militari.
ho volato con il 787 di Royal Brunei che ha in Y un pitch di 33" e width di 17.2" . E. stato il volo piu' comodo che abbia mai fatto su un wb, quindi quello che dici non e' corretto.


Utente Registrato
27 Febbraio 2006
Ecco delle foto (e video) della F sui 787-9 BA:

Qui il video di presentazione:

This is what £2,500 buys you on British Airways' new Dreamliner: Carrier unveils swanky designs of its latest first-class cabin

  • The planes will debut at the end of September with flights to Delhi, followed by Abu Dhabi and Muscat in November
  • With just eight seats, the carrier's new first class cabins aim to offer the ultimate luxury for its wealthy customers
  • Guests can charge their phone from their seats and enjoy split-screen entertainment on a 23inch TV

A split-screen entertainment system, seats that recline at the turn of a button and a chic design that James Bond would surely approve of - this is British Airways' new first-class cabin on its latest 787-9 Dreamliner aircraft.
And it's very exclusive. There are just eight first-class seats per aircraft - compared to 14 on other BA aircraft - with prices starting from £2,500 return.
Renderings of the new cabin were released today, with the exclusive seating available on flights to new destinations that include Abu Dhabi and Muscat.
Scroll down for video

British Airways today unveiled the look of its latest first-class cabin on its new Dreamliner 787-9, which will be travelling to a host of new destinations


Guests can control their in-flight entertainment with a new handset that British Airways claims operates like a smartphone

Using feedback from fliers, the company said the designs have been created to put 'comfort at the heart of the experience'.
What this means for passengers, the carrier said, are new cabin new storage areas, which include compartments for shoes, handbags, tablets, passports and a range of personal items, and even include a mirror fixed to the inside of locker doors for personal grooming.
Those flying with suits and jackets can stow these away in a 'personal suitor' which is said to be accessible for guests without them leaving their seat.

Travellers can control their in-flight entertainment with a new handset that British Airways claims operates like a smartphone.
During flight, the handset can be docked so that customers are also able to watch one item, such as the moving map, on the handset and another, such as a film, on the 23inch fixed screen. This also means travellers will be able to enjoy gate-to-gate entertainment, without having to stow their television for take-off and landing
The smart 'jog-dial', that previously controlled the seat's recline, now manages five additional functions, BA said, including the headrest and lumbar inflate and a 'global' lighting control to set both ambient and reading lighting.


Customers who need to charge any devices can now do so in a discreet stowage area next to their armrest

The soft leather seats, and lights, can also be controlled from the touch of a button, with five additional functions

The cabin has incorporated new storage areas into its design, which include areas for shoes, handbags, tablets, passports and a range of personal items

And customers who need to charge any devices can do so in a discreet stowage area next to their armrest.
The carrier pointed out that some features on the new Dreamliner 787-9 will benefit everyone.
The lighting in every cabin, for instance, can be set to reflect the time of day, helping to lull travellers to sleep at night and to wake up in the morning.
And the effects of jet-lag, it's claimed, will be lessened by the planes' larger windows.
The chances of arriving feeling fresher are also increased by the cabins having lower pressurisation. They have an internal altitude of 6,000ft - 2,000ft lower than on other commerical aircraft - which means they're not as dry.
Announced today, the 787-9 Dreamliner, which is 20ft longer than its 787-8 predecessor, will allow fliers to visit Abu Dhabi and Muscat from November 5.

The company will start by offering flights on the 787-9 Dreamliner to Kuala Lumpur to Delhi in October, followed by Abu Dhabi and Muscat in November

The news of the new routes comes after the company revealed last month that the plane's sky debut would start with flights to Delhi from October 25.
From December flights will be offered to Kuala Lumpur, with Austin in Texas launching in February, and San Jose, California, in May.
A total of 42 787s are to join British Airways, with the first 787-9 aircraft arriving at the end of September.
First-class seats are on sale from £2,546 to Abu Dhabi and £2,878 to Muscat.