Thread Easyjet

il viaggiatore

12 Luglio 2016
Re: Thread Easyjet

E arriva il tanto vociferato night stop da MXP!!
E qualcuno diceva che con l'apertura dei 4 daily di FR sulla Mxp Cta, qualcuno si sarebbe fatto male....forse voleva scrivere "mica male"!! i cinque daily di U2 sulla rotta sono uno schiaffo all'incapacita' imprenditoriale di chi non sa stare sul mercato,ha pure il coraggio di lamentarsi della concorrenza e perde milioni di euro al giorno! Chapeau a FR e U2.


Utente Registrato
27 Febbraio 2006
Re: Thread Easyjet

E qualcuno diceva che con l'apertura dei 4 daily di FR sulla Mxp Cta, qualcuno si sarebbe fatto male....forse voleva scrivere "mica male"!! i cinque daily di U2 sulla rotta sono uno schiaffo all'incapacita' imprenditoriale di chi non sa stare sul mercato,ha pure il coraggio di lamentarsi della concorrenza e perde milioni di euro al giorno! Chapeau a FR e U2.
La rotta tra l'altro per tutte e due i vettori riempie particolarmente bene.

Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk


Utente Registrato
6 Novembre 2005
Re: Thread Easyjet

Update dal Q3
Passengers carried increased by 10.8% to 22.3 million, driven by an increase in capacity of 9.5%to 24.0 million seats and load factor increasing by 1.1 percentage points to 93.1%.
 Total revenue per seat increased by 2.2% at constant currency, ahead of guidance and increasedby 5.9% on a reported basis to £57.78 per seat. Total revenue in the quarter increased by 16.0%to £1,387 million, with a significant benefit from the move of Easter to April, higher load factors,as well as an improving underlying trend in the trading environment. Ongoing enhancements toour customer proposition and other revenue initiatives helped to stimulate bookings and buildrevenue momentum throughout the period.
easyJet delivered strong cost control as headline cost per seat including fuel improved by 5.5% atconstant currency, due to low fuel prices and a strong underlying cost focus. As anticipatedeasyJet’s headline cost per seat excluding fuel at constant currency was up 1.6% in the quarterreflecting planned investment in the resilience of the operation and the additional load.
 Operational performance for the quarter has improved as the investment in resilience hasdelivered improved on time performance figures across the network. A new ground handlingagreement has been signed with DHL at Gatwick, commencing November 2017.
 Continued strong balance sheet with net cash of £426 million as at 30 June and reaffirmed“BBB+” investment grade rating by Standard & Poor’s.
 easyJet has received approval for its Air Operator Certificate and airline operating licence from theauthorities in Austria, securing its future operations in Europe.
 Headline profit before tax guidance for FY2017 expected in the range of £380 million to £420million.


Socio AIAC 2025
Utente Registrato
10 Dicembre 2007
Re: Thread Easyjet

Sbaglio o mancano i risultati complessivi della gestione (operativo, netto, EBIT)?


Utente Registrato
16 Luglio 2007
Re: Thread Easyjet

Update dal Q3
Passengers carried increased by 10.8% to 22.3 million, driven by an increase in capacity of 9.5%to 24.0 million seats and load factor increasing by 1.1 percentage points to 93.1%.
 Total revenue per seat increased by 2.2% at constant currency, ahead of guidance and increasedby 5.9% on a reported basis to £57.78 per seat. Total revenue in the quarter increased by 16.0%to £1,387 million, with a significant benefit from the move of Easter to April, higher load factors,as well as an improving underlying trend in the trading environment. Ongoing enhancements toour customer proposition and other revenue initiatives helped to stimulate bookings and buildrevenue momentum throughout the period.
easyJet delivered strong cost control as headline cost per seat including fuel improved by 5.5% atconstant currency, due to low fuel prices and a strong underlying cost focus. As anticipatedeasyJet’s headline cost per seat excluding fuel at constant currency was up 1.6% in the quarterreflecting planned investment in the resilience of the operation and the additional load.
 Operational performance for the quarter has improved as the investment in resilience hasdelivered improved on time performance figures across the network. A new ground handlingagreement has been signed with DHL at Gatwick, commencing November 2017.
 Continued strong balance sheet with net cash of £426 million as at 30 June and reaffirmed“BBB+” investment grade rating by Standard & Poor’s.
 easyJet has received approval for its Air Operator Certificate and airline operating licence from theauthorities in Austria, securing its future operations in Europe.
 Headline profit before tax guidance for FY2017 expected in the range of £380 million to £420million.
FY 2017 guidance sempre più in calo e revenue per seat in calo del 2 % per quanto riguarda H2 ( apr-sep), risultati non brillantissimi...


