Thread Boeing 787


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
10 Dicembre 2007
Al di la dei ritardi accumulati, è davvero possibile che tra il 1° volo di un aereo totalmente nuovo e la consegna al 1° cliente passi solo un anno?


Utente Registrato
30 Novembre 2008
Provincia di Milano
Giovedì 27 Agosto 2009, 16:49

Boeing: primo volo 787 entro l'anno

(ANSA) - NEW YORK 27 AGO - Il primo volo del 787 Dreamliner sara' effettuato entro la fine del 2009; il primo velivolo sara' consegnato nel quarto trimestre 2010. Lo afferma Boeing. 'La nuova pianificazione ci da' il tempo necessario per completare il lavoro per consegnare il 787 nelle mani dei consumatori', afferma il presidente e amministratore delegato di Boeing, Jim McNerney. 'Il programma 787 - aggiunge - non sara' in perdita'.
Non ci credo mica, quel coso non credo che volerà tra poco...poi chissà se riuscirà a stare in aria e volare bene..


28 Maggio 2009
Non ci credo mica, quel coso non credo che volerà tra poco...poi chissà se riuscirà a stare in aria e volare bene..
Quante cattive lingue airbussiane ci sono in giro... manca che adesso arrivi il tuo collega di BCN a dire che il 878 è un progetto fallito, che non volerà mai e che solo lui, emh solo airbus fa i successi con il 380 (che proprio in tema di cessi nei primi voli di linea aveva proprio problemi con gli scarichi dei bagni)



Utente Registrato
13 Gennaio 2008
Quante cattive lingue airbussiane ci sono in giro... manca che adesso arrivi il tuo collega di BCN a dire che il 878 è un progetto fallito, che non volerà mai e che solo lui, emh solo airbus fa i successi con il 380 (che proprio in tema di cessi nei primi voli di linea aveva proprio problemi con gli scarichi dei bagni)

Io sono un airbussiano, e nonostante abbia lavorato per quello che sarà il suo concorrente, dico che il 787 è un aereo che presenta davvero tante belle novità interessanti.
Però, da ingegnere, sono pragmatico e dico che queste novità saranno davvero innovative... quando funzioneranno. Per ora, a funzionare è solo la forza di gravità, che lo tiene vincolato a terra da due anni.


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
10 Dicembre 2007
SOURCE:Air Transport Intelligence news
Boeing offers needed clarity for 787 development
By Jon Ostrower

Boeing ended more than two months of uncertainty on its 787 programme when the airframer unveiled the latest schedule revision of first flight and first delivery.

The company says the 787 will fly by the end of 2009, with first delivery coming a year later in the fourth quarter of 2010. The latest schedule adds an additional six to nine months to almost two years of delays already incurred by Boeing's flagship product. First delivery to Japan's All Nippon Airways was originally planned for May 2008.

Pat Shanahan, vice president of airplane programs says that ZA001, Boeing's first 787, is "functionally ready to fly on all accounts" aside from the side of body structural modifications that have grounded the 787 fleet since the disclosure of the issue on 23 June.

Boeing CEO Jim McNerney says "the design details and implementation plan [for the modification] are nearly complete, and the team is preparing airplanes for modification and testing".

Shanahan says that the company will install the side of body modification on the the static test aircraft and ZA001 concurrently, with full scale static testing to take place before 787 is cleared for flight.

Boeing's revised schedule extends the flight test campaign "with the addition of several weeks of schedule margin to reduce flight test and certification risk". The flight test programme methodology remains unchanged, with the company still believing it can complete certification in 8 to 9 months, yet the fourth quarter target for first delivery provides Boeing up to a year if needed.

The company also revised its production plan of meeting a rate of 10 787's per month, which will now be achieved by the end of 2013, one year later than previously planned.

Scott Carson, president of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, says that without a second final assembly line, the company will only be able to produce seven 787s per month at its existing Everett, WA facility.

Just days before the 27 August release of the revised schedule, the company announced it was filing permits in with the government of North Charleston, SC to remove any "administrative issue that stood in the way of the decision", says Carson.

In addition, Boeing has declared that the first three of six flight test aircraft "have no commercial market value beyond the development effort due to the inordinate amount of rework and unique and extensive modifications made to those aircraft".

