

Utente Registrato
1 Febbraio 2012
Che colpo dovrebbe battere in questo momento? Senza COA non ha molto da fare (salvo, sempre che sia stata presentata la pratica, fare le pulci prima del rilascio, ma sembra che non stiano cercando un COA italiano).
Io ragiono con una logica predittiva…


Utente Registrato
19 Febbraio 2017
Ho seguito poco la cosa ma, considerando che si sta creando sempre più “hype” in giro, chiedo ai più esperti: sarà una low-cost? Una “legacy”? Chi ci mette i soldi? Gli aerei da dove vengono? Il Coa dove lo prenderanno?


Utente Registrato
27 Febbraio 2014
non so se avete letto il post sotto, a cena con quelli di global airlines, probabilmente stanno trattando di comprare dei 380 in nuda proprieta'....


Utente Registrato
1 Febbraio 2012
Dal profilo Linkedin del CEO…

We are really pleased to announce that even the last missing piece in the complicated financial chain to support AviAROMA's five-year development has been completed with enormous success.
We did well; we held out without resorting to respectable private equity firms, who, however, put us in a corner; they wanted to impose a mechanism to reduce the revolution that we would like to bring to the sector.
Likewise, we needed a source of financing to cover the moments in which our business plan tells us that we will have negative cash flow without running the risk of stopping the development that must go according to plan.
We invented it, we pursued it with the US authorities, we looked for and found modern, smart, and intelligent partners, and today I can say that we have written another new page in this industrial sector.
Another little treasure inside our small treasure chest. Allow me to be very satisfied with the fact that I knew how to wait, and it paid off, and how it paid off is spectacular. Another fundamental step forward, and that's good. This form of financing is beautiful, aesthetically sinuous, and satisfies my continuous search for beauty. Anyone who is rushing and finds beauty has all my respect, but in my case, I need a little more time. Maybe I'm a little retarded? It could be

Il raccordo tra sistema di finanziamento e ricerca della bellezza rende questo post sublime. Peccato per l’ultima frase che rovina un po’ la poesia…

East End Ave

Utente Registrato
13 Agosto 2013
su e giu' sull'atlantico...
Dal profilo Linkedin del CEO…

We are really pleased to announce that even the last missing piece in the complicated financial chain to support AviAROMA's five-year development has been completed with enormous success.
We did well; we held out without resorting to respectable private equity firms, who, however, put us in a corner; they wanted to impose a mechanism to reduce the revolution that we would like to bring to the sector.
Likewise, we needed a source of financing to cover the moments in which our business plan tells us that we will have negative cash flow without running the risk of stopping the development that must go according to plan.
We invented it, we pursued it with the US authorities, we looked for and found modern, smart, and intelligent partners, and today I can say that we have written another new page in this industrial sector.
Another little treasure inside our small treasure chest. Allow me to be very satisfied with the fact that I knew how to wait, and it paid off, and how it paid off is spectacular. Another fundamental step forward, and that's good. This form of financing is beautiful, aesthetically sinuous, and satisfies my continuous search for beauty. Anyone who is rushing and finds beauty has all my respect, but in my case, I need a little more time. Maybe I'm a little retarded? It could be

Il raccordo tra sistema di finanziamento e ricerca della bellezza rende questo post sublime. Peccato per l’ultima frase che rovina un po’ la poesia…
post delirante...sono seriamente preoccupato...
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Dr. AlphaMike

Utente Registrato
21 Aprile 2015
Io sono convinto che sia un delirio a base di acidi degno di un TSO.
Sono arrivato al minuto 20 ed ecco alcun perle: i dipendenti diventano ambassador, stanno per lanciare un app per comprare esperienze, cabin crew che prima di entrare in servizio dovrà fare corsi da baristi per vendere drink a bordo come in via veneto, cosa molto captive cit., In azienda ci sarà un dipartimento musicale all'interno dell'azienda.

Degna di nota la flotta che sarà composta sia da aerei microregional fino ai WB, ancillary revenues stimate al 30-40% delle entrate contro il 15% dello standard attuale e costo del personale che passa dal 13% attuale al 32% fisso fino al 40% grazie all' hyperwelfare.