Utente Registrato
6 Novembre 2005
Re: Thread Easyjet

La guidance è in aumento rispetto a quanto previsto in precedenza e il RPS è si previsto in diminuzione per Apr-Sett, ma è anche andato su 2,2% (Revenue per seat at constant currency increased by 2.2%, during the quarter to £55.77. Thisperformance was driven by: the movement of Easter from March 2016 to April 2017, which saw a benefit of c. £55mfor the quarter; increased load factors, up 1.1ppts; the underlying revenue trend continuing to improve from H1 into the second half of theyear; offset by a continued low fuel price environment which is sustaining inefficient capacity in theEuropean short-haul market and which continues to drive lower fares.)

Considerando il mercato, ed il fatto che tutti gli altri indicatori sono in positivo, non credo proprio siano dei risultati "non brillantissimi"


Utente Registrato
16 Luglio 2007
Re: Thread Easyjet

La guidance è in aumento rispetto a quanto previsto in precedenza e il RPS è si previsto in diminuzione per Apr-Sett, ma è anche andato su 2,2% (Revenue per seat at constant currency increased by 2.2%, during the quarter to £55.77. Thisperformance was driven by: the movement of Easter from March 2016 to April 2017, which saw a benefit of c. £55mfor the quarter; increased load factors, up 1.1ppts; the underlying revenue trend continuing to improve from H1 into the second half of theyear; offset by a continued low fuel price environment which is sustaining inefficient capacity in theEuropean short-haul market and which continues to drive lower fares.)

Considerando il mercato, ed il fatto che tutti gli altri indicatori sono in positivo, non credo proprio siano dei risultati "non brillantissimi"
ti riporto qui di seguito gli ultimi risultati finanziari di U2 :

FY 2015 : +£686M
FY 2016 : +£495M
FY 2017 (guidance) : between £380M & £420M

per carità easyJet è sempre una compagnia profitable ma se dimezzi il tuo profitto in 2 anni non mi puoi dire che stai ottenendo risultati brillanti...

per quanto riguarda la guidance non penso che dopo il FY 2016 Carolyn sia andata a dire a Stelios che facciamo peggio dell'anno scorso...

gli altri ? guarda FR,W6,BA,LH, le americane, etc e poi ne parliamo, non si può prendere AZ come benchmark ;)

Revenue per seat in calo del 2 % nella summer season è tutt'altro che un risultato brillante anche perché il CASK ex fuel è up 1 %


Utente Registrato
6 Novembre 2005
Re: Thread Easyjet

Che i risultati siano in calo purtroppo è innegabile, ma inizialmente la guidance '17 era ancora più bassa ed è stata rivista, mi riferivo a questo
Il brexit e il cambio non favorevole si stanno purtroppo facendo sentire :(


Utente Registrato
8 Luglio 2012
Re: Thread Easyjet

Che i risultati siano in calo purtroppo è innegabile, ma inizialmente la guidance '17 era ancora più bassa ed è stata rivista, mi riferivo a questo
Il brexit e il cambio non favorevole si stanno purtroppo facendo sentire :(
Vista la discesa della sterlina, a un residente del Regno Unito costa fra il 10 e il 15% in piu' andare in vacanza nella zona dell'Euro (che copre Portogallo, Spagna, Francia, Italia e Grecia). Credo che i risultati di Easyjet risentano anche di questo.