As a result, the company has taken a write off of $2.5B as the three planes are shifted from inventory to research and development expenses. Boeing maintains that aircraft four through six remain viable and will likely go to VIP customers.

The shift in schedule also slides the 787-9 entry into service with Air New Zealand from early 2013 to later the same year.


6 Novembre 2005
bel paese là dove 'l sì suona
Carson steps down, IDS's Albaugh to lead Boeing Commercial Airplanes

Tuesday September 1, 2009

Beset by continuing problems with the 787 program, Boeing Commercial Airplanes President and CEO Scott Carson announced that he will retire from the company at year end.
He will be succeeded effective today by Boeing Integrated Defense Systems President and CEO Jim Albaugh. A Boeing spokesperson said Carson will help with the transition and work on special projects during his remaining time with the company.
"The decision to retire was Scott's," Boeing Chairman, President and CEO Jim McNerney said during a conference call with reporters. In a statement, he praised Carson's "long record of accomplishment across many disciplines, functions and businesses, and the enduring contributions he has made to Boeing through 38 years of service."
Carson, 63, was named CEO in September 2006, succeeding Alan Mulally, who left to become CEO of Ford Motor Co. Carson previously had been credited with rejuvenating Boeing's sales efforts after he was named BCA's VP-sales in December 2004 following the loss to Airbus of a number of key sales campaigns.
He inherited a troubled 787 program, although it was not clear he realized the seriousness of the problems at the time. Less than a year after taking over, he presided over the company's global premiere of the Dreamliner on July 8, 2007, but then had to announce a series of extensive and embarrassing program glitches, the most recent of which occurred just days after he had all but guaranteed the aircraft would fly before the end of June. Last week, Boeing announced that the 787 is expected to fly "by the end of 2009".
Carson's tenure also saw the manufacturer's other major development program, the 747-8, experience delays and cost overruns and a cool market reception for the passenger version. But he presided over a period of record aircraft ordering activity as well and steered the company through a lengthy strike by its assembly line workers. Prior to being named VP-sales, he headed the company's Connexion by Boeing broadband connectivity unit. He also served as executive VP and CFO of BCA.
Albaugh has led Boeing's defense, space and associated services businesses since 2002. He began his career with Rockwell's aerospace and defense businesses, which Boeing acquired in 1996. Succeeding him at IDS is Dennis Muilenburg, 45. who previously was president of IDS's Global Services & Support unit.

by Perry Flint


Utente Registrato
15 Dicembre 2007
Foggia, ritardi per il Boeing: 150 in cassa integrazione

Rallenta il varo del nuovo Boeing 787, il ritardo accumulato per il primo volo di collaudo è ormai di quasi due anni. Di questa situazione ne risente per la prima volta anche lo stabilimento Alenia Aeronautica di borgo Incoronata. Al rientro dalle ferie i lavoratori si sono sentiti pronunciare dall’azienda l’annuncio che si farà ricorso alla cassa integrazione per arginare lo stop delle commesse da parte del costruttore americano.

Lo stabilimento foggiano, come si ricorderà, partecipa all’impegnativo e ambizioso programma industriale realizzando lo stabilizzatore di coda del nuovo aereo commerciale, oltre a fornire il know-how tecnologico all’impianto di Grottaglie per la produzione della fusoliera interamente in fibra di carbonio.

La cassa integrazione si riaffaccia in Alenia dopo quasi otto anni. L’azienda ha chiesto un periodo di tredici settimane, ordinaria, per 150 lavoratori. Sono gli addetti al programma per il «787»? Tutto lo lascia supporre anche se nessuna comunicazione è stata finora ufficializzata. I sindacati però si augurano che la cig venga applicata a rotazione fra tutti i seicento e passa operai addetti alla produzione di tutte le commesse di Alenia e dunque che non paghino soltanto gli addetti al programma «787».

Il piano verrà attuato la prossima settimana. «Ci auguriamo di poter incontrare prima il capo del personale per le opportune valutazioni del caso», spiega il segretario della Fiom-Cgil Antonio Ladaga. «La rotazione, a nostro avviso, è il principio più corretto per attutire il colpo della cassa integrazione sullo stipendio di un operaio. Se ci sono i presupposti per farla, e in Alenia ritengo che vi siano, è necessario che l’azienda provveda».

