TLP 2008-6 Dec 2 & 9 , 2008 - Vipers Heavin...


Utente Registrato
Hi gents,

In occasion with the actual TLP flying course 2008-6, I was able to go at least twice to the course so far.

On both days the wx was far awy from brilliant, but hey, at least they flew and we could get some close-up shots too.
And like I always say, in good conditions everyone can make good shots or not thumbsup
So here you will find my personal highlights from today, as the CFT Greek Vipers are my main focus during this TLP course.
This is the first time I was able to see them on my own, and hopefully the Polish guys will bring as well CFT Vipers in January too :yahoo:

Ok enough with my blabla, and the first impression will tell the story.
More will follow....... :yes:

As always c & c are more as welcome, and thanks for watching


A wet landing of this Grupaer Harrier.....

Let´s burn.....

CFT head-on....

A bit closer....

GRUPAER Harrier this morning on the freezin flightline

VIPER Heavin.... 13 F-16 in a row from 4 nations



Utente Registrato
Hi gents,

here are some more goodies from these two sessions in Florennes....

At first I will post a few shots of the Portuguese F-16AM (15133 F-16AM M17-17/61-629 ) of Esq301 after the a/c had a mishap on Friday Dec 5, 2008.
I was lucky and get this one in sunny conditions 3 days before....
The rest if from this morning and Tuesday last week..

Enjoy them


FAP mishap Viper on final......

CFT close-up - my personal highlight

Nice detail on the tail.....

What a line-up 13 Vipers from 4 nations....

Formation landing from Trapani - nicely blurred

French Navy Rafale buzzing down the runway...

Spanish F1 on final....

CFT Viper taxiing....

FAP Viper on the go.....

GRUPAER wash down the runway....



Utente Registrato
27 Settembre 2006
Dossobuono, Veneto.
Hello Mick, I saw your picture to Florennes of the TLP, and I must tell you that you always Photo extraordinary although at times with the bad weather, I think I go too at some point in the base in Belgium.
Good the greek, but the others are excellent shots, in my opinion the best military aircraft I see on this forum ..:):):):)