Socio AIAC 2025
Utente Registrato
31 Dicembre 2015
Re: Thread Easyjet

Si, hanno aperto anche per FO NTR con 1500 ore su glass cockpit. Credo che la "macchina delle selezioni" non si fermi praticamente mai. In quei 450 ci devi includere anche una grossa fetta di Cadet Pilots che arrivano dalle varie CTC ecc...


Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
Re: Thread Easyjet

Despite issues of Brexit, London Luton and Manchester see biggest increase in seats by easyJet in S17; four new airports added

A year has now passed since the UK voted to leave the EU, and when the news broke of the UK’s decision, its leading LCC easyJet announced that growth would be slowed in the UK. This week the airline confirmed that it would open its new EU HQ in Vienna, with aircraft being registered under an Austrian AOC to allow the airline to continue operating intra-European routes post-Brexit. However, going back to this summer, it appears that the airline has not struck the UK off straight away, as its leading airports for net increases in seats this summer are London Luton and Manchester.

London Luton is the leading airport for net growth of seats

London’s fourth largest airport (in relation to annual traffic) is the best when it comes to net seat gains for easyJet, with London Luton seeing over 55,000 additional one-way monthly seats this summer. The airports highlighted in light grey also appear in easyJet’s top 15 airport operations, with London Gatwick the biggest, which is only the 14th best airport in S17 when it comes to net increase of seats.

Source: OAG Schedules Analyser data.

One airport that has paid special attention to is Vienna, home of easyJet’s new EU-based operation. The Austrian capital has seen its seat capacity with easyJet grow by 8.5% this summer. However, this only places it 60th in relation to growth of the airports on the carrier’s network. Along with Vienna, Salzburg in Austria has seen a 9.6% rise in seats with the carrier in S17, while Innsbruck has welcomed a 5.4% gain. In December the carrier will add Klagenfurt to its network from Gatwick, becoming its fourth Austrian airport. Overall easyJet’s monthly seat capacity across all of its network in S17 has increased by 7.9% when compared to S16, with the UK being the leading market with over 32% of all seats. The UK is followed by France (14% of seats), Italy (13%) and Spain (11%).

Bulgaria and Sweden see biggest growth

Despite their relative low ranking in regards to seat capacity share of easyJet’s overall network, Bulgaria (25th largest country market) and Sweden (28th) are the leading nations in relation to percentage growth with the carrier in S17. easyJet has increased its seat offering to Sweden by 184% this summer, while Bulgaria has seen an impressive rise of 68%, helped by the introduction of Varna to the carrier’s network in June.
While it is good news for Sweden and Bulgaria, the same can not be said for nations including Denmark, Turkey, Belgium and Estonia, the four countries in easyJet’s network that have seen capacity cuts this summer. Overall seats to Denmark, the carrier’s 11th largest market, are down 26%. This is mostly down to the suspension of the London Luton to Copenhagenroute at the start of S17, and frequency reductions to the Danish capital from both Edinburgh and London Gatwick. Turkey has seen a cut of almost 10%, Belgium 36% (routes to Brussels from Berlin Schöenefeld and Milan Malpensa were dropped for this summer) and Estonia 6%. As a result of Turkey’s downfall, Austria and Poland have climbed above it to become easyJet’s 13th and 14th largest markets respectively.

Source: OAG Schedules Analyser data August 2017 vs August 2016.

The UK remains easyJet’s largest country market in S17, with overall seat capacity increasing by 4.7% over the past 12 months. While Luton and Manchester are the leaders for growth in the UK, and indeed in easyJet’s overall European network, just three airports in the UK have seen capacity reduced with the carrier this summer. Liverpool and Newcastle are the two leading bases when it comes to capacity cuts by the UK carrier in S17, with the former seeing its monthly seats reduced by 5.2%, while Newcastle has seen its drop by 1.0%. The third UK airport to see a reduction by easyJet is Birmingham, the largest airport in the UK that the carrier serves which is not a base for the LCC, with the year-round link from Belfast International seeing a 9.3% reduction in monthly seats when referring to OAG schedules. On a positive note for Birmingham, easyJet is introducing its seasonal service from Geneva three months earlier than planned this year, with it scheduled to offer three weekly flights from mid-September, before going to daily mid-week in December, with multiple daily flights at weekends for ski demand.