Intanto dal quartier generale a Everett, nello stato di Washington, Boeing ha motivato il sesto rinvio del primo volo del 787 Dreamliner con la «necessità di rafforzare una zona laterale della fusoliera».

«L'esigenza - informa una nota del costruttore americano - è stata individuata nel corso delle prove sull’esemplare dell’aereo dedicato alla prove statiche. Un'analisi preliminare ha indicato che il volo di prova programmato nel giugno scorso avrebbe potuto procedere come previsto. Tuttavia, in seguito a ulteriori test e alla valutazione di eventuali modifiche ai piani di volo di prova, è stata presa la decisione di rimandare il primo volo sino a quando i collaudi stessi potranno essere proficui. Il primo volo e la prima consegna - chiarisce ancora Boeing - saranno riprogrammati in seguito alla definizione precisa delle modifiche.

Nel frattempo proseguiranno altri collaudi sull’aereo, compreso il collaudo finale di criticità e le prove di rullaggio a bassa velocità. Il lavoro proseguirà anche con gli altri cinque aeromobili compresi nel programma di prove in volo».

02 Settembre 2009


6 Novembre 2005
bel paese là dove 'l sì suona
Boeing begins 787 mods; Oman Air wavers on order

Friday September 25, 2009

Boeing said it has started making the upper wing join area fix on the first flight test 787 and the static test Dreamliner to address the structural weakness identified in June that led to the program's latest delay.
The manufacturer said in August that first flight "is expected by the end of 2009" with first delivery to launch customer ANA pushed back to the 2010 fourth quarter, and insisted that the wing join area modification is relatively simple.
"Modifications are indeed underway," Boeing Commercial Airplanes VP-Marketing Randy Tinseth wrote on his blog. "We've begun installing the reinforcements on the area within the side-of-body section on [the first flight test 787] and on the static airframe. We're mounting new fittings at stringer attachment locations within the joint where the wing attaches to the fuselage." He said the modifications on ZA001, the first flight test 787, are being done in Boeing's Everett paint hangar. Modifications on the other five flight test aircraft will begin shortly, he added.
Meanwhile, Oman Air CEO Peter Hill said the airline is not certain it will stick with its commitment to lease six 787s from ALAFCO. It signed a contract with the Kuwaiti lessor two years ago. "I think we will take a decision once it has flown. Let's see when it flies," Hill told Reuters.
"There have to be concerns about Boeing's ability to deliver that aircraft as it was originally designed. My predecessors bought it on the basis of a whole load of performance guarantees and delivery dates. So far Boeing haven't demonstrated that the confidence we put in it is going to be met in the near future," he said. "Boeing are playing it very close to their chest. It doesn't help for great dialogue between customers and the company and that is a criticism. We are not being kept informed enough on what's really going on. That begs the question, do they really know how to solve some of these issues?"

by Aaron Karp


Utente Registrato
10 Settembre 2006
...mi ricordo questa estate a Le Bourget ...conferenza stampa Boeing Day1 o 2 non ricordo..chalet Boeing(ero li).
Il SVP di boeing assicurava che , come gia' ripetuto piu' volte, il velivolo avrebbe compiuto il maiden flight entro Q2(cioe' entro 15 gg da li').
2 giorni dopo e' uscita la notizia da Everett dei probleri ale giunture del cassone alare...
ritardo non stimato ma evidentemente lungo.
che dire aspettiamoci di tutto e speriamo per il meglio..
Una cosa e' certa : oggi nessuna compagnia si strappa i capelli se qualsiasi velivolo viene consegnato in ritaro...anzi!!!


Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
TUI Travel to cancel 10 787s
By David Kaminski-Morrow

TUI Travel is to cancel 10 of the 23 Boeing 787s which the tour operator has on order, but plans to add purchase rights for another 13.

The company became one of the first European customers for the jet when First Choice Airways - with which TUI subsequently merged - committed to the type in 2004.

First Choice firmed an initial order for six 787s in 2005, and became the launch customer for the General Electric GENx engine on the twin-jet.

It had firmed another six options by March 2007, when the merger with TUI was unveiled.

These were combined with a previously-undisclosed 787 order from TUI giving the combined company, TUI Travel, a total of 23 of the jets.

