Thread Boeing 787


Utente Registrato
14 Dicembre 2007
Fiumicino, Lazio.
Praticamente si deve applicare la "prima legge dell'informatica" : spegnere, scollegare l'alimentazione, contare fino a 10 e riavviare! :)
Mio nipote mi raccontava che lo faceva spesso sui primi Embraer AZ ...


Utente Registrato
5 Luglio 2011
mio figlio che sul 787 ci vola ha detto che nei primi esemplari veniva la classica schermata windows error e occorreva resettare tutto


Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
[FONT=&quot]Air Europa in the second-half of summer season scheduled operational aircraft changes for [/FONT]Madrid – Tel Aviv[FONT=&quot] route, where the airline schedules Boeing 787-8 operation, on 2 of 5 weekly flights. The Dreamliner is scheduled to operate from 17JUL17 to 16OCT17.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]UX1301 MAD0855 – 1445TLV 738 25[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]UX1301 MAD0910 – 1445TLV 788 13[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]UX1303 MAD2350 – 0540+1TLV 738 7[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]UX1304 TLV0810 – 1240MAD 738 1[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]UX1302 TLV1545 – 2015MAD 738 25[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]UX1304 TLV1620 – 2030MAD 788 13[/FONT]

East End Ave

Utente Registrato
13 Agosto 2013
su e giu' sull'atlantico...
Primo volo del 787-10.

Aggiungo, per info (da ns nota aziendale)

Boeing 787-10 takes first flight
On Friday, we joined Boeing in celebrating the first flight of the Boeing 787-10, the newest variant in the 787 family.
Thousands of Boeing employees lined the runway in Charleston, South Carolina, as the aircraft taxied and took off. During the flight, pilots ran tests on aircraft systems and engines. Testing on a new fleet type is rigorous and is conducted all over the world in every possible weather condition. After these flights, the aircraft will undergo months of continued testing before its delivery next year.
We are the North American launch customer for the 787-10, as we were on the 787-8 and 787-9. We have 14 aircraft of this model currently on order and expect to take delivery of the first one in the fourth quarter of 2018. Our new 787-10s will come equipped with our direct-aisle-access United Polaris seats.
The 787-10 is a stretched version of the -9. It has an 85 percent commonality with the smaller model and shares the same engines, cockpit and systems. The 787-10 is 18 feet longer than the 787-9 and can carry more passengers and more cargo over a shorter range.


Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
Qantas will begin daily non-stop flights between Perth and London on its new Boeing 787 Dreamliner from March 24, 2018, with tickets now on sale.
However, as exclusively tipped by Australian Business Traveller in December 2016, the airline will axe its Airbus A380 flights from Melbourne to London via Dubai in favour of the direct Dreamliner service between Perth and London.
The Perth-London flights, which go on sale today, will inherit the QF9 and QF10 numbers of the Melbourne-London superjumbo service and will also begin at Melbourne, offering travellers from the Victorian capital a Dreamliner all the way to London.
[h=3]Introducing the new QF9: Melbourne-Perth-London[/h]The Qantas Boeing 787 bearing the QF9 flight number will depart Melbourne's international terminal at 3.20pm to reach Perth at 5.20pm.
After a 90 minute layover – with most of that time spent at an all-new Qantas Perth International Lounge – the Dreamliner will set off for its non-stop run to London at 6.50pm, reaching Heathrow at 5.10am the following day.
The return journey on QF10 sees the Boeing 787 wheels-up from Heathrow at 1.30pm – affording travellers time to relax in the new Qantas London Lounge slated to open in the second half of this year – arriving into Perth at 1.15pm the next day.
At 2.45pm it continues onto Melbourne, touching down at 8.10pm.
But that's not the end of the run for this busy Boeing 787, which will then become Melbourne-Los Angeles flight QF95 – which is being re-timed to leave Melbourne at 10.40pm for a 5pm arrival into LAX.
Qantas has designed these additional cross-country and trans-Pacific legs to not only maximise the Boeing 787's flying time but also entice Perth residents with a one-stop Dreamliner route to Los Angeles to help fill the plane's seats on the domestic west-east trek.
[h=3]Paying the 'non-stop' premium[/h]However, travellers can expect to pay a premium for the direct Perth-London service over one-stop flights such as London via Dubai.
Qantas is pegging year-round return fares for QF9 as follows:

  • Business class: starting from $9,890 Melbourne-London, and from $9,725 for Perth-London
  • Premium economy: starting from $4,450 Melbourne-London, and from $4,250 for Perth-London
  • Economy: starting from $2,270, "but are expected to drop below $2,000 during sale periods" the airline says
The 14,498km trek will take around 17 hours, which currently pegs it as the third-longest passenger flight in the world, and the world's longest Boeing 787 flight.
“We’re conscious that this is a long flight, but not much longer than our Sydney to Dallas service," says Qantas Group CEO Alan Joyce.
"It’s the kind of route that the Dreamliner was created for, because of its built-in features to reduce jetlag and improve the overall travel experience."
“We’ve added a very high level of comfort in each of the cabins and a lower seat count than most of our competitors. And we’re making tweaks to our in-flight service designed to help customers enjoy the journey more.”
Before setting out for London, business class travellers and other eligible passengers – including Qantas Platinum and Gold frequent flyers and their Oneworld Emerald and Sapphire equivalents, as well as Qantas Club members – will rest up in an all-new Qantas Perth International Lounge being built in a dedicated 'international wing' of the domestic Terminal 3 which will also include immigration, security and quarantine facilities.
Qantas says it will share more details "on the transit experience at Perth" next month.
[h=3]A Dream(liner) run for lounge lizards?[/h]With QF9 starting its journey out of Melbourne's international terminal, this will allow Platinum-grade frequent flyers to book the Boeing 787's Melbourne-Perth leg as a domestic flight – and enjoy the food, drink and spa of the Qantas first class lounge by grabbing even the cheapest economy ticket to Perth.
The timings work well for an east-west business trip, with QF9 out of Melbourne at 3.20pm and arriving into Perth at 5.20pm.
However, Qantas will want to keep open as many seats as possible for travellers who are going the whole way from Melbourne to London rather than doing a short hop for which it already offers a half-dozen domestic flights.
As a result, we expect Qantas will deliberately engineer the Melbourne-Perth pricing of QF9 to be far higher than its domestic equivalents in order to discourage transcon lounge lizards.


Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
[FONT=&quot]Air France yesterday (27APR17) filed planned aircraft changes for winter 2017/18 season, which sees following markets to be operated by the new Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner aircraft.[/FONT]

Paris CDG – Boston eff 29OCT17 [FONT=&quot]787-9 replaces 777-200ER, 1 daily[/FONT]
Paris CDG – Freetown – Conakry eff 21NOV17 [FONT=&quot]787-9 replaces A340-300, 3 weekly[/FONT]
Paris CDG – Nouakchott – Conakry eff 20NOV17 [FONT=&quot]787-9 replaces A340-300, 4 weekly[/FONT]


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
Failed tyre tread penetrated wing of Jetstar 787-8

A Jetstar Boeing 787-8 suffered damage to its left wing and flap system after one of its main landing gear tyres delaminated while taking off from Singapore Changi International airport on 13 May.

As the aircraft, registered VH-VKA, was climbing through 3,000ft enroute to Melbourne, the captain set the aircraft’s flap setting to flaps 1. That triggered a ‘Flaps Drive’ caution alert, indicating a fault with the system.
In response, the crew notified air traffic control and levelled off at 6,000ft to complete a fault checklist. Thereafter, a decision was made to return to Singapore.
The aircraft landed safely and taxied to the gate escorted by emergency service vehicles. Before the flight crew left the aircraft, an engineering staff member advised that they found damage to the left wing. Ground staff meanwhile reported that there was debris on the runway the aircraft had taken off from.
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) says that examination of the aircraft’s main landing gear showed that the tread on one of the tyres had delaminated, penetrated the left under-wing panel, and broke a flap torque tube, triggering the warning.
“The delamination on take-off likely occurred at the southern end of the runway, when the tyre was at high speed, which provided sufficient energy for the tread to penetrate the left under wing panel and break a flap torque tube,” it adds.
Manufacturer Michelin examined the failed tyre, and concluded that the tread had been undercut due to the aircraft mostly operating on grooved runways.
Following the incident, Jetstar issued notices to engineers and pilots highlighting the need to pay close attention to the shoulder areas of the tyres during preflight inspections to help identify any excessive wear.
In its safety message, the ATSB commended Jetstar's crew for their handling of the situation.
“While the condition of the tyre and the exact fault with the flaps were unknown to the flight crew at the time of their decision-making, this occurrence highlights the importance of following failure management procedures.”


Utente Registrato
7 Gennaio 2010
Stavo notando dalla production list che solo recentemente sono stati consegnati ad Ethiopian diversi 787-8 facenti parte dei primissimi LN. Qualcuno ha dettagli in merito?


13 Agosto 2007
Stavo notando dalla production list che solo recentemente sono stati consegnati ad Ethiopian diversi 787-8 facenti parte dei primissimi LN. Qualcuno ha dettagli in merito?
La serie di problemi riscontrati da Boeing durante i test dei 787 ha fatto sì che i primi 20 esemplari prodotti avessero bisogno di notevoli modifiche per essere adeguati agli standard di sicurezza e operativi necessari.
Per alcuni esemplari (tre dei primi, se ben ricordo), il costo delle modifiche in post-produzione fu giudicato proibitivo e gli aerei vennero cannibalizzati o donati. Una quindicina di esemplari, invece,sono stati modificati e consegnati in notevole ritardo ai vettori acquirenti (ANA ne ha ricevuti tre), oppure rifiutati dai vettori ai quali erano destinati e rimessi in vendita con notevoli sconti.
In particolare, 11 esemplari sono rimasti a lungo invenduti e battezzati sarcasticamente terrible teens. Macchine in sovrappeso rispetto alle specifiche del 787-8, col tempo sono state piazzate alla presidenza della Repubblica messicana (1), Air Austral (1), Ethiopian (6), Crystal Air (1), Korean Air (1); un 787 dovrebbe essere rimasto in Boeing. Ciascuno di questi aerei ha avuto bisogno di circa un anno di lavoro per completare le modifiche necessarie.


Utente Registrato
7 Gennaio 2010
Grazie della risposta molto esaustiva. Si hanno dettagli delle specifiche tecniche (peso, autonomia) rispetto agli esemplari che rispettano pienamente le specifiche ?