Four new airports added to easyJet network for S17

Since August 2016 the following airports have been added to the airline’s network: Calvi on the French island of Corsica (from Geneva); Granada in Spain (Gatwick, Manchester and Milan Malpensa); Varna in Bulgaria (Berlin Schönefeld and Gatwick); and Zadar in Croatia (Malpensa and Luton). In total easyJet is serving 131 airports this summer, with none having beed dropped from the carrier’s network during the past 12 months.


Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
Re: Thread Easyjet

A quanto pare per una serie coincidenze infelici il volo di domenica scorsa (30 luglio) EZY9746 da Zante a Gatwick deve ancora partire...con 48 ore di ritardo.
I passeggeri non sono felicissimi.

Zante airport in 'total chaos': British tourists stranded as easyJet plane is grounded for days

Scores of British holidaymakers have been left stranded in "total chaos" on the Greek island of Zante after an easyJet plane was grounded for at least two days. Technical problems with flight EZY9746 to London Gatwick mean it has been stuck on the tarmac since Sunday. The airline tried to rescue those who had been stranded, but a nighttime curfew on landings reportedly caused by endangered loggerhead turtles mean they had to cancel a relief flight.It follows allegations that a British easyJet passenger reportedly being punched by an airport worker in Nice, in the South of France, on Saturday, as a 14-hour delay with a flight to Luton left furious passengers without food, water and baby supplies.

Many of those involved in the Greek delays have reportedly been left without adequate supplies and there have been problems finding hotel rooms at the height of the tourist season.
Passenger George Trefgarne was originally booked on the flight with his wife Camilla and their two children – Alice, eight, and William, seven – as they tried to get home to London.
Mr Trefgarne said "it was total chaos". He said only cheese sandwiches were available in two airport cafes and ground staff were "totally overwhelmed".
Mr Trefgarne added: "We were among a handful who managed to get out on a Thomson flight, but only after spending nine hours at the airport with no information.
"There were lots of families with children but no easyJet reps and no offers of anything to eat or drink. I feel so sorry for those left behind."
Those not placed on another plane were forced to stay in Zakynthos – as the island is known by its Greek name – and were hoping that the Gatwick flight would finally leave at 2pm local time on Tuesday following a minimum 48-hour delay.

An easyJet spokesman said: "Unfortunately easyJet was unable to operate the flight EZY8746 from Zante to London Gatwick on Sunday due to a technical fault with the aircraft.
"Engineers were immediately dispatched to Zante and believed that the technical issue was rectified [on Monday], however it then reoccurred before boarding which meant the flight could not operate.
"The safety of our passengers and crew is our highest priority and we will only operate if it is safe to do so.
"We do all possible to try and minimise delays and as such planned to send a replacement aircraft. Unfortunately, due to the night curfew rule at the airport, we were unable to get the aircraft into the airport on Monday. The flight is now due to depart on Tuesday afternoon."

easyJet did not supply the exact number of passengers involved or give more details of the technical fault with the plane.

The spokesman added: "Around half of the passengers have travelled on flights with alternative carriers on [Monday afternoon]. Passengers have been provided with hotel accommodation and expense in line with European legislation."
The airline added in a statement: "We are very sorry for the delay and thank customers for their understanding."

Under EU law, passengers flying on short-haul flights that experience delays of more than three hours are entitled to around £220 in compensation.
Zakynthos airport, the only one on the island, is close to beaches where loggerhead turtles lay their eggs at night, prompting the authorities to ban aircraft when it is dark.
The flight to and from Zante from Gatwick normally takes around three-and-a-half hours and often includes many British holidaymakers, especially during the summer months.