But in a trading update today TUI Travel says: "We have been in extensive discussions with Boeing...and it is the intention of both parties to agree to cancel 10 of the 23 787 aircraft that we had on order."

It says it will add purchase rights, with no obligation, for a further 13 787s. "This optimises the flexibility around our long-haul capacity and we expect to receive delivery of the first 787 aircraft in early 2012," it adds.

TUI Travel also insists that, despite the decision, the 787 is the "ideal aircraft" for its long-haul requirements.

"Not only will it be able to fly greater distances than equivalent aircraft today but it will do so with greater fuel efficiency and additional comfort for our customers," it says.


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
10 Dicembre 2007

Bernstein flags 787 wiring issue, early A350 delay
Thursday October 1, 2009

New production issues related to wiring present yet another challenge to the 787 program and threaten further delivery delays, according to a new report from Bernstein Research, which also claimed that the early stage of the A350 program is behind schedule.

According to the analysts, Boeing is moving to a new model for wiring beginning with the 13th 787, while airplanes 7 through 12 are being rewired. ATWOnline confirmed the new wiring standard with a Boeing source. Dubbed "Net Change 5," it is aimed at reducing weight and improving maintainability.

"We understand that wiring that has been installed on airplanes 7 through 12 (or sections of airplanes 11 and 12) is now being completely removed to enable rewiring. . .which reduces our confidence in Boeing's ability to meet delivery date goals, although we see it as positive that Boeing has stretched the time between first flight and delivery to 12 months," Bernstein stated in the report.

It does believe the 787 will achieve first flight before year end but warned that "substantial challenges remain as the program heads toward first delivery [to ANA], planned at the end of 2010." Owing to uncertainty among customers, the manufacturer has suffered 83 787 cancellations this year (ATWOnline, Sept. 30).

While the program is running 2.5 years behind the original schedule, its likely main competitor, the A350, is off to a slow start, Bernstein claimed. Citing information from suppliers, it said, "the A350 schedule is beginning to slip at an early stage. . .and is now five to six months behind schedule." It noted that Airbus believes the time can be made up.

Since the 787 is so delay-plagued, Bernstein views Airbus as having an advantage in the battle for sales despite its early stage delay, explaining, "The company is learning from Boeing's experiences on the 787 and has pursued a more conservative design strategy." Nevertheless, Airbus's challenges are "still significant, with constrained engineering resources, a new composite material, and a new supplier network," the report stated.

Bernstein predicted that both companies will "face challenges in developing stretched versions of their base airplanes, with weight reduction likely to be a key issue." It noted that while the 787-9 should be the most popular version of the 787 family, the interval between 787-8 first delivery and 787-9 first delivery has moved from two to three years. It said Airbus will "likely have similar issues in weight reduction to move from the A350-900 to the A350-1000, although they are not yet as clear."

by Geoffrey Thomas


6 Novembre 2005
bel paese là dove 'l sì suona
787 remains on track to fly this year

Monday October 19, 2009

Responding to media speculation that its 787 program may suffer more delays because of the complex side-of-body modification, Boeing VP and GM-787 Dreamliner Program Scott Fancher issued a statement Friday claiming that the troubled aircraft is on schedule to fly this year.

"The design of the side-of-body solution is on track. Installations of the fittings are proceeding well and we are pleased with the progress we are making on this important effort. We continue to be on track to fly the 787 by the end of the year," Fancher said. The manufacturer will deliver a more comprehensive review of the program's status on Oct. 21 during its third-quarter earnings call.

Last week, various media outlets reported that sources on the 787 production line claimed that some parts of the fix needed redesign, which may push first flight into 2010. Supporting that scenario, the first flight aircraft, ZA001, which was scheduled to return to flight test on Oct. 15, remains in the paint hangar where the modification is being undertaken.

Separately, Boeing has come up a plan to ease the certification pressures created by the overlaps in the 787 and 747-8 programs. The 787 flight test program will be based at Boeing Field while flight testing for the 747-8F will be conducted at remote sites. Its initial airworthiness testing will be conducted at Moses Lake in central Washington. Once that is completed, the three 747-8s in the certification program will be located at Palmdale, Calif., for the balance of the testing.

by Geoffrey Thomas


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
10 Dicembre 2007
Crederò alla data sul primo volo del 787 solamente quando se ne parlerà al passato (il 787 ha fatto il 1° volo oggi, ecc ecc). Dopo 2 anni e mezzo di pacchi a ripetizione e l' avviso che comunque ci sono ancora problemi da risolvere, non mi fido più delle dichiarazioni di Boeing.
Secondo me, nella migliore delle ipotesi, ANA vedrà i suoi primi 787-8 nel 2011 inoltrato, mentre per il 787-9 se ne riparla verso il 2014-2015.

dario abbece

Utente Registrato
2 Ottobre 2008
Boeing si veste di rosso

(Teleborsa) - Roma, 21 ott - In discesa in avvio il titolo Boeing. Le azioni della società aerospaziale, componenti del paniere del Dow Jones 30, stanno registrando una minusvalenza di tre quarti di punto percentuale, dopo la notizia di un trimestre in perdita, con stime tagliate per il 2009.
Il colosso statunitense ha chiuso il terzo trimestre con una perdita di 1,6 mld di dollari, pari a 2,23 dollari per azione, rispetto all'utile di 695 mln (96 cents per azione) dello stesso periodo dello scorso anno. I ricavi invece sono saliti del 9% a 16,7 mld dai 15,3 mld precedenti.
Tali dati risultano peggiori anche delle previsioni degli analisti, che avevano indicato un EPS di 1,93 dollari e ricavi per 17,2 mld di dollari.
Boeing, alla luce di tali risultati, ha rivisto al ribasso le sue stime di EPS per il 2009. Ora prevede un utile per azione compreso tra 1,35-1,55 dollari rispetto al range 4,70-5 dollari previsto in precedenza.

21/10/2009 - 15:44


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
10 Dicembre 2007

Boeing to Place Second 787 Assembly Line in North Charleston, SC

These images are available for editorial use by news media.
SEATTLE, Oct. 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) today announced that it has chosen its North Charleston, S.C., facility as the location for a second final assembly site for the 787 Dreamliner program. Boeing evaluated criteria that were designed to find the final assembly location within the company that would best support the 787 business plan as the program increases production rates. In addition to serving as a location for final assembly of 787 Dreamliners, the facility also will have the capability to support the testing and delivery of the airplanes.
"Establishing a second 787 assembly line in Charleston will expand our production capability to meet the market demand for the airplane," said Jim Albaugh, president and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "This decision allows us to continue building on the synergies we have established in South Carolina with Boeing Charleston and Global Aeronautica," he said, adding that this move will strengthen the company's competitiveness and sustainability and help it grow for the long term.
Boeing Charleston performs fabrication, assembly and systems installation for the 787 aft fuselage sections. Across the street, Global Aeronautica, which is 50 percent owned by Boeing, is responsible for joining and integrating 787 fuselage sections from other structural partners.
Until the second 787 assembly line is brought on line in North Charleston, Boeing will establish transitional surge capability at its Everett, Wash., location to ensure the successful introduction of the 787-9, the first derivative model of the 787. When the second line in Charleston is up and operating, the surge capability in Everett will be phased out.
"We're taking prudent steps to protect the interests of our customers as we introduce the 787-9 and ramp up overall production to 10 twin-aisle 787 jets per month," said Albaugh.
"While we welcome the development of this expanded capability at Boeing Charleston, the Puget Sound region is the headquarters of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. Everett will continue to design and produce airplanes, including the 787, and there is tremendous opportunity for our current and future products here," Albaugh emphasized. "We remain committed to Puget Sound."
Approximately 55 airlines have ordered around 840 787 airplanes since the program was launched in 2003. The 787 family of airplanes will carry 200 to 250 passengers on flights up to 8,200 nautical miles (15,200 km). The 787 will be more efficient, quieter and have lower emissions than other airplanes while offering passengers greater comfort and the convenience of direct, nonstop flights between more cities around the world.
"The 787 will provide airlines with unprecedented operating economics and efficiencies. It also will take passengers where they want to go, when they want to go, and do it more comfortably and affordably than ever before," Albaugh said. "This airplane will allow us to continue to set the standard for commercial aviation in the second century of flight."

Da notare che l' autonomia massima in "famiglia" è stata ridotta a 8200 NM dalle precedenti 8500.
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